Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1774 Jintai captures Uesugi Kennobu alive

Chapter 1774 Jintai captures Uesugi Kennobu alive
Chapter 1772: Jintai captured Uesugi Kannobu alive
"The strength of this Jintai is really terrifying. Even if Honda Zhongsheng wins, I am afraid that he is not an opponent. If I face him, I will definitely die."

Uesugi Kennobu's strength is not weak. Among the armies in Japan, only Tokugawa Ieyasu's top general, Tadakatsu Honda, has the strength to defeat her steadily.

Uesugi Kannobu also fought against Honda Tadakatsu. Although she lost, she was not powerless to fight back. In short, the defeat was an honor.

But when facing Jintai, she couldn't even bring up the heart of resistance. This is a kind of crushing despair. It can be seen that the strength gap between the two sides is huge
Will I end up in the same way as Mao Liyuan?

At this point, Uesugi's confidence is full of fear. She is still young and still has a good time, so she can't just die here.


Uesugi Kennobu hastened to mobilize his war horse, and ran for his life decisively. Now she can no longer care about the army, and the most important thing is to save her life.

Uesugi Kenshin hadn't run far, but Qi Jiguang rode his horse to block his way, and said coldly, "You want to run now? It's too late."

"Go away."

Uesugi Kenshin waved his big sword and roared angrily. With all his strength, he knocked Qi Jiguang back with just one blow.

[Ding dong, Uesugi Kenshin's skill 'Sword God' suppresses Qi Jiguang's 'Sword King' by 1 point of force, and Qi Jiguang's force has dropped to 107 currently. 】


Qi Jiguang looked at the opponent with a face of surprise. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to accept the fact that he was indeed not the opponent's opponent, but it was not so easy for the opponent to defeat him.

"Come again."

After Qi Jiguang dispelled the numbness in his hand, he went up to him with vigor. His purpose was not to defeat Uesugi Kenshin, but to entangle him to buy time for Jintai. As soon as Jintai arrived, he would naturally be able to capture him alive easily. Member Japanese will.

Uesugi Kenshin was eager to escape, so naturally he went all out, but Qi Jiguang was not weak, and he couldn't get rid of it in a short time. Under the full entanglement of the other party, Uesugi Kenshin couldn't escape at full speed.


Uesugi Kenshin gritted his teeth and said, turned his head again, all three souls were frightened, and he saw that Jintai had broken through the army and was very close to her.

"Get out of the way."

Uesugi Kenshin worked hard and finally repelled Qi Jiguang with his men and horses again, but before she could escape, Jintai had already arrived.

"Japanese pirates, die."

Jin Tai raised his saber and roared, the supreme dragon-slaying saber in his hand danced airtightly, and enveloped Uesugi Kennobu's whole body.

[Ding dong, Jintai skill 'Wu Zong' effect 2 activates, when punching an enemy or general, it can suppress the opponent by 1~6 points of force.

Currently suppressing Uesugi Kenshin's force by 4 points, Uesugi Kenshin's force has dropped to 106. 】

Uesugi Kannobu at 106, facing Jintai at 119, the force gap between the two sides is as high as 13 points, how can Uesugi Kannobu resist? ,

Uesugi Kenshin had only resisted two stabs, and the corner of his mouth had already started to bleed, and the tiger's mouth was completely shattered. It was obvious that he had suffered internal injuries, and he couldn't last long.

The third sword fell, and the big sword in Uesugi Kennobu's hand was knocked flying by Jintai.

Seeing that the fourth knife was about to fall, the unarmed Uesugi Kannobu could only close his eyes and wait for death.


Uesugi Kenshin closed his eyes in despair, but at this moment Qi Jiguang quickly shouted: "Wait."

When Jintai heard this, he quickly retreated, the blade almost slashed across his neck, only cutting through a shallow layer of skin, but did not cut off Uesugi Kennobu's head.


Feeling the heat on his neck, Uesugi Kannobu thought that his throat had been cut and he was dead, so he broke down and yelled.

"Huh? I'm not dead? I'm not dead yet?"

Soon Uesugi Kennobu reacted, and when he realized that his skin was only broken and his life was not in danger, he immediately looked ecstatic, but then he was punched in the lower abdomen by Jintai again.


Uesugi Kannobu suddenly vomited a big mouthful of blood, and then he curled up and was blown off the horse's back by the punch. After landing, he lay on the ground and retched non-stop, as if he wanted to vomit his stomach out.

After killing Uesugi Kannobu with one punch, Jintai looked at Qi Jiguang suspiciously, and said, "Why do you keep these Japanese pirates?"

"This Japanese pirate rebellion not only occurred under our Qin army's jurisdiction, but Japanese pirates also appeared in the coastal states."

Qi Jiguang's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "I guess these Japanese pirates must have agreed to come together, and they must have contact information with each other.

This person is one of the leaders of the Japanese pirates, and if he is spared, he will be able to obtain some useful information. "

"It makes sense. If that's the case, let him have his life first."

Jin Tai nodded, then smiled and said: "General Qi, your marksmanship is not well practiced, and you almost lost against the young Japanese general. How will you succeed if you face Li, Tang and Shuhan in the future?"

Hearing this, Qi Jiguang's face suddenly flashed a trace of embarrassment, his strength is not considered weak, and this Japanese general is not simple, but Jintai's strength is too strong, which makes them look weak.

"Ashamed, ashamed, Qi will definitely practice martial arts hard in the future." Qi Jiguang smiled wryly.

"Well, after this battle is over, how about I give you some pointers?"

"Really? Thank you so much, brother Jin."

Qi Jiguang was immediately overjoyed. After all, the free guidance of a fierce general like Jintai is not available to everyone. Naturally, it is impossible for him to miss it.

Qin Hao is still hesitating about the three candidates for 'Wu Zong' effect 4 to improve the force, but he doesn't know that Qi Jiguang has already taken one of the three spots this year.

Seeing that the soldiers had tied up Uesugi Kanshin, Qi Jiguang immediately said to Jintai: "Brother Jin, although the Japanese pirates failed to break through, they are still desperately resisting. Please ask Brother Jin to lead the cavalry to defeat these Japanese pirates."


After bowing back with fists clasped, Jin Tai immediately led the cavalry out, while Qi Jiguang prepared to push Uesugi Kanesin back, and waited quietly for Jin Tai to return from victory.

Qi Jiguang approached Uesugi Kenshin's horse slowly, letting the moon grow its hair, caressing BMW's mane, and praised: "A good horse, I never thought that the Japanese island country can raise such a good horse..."

Before the word 'horse' could be uttered, Qi Jiguang suddenly heard a whistle, and then the docile Fangyue Shengmao suddenly ran away and kicked Qi Jiguang's head violently with one hoof.

At the critical moment, Qi Jiguang, who had no time to avoid it, subconsciously crossed his hands to protect his head, and at the same time, the internal energy of his whole body poured into his hands.


With the kick from the BMW, Qi Jiguang barely stopped, and was kicked flying more than ten meters away, only then did he completely stop the impact.

Qi Jiguang, who resisted the kick, was in a miserable state at this time. Even the arm armor on his hand was broken by the kick. It can be seen how powerful the kick was, but fortunately, Qi Jiguang's life was not injured. .

 From the second update to... a total of 13 chapters are still owed...

(End of this chapter)

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