Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1775 Annihilation of Japanese Bandits

Chapter 1775 Annihilation of Japanese Bandits
Chapter 1773: Wiping Out Japanese Bandits
"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

Qi Jiguang couldn't help crying. At this time, his arms were completely numb, and it spread quickly all over his body. He felt that his arms were not his own, and he even wondered if all the bones were broken by kicking.

"This damn beast."

Qi Jiguang couldn't help cursing angrily. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he saw BMW break free from several soldiers, and then rushed towards Uesugi Kannobu not far away.

Dozens of soldiers gathered around, trying to stop the crazy BMW, but they were either knocked down by Fangyue Shengmao or knocked into the air. The scene was chaotic, and they were about to rush to Uesugi Kannobu's side after a while.

Seeing this, Qi Jiguang couldn't help thinking that something was wrong, and quickly shouted: "Look at that Japanese pirate."

As soon as the words fell, Kennobu Uesugi suddenly burst into flames.

Taking advantage of the soldier's attention on the horse, Uesugi Kansan believed in secret luck, and the muscles all over his body shrank a lot in an instant, and his whole body became much thinner, which made the rope that was tightly binding her fall automatically. down.

Uesugi Kannobu, who had regained his freedom, endured the injuries on his body, punched and kicked three times, wounding all the Qin soldiers around him, and then blew a loud whistle.


The BMW, which was confused by the soldiers, was full of hair on the moon. When it heard the familiar whistle, it knew the position of its owner, and rushed towards Uesugi Kennobu, and Uesugi Kannobu also ran towards the horse on foot. In the past, he jumped into the air and sat firmly on the horseback.

"not good."

Seeing this, Qi Jiguang didn't even care about his injuries, so he was going to stop Uesugi Kennobu, but before he took two steps, a sense of paralysis came over him, and he almost fell to the ground.

After Qi Jiguang recovered, Uesugi Kenshin had already regained his treasured sword, and left the army and fled the battlefield alone.


Qi Jiguang's face was full of reluctance, and he punched the ground violently, making a small hole in the ground, but he was already aggrieved in his heart.

The cooked duck just flew like this?

Of course Qi Jiguang was not reconciled to letting Uesugi Kanshin escape like this, and quickly ordered: "Separate fifty riders and follow this general to chase after him. This general has been seriously injured and can't escape far."

"But General Qi, all the cavalry have been taken away by General Jintai."

Qi Jiguang froze for a moment, he was almost fainted from anger, this order was issued by himself.

"Then I will chase after myself."

As he spoke, Qi Jiguang moved his arms. Although his arms were still sore and painful, the numbness that spread all over his body had already subsided, so it did not prevent him from continuing to fight.

Stepping on his curly horse, Qi Jiguang chased directly to the place where Uesugi Kanshin escaped. The reason why he dared to go after him alone was because Uesugi Kanshin was injured much more seriously than him.

Qi Jiguang thought that Uesugi Kenshin was seriously injured and couldn't escape very far, but he couldn't catch up with him for twenty miles, so he had no choice but to go back the same way.

After Qi Jiguang returned, the war was completely over, and even the battlefield was almost cleaned up.

"General Qi, haven't you caught up?"

Jin Tai asked with a serious face, he already knew the news that the captured Japanese general escaped after he left, and he also felt a little inconceivable in his heart.

Jintai hit Uesugi Kenshin with his punch, although he didn't use all his strength, even a bodybuilder would lie down for several months, but this person punched him hard, not only he was fine, but he was still alive The power to escape is somewhat incredible.

Jintai had to admit that he underestimated Uesugi Kannobu.

Hearing Jin Tai's words, a trace of helplessness flashed in Qi Jiguang's eyes, and he said with a wry smile: "No, I haven't caught up after chasing for twenty miles, maybe I went the wrong way."

"Hey, I really underestimated that Japanese general. I could escape after being punched by this general. If I knew he was so cunning, I should have punched him to death." Jin Tai said with a look of displeasure.

"Don't worry, he can't escape."

A trace of coldness flashed in Qi Jiguang's eyes, and he sneered, "The only place the Japanese general can go is at the fleet, and before this battle begins, Qi has sent a letter to General Zhou Yu to lead the navy to get it." If he went down to the water village of the Japanese pirates, he fled back to the fleet, but he was throwing himself into a trap."

"And this thing? That's really great." Jin Tai laughed.

"By the way, what is the result of this battle? How many casualties did our army have? How many enemies were killed?" Qi Jiguang asked.

"Haha, because of your command, General Qi, our army has defeated the Japanese pirates in this battle. All the Japanese pirates will not be left alive. A total of [-] Japanese pirates will be killed, and less than [-] self-damaged. The Japanese pirates have already been wiped out."

Jin Tai smiled and reported that this battle was a great one, and it also washed away his previous grievances.

"That's good."

Qi Jiguang also secretly heaved a sigh of relief. After seeing the fierce and fearless fighting style of the Japanese pirates, he thought that even if it was an ambush, he would lose at least two thousand people in this battle, but he didn't expect that the final casualties were less than one thousand. .

After a little contemplation, Qi Jiguang guessed the reason. It should be that Jintai killed Mori Moto and then captured Uesugi Kennobu alive, which made the morale of the Japanese pirates drop, and the subsequent war would be so easy.

"It's convenient to have a top-notch general under his command!"

Qi Jiguang looked at Jintai gratefully. If it wasn't for Jintai, he would never have won this battle so easily. It's a pity that Jintai will leave his command after this battle.

"Although our army wiped out the Japanese pirates, we found that there are still some Han Chinese among the Japanese pirates."

"What? How could the Han people seek refuge with Japanese pirates?" Qi Jiguang looked surprised.

"Hmph, they are all water bandits in the nearby waters. I didn't expect to join the Japanese pirates and bully my compatriots in turn."

With a look of disgust on Jin Tai's face, he continued: "My lord's order was not to keep a single Japanese pirate, so Jin Tai killed all the Japanese pirates, leaving no prisoners.

But these water bandits were Han Chinese after all, and there were nearly 500 descendants. Jintai really didn't know how to deal with them. "

"How can we deal with it? Since they joined the Japanese pirates, they are no longer Han Chinese."

A cold light flashed in Qi Jiguang's eyes, and he said coldly: "Send the order and kill."

Jin Tai smiled, cupped his fists and said, "No."

Following Qi Jiguang's order, all five hundred traitors were killed.


On the other hand, after Zhou Yu received Qi Jiguang's letter from Feige, knowing that the place the Japanese pirates chose to loot was Qi Jiguang's side, he couldn't help but secretly regret it, and then decisively led the navy to encircle and suppress the water village of the Japanese pirates.

Although the Japanese pirates have already landed, there will definitely be people guarding the water village.

The Japanese pirates have robbed so much money and food from Qingzhou, and they haven't shipped it back to Dongying yet, so no one will be at ease if they leave it like this.

Therefore, there must be people staying at the Japanese pirate water stronghold, but the number is destined not to be too many.

 Third update, this chapter is added for rewards, thanks to the book friend Nether Ghost Lamp for the reward of 10000 starting coins, thank you for your support.

  At the same time, thanks to the book friend Xifeng Sanhua for the 1000 starting point coins rewarded;
  Thank you book friend Li Cunxiao, the first general at the end of Tang Dynasty, for rewarding 100 starting coins;
  Thanks to book friend Xiangyun Huanyue for rewarding 100 starting coins;
  Thanks to the book friend Longyou 654 for the 200 starting coins rewarded;
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  Thank you book friend Killer Xiaoyi for the 200 starting coins;
  Thanks to book friend Xiangyun Huanyue for rewarding 100 starting coins;
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  A total of 13 chapters are still owed.

(End of this chapter)

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