Chapter 1776

Chapter 1774: The slave family is still Shanshan

Uesugi Kanshin is extremely cautious. In order to prevent Zhou Yu from discovering the location of his water village, he basically changes the location of the water village every time he grabs it, so he often changes the location of the water village.

Although Zhou Yu didn't know the specific location of the Japanese pirate water stronghold, but based on the location where the Japanese pirates landed and robbed this time, the location can basically be concentrated in a small range, and there are only a few hiding places within this range That's all.

Zhou Yu led the navy to search for three small islands, but still did not find any traces of Japanese pirates. He couldn't help feeling secretly anxious, but finally found traces of Japanese pirates on the fourth small island.

"Phew, it's not wrong at all."

Zhou Yu let out a long breath, then drew his sword and shouted, "Attack."

Following Zhou Yu's order, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, Qin Ming and other generals, leading thousands of Qin army water troops, directly attacked the Japanese pirate water camp.

The main force of the Japanese pirates has all gone ashore, and there are only a few hundred troops left behind in the water village, and there are no strong generals, so how can they resist thousands of Qin troops and the five tiger generals of Liangshan?
The one-sided massacre was completely carried out, and the Japanese pirates had little resistance.

From the beginning of the battle to the end, the battle was over in less than half an hour.

All the Japanese pirates and water bandits were all strangled, and all the money and food that the Japanese pirates worked so hard to plunder fell into the hands of the Qin army.

"I report to General Zhou Yu that I have searched all over the island, but I have not caught the leader of the pirates." Lu Junyi reported.

"No? How is this possible?"

Zhou Yu frowned slightly, and said: "Qi Jiguang Feige's biography said that the leader of the Japanese pirates fled to the coast. Where can he go if he doesn't come to the pirate camp? If he stays in the Central Plains, he will be arrested sooner or later." .

Forget it, immediately release the sea arrest document, offering a reward of 1000 taels of gold to arrest the leader of the Japanese pirates. "


"General, although the leader of the Japanese pirates was not captured, a Japanese woman was found in his room, which may have something to do with the leader of the Japanese pirates."


Zhou Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Then bring it over to have a look."


After a while, a graceful and beautiful woman in a kimono appeared in front of the Qin generals under the guidance of two guards.

So beautiful!
Most of the Qin generals were stunned, looking at this Japanese woman obsessively, indulging in the woman's beauty.

Even Zhou Yu was slightly absent-minded, but he recovered in an instant. After all, he had seen too many beauties. Although this Japanese girl was beautiful, he still couldn't rank among the top twenty in his heart.

"I didn't expect there to be such a beauty as you besides Oda City and Izumo-ah in the small island of Waguo." Zhou Yu couldn't help admiring.

Back then when Dongying was sent as an envoy to the great Han, Dongying Princess Oda City and the first dancer Izumo Aguo became the dream lovers of many Han people.

Even Zhou Yu has to admit that these two women are indeed peerless, and the Japanese woman in front of him is not inferior to those two women at all, so Zhou Yu can basically conclude that the identity of this woman is not simple.

"The general misunderstood. The slave family is not Japanese, but Han."

The woman said with an aggrieved face, her voice was like a silver bell, clear and sweet, refreshing.

Saying that, the woman bowed and saluted, and said: "My family is still Shanshan, and I have seen all the generals."

"What? You're not a Japanese? Then why are you wearing Japanese clothes?"

Zhou Yu was surprised. He wanted to get information about other Japanese pirates from the Japanese woman, but he didn't expect that the other party said that he was Han.

Shang Shanshan said sadly: "The slave family was originally the daughter of the Shang family in Duchang, when the Japanese pirates suddenly attacked, my father and brother led the clan to guard the homeland with the county magistrate, but in the end they all died tragically at the hands of the Japanese pirates.

The leader of the Japanese pirates, Uesugi Kennobu, led the Japanese pirates to break through Duchang County. Seeing the beauty of the Nujia, he took the Nujia over by force. He didn't like Han people's clothes, so the Nujia wore Japanese clothes. "

Hearing this, Zhou Yu immediately showed a trace of guilt. Duchang County was a loophole in his defense arrangement, and it was also the only county that was breached by Uesugi Kannobu.

After getting the news that Duchang County was attacked, Zhou Yu led the army to rescue immediately, but it was still a step too late. The Japanese pirates who had learned about it in advance gave up their looting and fled after robbing half of them, leaving only the devastated Duchang County.

This incident also became a thorn in Zhou Yu's heart. He felt that it was his own mistake that caused the people of Duchang County to suffer such a catastrophe, and secretly vowed in his heart that he would take revenge on the people.

Therefore, upon hearing that Shang Shanshan was a survivor in Duchang County, Zhou Yu's eyes softened a lot when he looked at her.

Of course, it was impossible for Zhou Yu to trust a woman of unknown origin easily just because of a one-sided statement, so she asked Qin Ming below: "General Qin, is there really a Shang family in Duchang County?"

Zhou Yu has not been in Qingbei for a long time, and he doesn't know much about the Qingbei family, but Qin Ming has worked in Qingbei for many years, so he should have a certain understanding of the Qingbei family.

After hearing Zhou Yu's question, Qin Ming didn't even think about it, and said decisively: "General Qi, there is indeed a Shang family in Duchang County, and the owner of the Shang family has a good reputation, and often helps the poor people around.

According to legend, the daughter of the head of the Shang family is still a beautiful woman, and there are many people who come to propose marriage, so the eldest lady of the Shang family is quite famous in Qingbei.

But this time when the Japanese pirates attacked, the Shang family was also one of the families that suffered. The whole family was wiped out, which is really tragic. "

Hearing what Qin Ming said, most of the doubts in Zhou Yu's heart disappeared, and he said, "So, this girl is the eldest lady of the Shang family?"

"It shouldn't be wrong."

Qin Ming said, looking at Shang Shanshan, his eyes were full of pity.

Zhou Yu looked disappointed. He thought he had captured a high-ranking Japanese pirate, but he didn't expect it to be a hard-working Han woman. Now it must be impossible to get information about the Japanese pirates.

"Wait, you said you were snatched by Uesugi Kenshin?"

Zhou Yu seemed to have thought of something suddenly, his eyes became sharp instantly, and he asked, "But as far as I know, Uesugi Kenxin doesn't like women, and he has looted so many places, not only has he never violated a woman , and also restrained the Japanese pirates under his command, and did not allow the Japanese pirates to insult women.

Miss Shang, please explain to me, why did Kennobu Uesugi rob you by himself? "

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the generals present looking at Shang Shanshan also became a little subtle. They all knew that Uesugi Jianxin was not close to women, so why did they grab Shang Shanshan by force?
Hearing Zhou Yu's words, Shang Shanshan's tender body trembled from the right, showing a more pitiful look, but she was secretly crying in her heart, and said to herself: As expected of Zhou Yu, it is really hard to deal with!
 The fourth update, a total of 12 chapters are still owed...

(End of this chapter)

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