Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1782 Defeating Wu?Attack Qin?

Chapter 1782 Defeating Wu?Attack Qin?
Chapter 1780: Cutting Wu?Attack Qin?
After Liu Xiu occupied Jiangxia, the Chu army also began to discuss the next strategic direction. After all, a [-] army cannot be guarded against.

Now that the Chu State has occupied Jiangxia, the three parties can send troops together in the future. The strategy against Wu is already invincible, so many high-ranking Chu troops have proposed to continue to attack Soochow.

"My lord, I object to attacking Soochow at this time."

Li Mi stood up and said that he is also a rare opponent.

After Li Mi defected to Liu Yao, he joined Liu Xiu together with Liu Yao's sons, and then became one of Liu Xiu's staff.

Since joining Liu Xiu's command, Li Mi has always been highly valued by Liu Xiu, but Liu Xiu has also seen that Li Mi is still ambitious, so he is on guard against him, and only uses him as a counselor without giving real power.

After hearing Li Mi's words, Liu Xiu was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Why?"

"The reason why the generals advocate attacking Wu is nothing more than civil strife in Wu.

But you must know that with the withdrawal of the main forces of Soochow from Jiangxia, the Japanese pirates along the coast had already escaped in time, and Zu Lang, the largest Shanyue rebel, had also been subdued by Sun Jian.

At this time, the Shanyue rebels in the country of Wu were said to be rebels, but they were just mobs, and they didn't even have complete weapons and equipment. As long as the army of Soochow came together, they would be turned into ashes, which would consume much of the Wu army's strength. "

As he said that, Li Mi bowed his hands and said in a deep voice: "The main force of Eastern Wu has not suffered much. With the current strength of our army, if we forcefully attack Wu, it will definitely develop into a tug-of-war in the end. Inch."

As soon as Li Mi finished speaking, Yang Xiuqing also stood up and said, "My lord, the last general also opposes the attack on Wu."

This time, in order to deal with Sun Huang's coalition army, Liu Xiu mobilized [-] Taiping troops from Jiaozhou, and Yang Xiuqing was the commander of such an army.

After Hong Xiuquan surrendered to Liu Xiu, although some Taiping surrendered generals were restless, Yang Xiuqing was one of the generals who sincerely surrendered, so Liu Xiucai dared to let him lead the army.

"My lord, our army has formed a strategic advantage over Wu, so if we don't attack Wu, it's fine. Once we attack Wu, we must destroy the country.

The Sun family is deeply rooted in Jiangdong, and although our army now has [-] troops, if we want to destroy Wu with only [-] troops, I am afraid that we will still be powerless, so this is not the best time to destroy Wu. "

Hearing this, Liu Xiu also nodded secretly in her heart, and then asked again: "Then when will Wu Liangji be destroyed?"

Without even thinking about it, Yang Xiuqing said decisively: "After our army has completely digested Jiaozhou and the newly acquired land of Jiangxia, the national strength will increase significantly, and then will be the best time to destroy Wu State in one fell swoop."

"Yes, at that time, with the national strength of our Chu State, my lord can raise an army of 20 to attack Wu State in three ways.

At that time, even if Sun Jian has a famous general like Sun Wu, he will still take the initiative to block the front of our army, and he can destroy the serious trouble of Soochow in one battle. "Li Mi continued.

Yang Xiuqing and Li Mi, you have analyzed the disadvantages of cutting Wu at this time incisively and vividly.

Most of the people originally supported the defeat of Wu because they believed that defeating Wu would win at this time, but after hearing what Li Mi and Yang Xiuqing said, they found that the strength of Soochow was not greatly reduced. .

After Deng Yu saw this scene, he stood up and said, "My lord, it's really not a good time to defeat Wu at this time, and defeating Qin is the top priority."

"Fight Qin?"

Most of the generals present were shocked. This was a question they all avoided. After all, they had too many painful memories when facing Qin Jun, but now they had to face it.

"Why is Qin defeated?"

Liu Xiu frowned slightly, and asked, "Didn't you say before sending out troops that Liu Ji should be at the front to consume the strength of the Qin army in Jingzhou?"

Liu Xiu actually didn't want to attack Qin. After all, he was sent to Jingnan by Yue Fei, so no one knew how powerful Qin Jun was. What's more, Qin Hao had reactivated Yue Fei, the god of death.

Therefore, if there is no perfect plan, Liu Xiu does not want to go head-to-head with Qin Jun.

"My lord, this time is different.

Because of Nanman and Liu Yu, the Shu Han was unable to use all its strength to deal with the Qin army, but for now, the Shu Han has tried its best, but it still cannot shake the Jingbei Qin army. "

Deng Yu's eyes were full of seriousness, and he said in a deep voice, "If the lord doesn't do his best, this time the alliance against Qin will probably exist in name only, and only the Qin army will benefit in the end."


Liu Xiu was not a fool, and soon realized the key point, and Deng Yu said, "Actually, it is more beneficial for our army to attack the Qin army.

At this time, most of the Qin army in Jingbei was fighting against the Shu army on the front line of Yiling, and the defense of Nanjun was relatively empty. If our army sent troops from Jiangxia to attack Nanjun, it would definitely be able to take back Nanjun easily. "

Liu Xiu's eyes suddenly brightened, Nanjun was a thorn in his heart, he wanted to take back Nanjun in his dreams, to wash away the shame of being sent to Jingnan by Yue Fei.

"Okay, let's send troops to attack Qin."

As he said that, Liu Xiu's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a sneer, "However, our army has a total of [-] troops. If we only attack one Nanjun County, it will be difficult to use our strength."

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Xiu gave an order: "How about this, the prince personally leads an army of [-] to attack Nanjun.

Deng Yu, lead an army of [-] to attack Zhangling County, and bring back the heads of brothers Huang Xie to me. "

"No." Deng Yu replied in a deep voice.

Liu Xiu nodded, then looked at Yang Xiuqing, and said, "Yang Xiuqing, this king appointed you as the prefect of Jiangxia, leading an army of [-] to guard Jiangxia County, there must be no mistake."

When Yang Xiuqing saw that Liu Xiu had handed over the responsibility of guarding Jiangxia to himself a general who had joined him not long ago, he was both joyful and moved, and secretly determined in his heart that he would never disappoint Liu Xiu's expectations.

"No." Yang Xiuqing roared.

Seeing that Liu Xiu chose Yang Xiuqing to guard Jiangxia, Li Mi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He actually wanted to be the governor of Jiangxia, but unfortunately he never had the opportunity to lead the performance.

In this way, Jiangxia's [-] Chu troops were divided into three parts, one with Liu Xiu to attack Nanjun, one with Deng Yu to attack Zhangling County, and one with Yang Xiuqing to guard Jiangxia County.

Sun Jian, who had already set up defenses in Lujiang, saw that Liu Xiu did not come to attack him, but ran to attack Qin. He was secretly relieved, and at the same time, he began to suppress the Shanyue rebellion even harder.

But even if Wu Guo quickly suppressed the Shanyue rebellion, he would no longer be able to compete with Liu Xiu for Jiangxia in a short time.

This time, it was just the Japanese pirate rebellion that caused Wu to lose nearly [-] people, and another [-] people became refugees.

The Shanyue Rebellion hurt Wu even more.

Therefore, even if the Shanyue rebellion was suppressed, Wu would have to recuperate for a long time and sort out its internal affairs before it could return to its pre-war level.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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