Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1783 Meng Gong Guards Jiangling

Chapter 1783 Meng Gong Guards Jiangling

Chapter 1781: Meng Gong Guards Jiangling

Liu Xiu is undoubtedly a person who takes the overall situation into consideration. He knows that with the strength of his own family, he is far from being Qin Hao's opponent, so he and Liu Ji formed the Southern Han Alliance, and he was willing to submit to Liu Ji.

The Southern Han Alliance is already the largest anti-Qin force in the world today, and Liu Ji, as the leader, is the biggest leader, but this leader is obviously not easy to do, after all, he must always be nailed to the front line of the anti-Qin.

It was Liu Jiding who attracted Qin Hao's firepower in the front so that Liu Xiu could hide behind and take advantage of the opportunity, and Jiang Xia was one of Liu Xiu's benefits.

Liu Xiu, who had tasted the sweetness, wanted to continue to be cheap, but Liu Ji quit.

As members of the Southern Han Alliance, those who contributed did not get any benefits, but those who paddled did. Why are you Liu Xiu so handsome?

Therefore, not long after Sun Jian withdrew, Liu Ji sent envoys to urge Liu Xiu to march to Jingbei.

Liu Xiu didn't care at that time, but after occupying Jiangxia, after Deng Yu's reminder, he realized that due to the uneven division, the Southern Han Alliance had ushered in the biggest crisis.

After the establishment of the Southern Han Alliance, hundreds of thousands of troops attacked Qin in five directions. Its momentum can be said to have shocked the world, but so far, no major results have been achieved along the way.

The Shu Kingdom was blocked by Yiling and could not advance an inch. The Tang Kingdom only occupied half of Wuxiang County and was blocked by Yue Fei, and the three families of Yang, Ma and Han suffered heavy casualties in Hetao.

At present, among the entire Southern Han Alliance, only Chu State, which has occupied Jiangxia, has truly benefited from this dispatch of troops, and it can be said to be the leader.

The original intention of the establishment of the Southern Han Alliance was to fight against Qin, but Chu State did not make much effort to fight against Qin, but took advantage of the opportunity to take such a big advantage, other members would naturally feel unbalanced.

With this in mind, Liu Xiu realized that if he didn't do his best, the attack on Qin might end without a problem, and even the alliance might fall apart.

Therefore, even in order to maintain the Anti-Qin Alliance, Liu Xiu must abandon Wu and Qin. Otherwise, once the Anti-Qin Alliance splits and Shu retreats, there will be no one to stand in front to help him block Qin Hao.

It has to be said that Liu Xiu's calculations are really clever, at least he has obtained real benefits, and Liu Ji, as the leader of the Southern Han Alliance, has also gained a huge reputation for forming the alliance, but these are invisible benefits, the real benefits On the contrary, he didn't gain much from the benefits of sex, and he was taken advantage of by Liu Xiu.

Under the personal leadership of Liu Xiu, [-] Chu troops marched in parallel to Nanjun, and was soon informed by Han Shizhong, a naval general on the border.

"Send back the news of the Chu army's invasion quickly, and let the county magistrates prepare to defend."

After saying that, Han Shizhong raised his head, his eyes were full of determination, and said in a deep voice: "Although I have only five thousand sailors under my command, I may not be able to completely stop the Chu army, but it can be done after ten days and half a month.

The whole army was ordered to defend the water stronghold to the death. They were going to fight Liu Xiu again. "


At the junction of Jiangxia and Nanjun, Qin general Han Shizhong defended the water village with [-] sailors, and fought fiercely with Liu Xiu's [-] Chu troops.

After half a month of fierce fighting with the Chu army, the water stronghold of the Qin army was finally breached by the Chu army, the general Su Can was killed by the Chu general Chong Heihu, and the commander of the navy Han Shizhong fled to Jiangling with two thousand remnants.

After the Chu army successfully boarded the road in Jingbei, they divided their troops into three groups to attack the counties, and broke through four counties in less than ten days. According to this posture, it may take less than half a month for the three armies to meet under the city of Jiangling.

Yiling, inside the camp of the Qin army.

Knowing that Nanjun was attacked by Liu Xiu, the generals of the Qin army were shocked.

After the Sun and Huang families joined forces, they would have the upper hand in the face of Chu, so Qin Qiong would transfer troops from the east to the west to fight against the Shu Han.

But neither Qin Qiong nor Lin Xiangru expected that the Japanese pirate rebellion and Shanyue's rebellion would benefit Liu Xiu, and eventually win without a fight and easily occupy Jiangxia.

Liu Xiu won this time inexplicably, and it was so sudden that Qin Qiong had no time to make preparations. After reacting, Jiang Xia had already been occupied by Liu Xiu.

After Liu Xiu occupied Jiangxia, it was not over yet, and then he set his sights on Qin's Nanjun, but at this time Nanjun's troops were very empty, and it was undoubtedly very difficult to resist the offensive of [-] Chu troops.

"Governor, [-] Chu troops are attacking, and Nanjun is in danger."

Lin Xiangru's eyes were full of seriousness, and he said in a deep voice: "Once Jiangling falls, our army's food supply will be cut off, and we will be attacked by Chu and Shu, and the whole army may be in danger of being wiped out.

Commander-in-Chief, Yiling is no longer defendable, let's withdraw troops quickly to preserve Jingbei. "

Of course Qin Qiong knew the importance of Jiangling, but the importance of Yiling was also self-evident.

Yiling is the only dangerous place between Jing and Yiling, and it is also the last place that can be defended. After Yiling, there is no danger to defend Yimapingchuan, and once the Shu army breaks through Yiling, the entire north of Jing will be under the threat of the Shu army.

However, once Jiangling falls, the Qin army will face a double attack, and the entire army may even be wiped out, Qin Qiong already has a decision in his heart.

"Withdraw the army, but you can't withdraw immediately. If the Shu army is aware of our army's intentions, they will definitely stick to it. It will be difficult to think about withdrawing the army at that time."

Qin Qiong stood up, and said in a deep voice: "Immediately send an order to the general and guard Meng Gong, telling him to guard Jiangling for a month to buy time for the governor."

"One month?"

All the generals exclaimed, and Yue Yun stood up and said, "Captain, Jiangling's defenders are only three thousand, and even if five thousand new recruits are added, they are only eight thousand. How could it be possible that under the attack of fifty thousand Chu troops Persist for a month?"

The total number of Jingzhou defenders was only [-], but they had to face the three armies of the Southern Han Dynasty. The force was too tight, so before the war, Qin Hao urgently expanded his army by [-], of which [-] were given to Jingzhou.

With the addition of [-] recruits, the pressure on Jingzhou has been reduced a lot, but recruits are recruits after all, they can only be used to defend the city, they cannot be used in field battles at all, so the crisis in Jingzhou is still not resolved.

After hearing Yue Yun's words, Qin Qiong pondered for a while and said, "Don't worry, the governor will send a letter to Xiangyang Governor's Mansion with a pigeon, asking Qin Zheng Governor to send reinforcements to the general."

In Jiangling, the guards Meng Gong and Han Shizhong stood side by side on the tower, looking at the crowd of Chu troops below the city, their faces were full of seriousness.


At this moment, Huo Jun ran over with a serious face and reported: "General Qi, the reinforcements sent by Lord Inspector were intercepted by the Chu army and suffered heavy casualties."


Han Shizhong exclaimed, while Meng Gong smiled bitterly and said, "I knew Liu Xiu would not let our reinforcements reach Jiangling easily."

 Make up for yesterday's guarantee.

(End of this chapter)

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