Chapter 1784
Chapter 1782: The Bronze Wall
If the reinforcements couldn't reach Jiangling, it meant fighting alone, but Meng Gong didn't feel anxious about it at all.

Seeing Meng Gong's posture, Han Shizhong asked with some doubts, but Meng Gong just smiled and said: "Thanks to General Han, you delayed for half a month and let Meng complete the redeployment of Jiangling's defense, otherwise If the original deployment is followed, Jiangling City may not be able to hold out for three days."

The original deployment mentioned by Meng Gong was the defensive deployment of Jiangling during Liu Xiu's period. After the Qin army occupied Jiangling, it did not expect that Liu Xiu would be able to fight back, so the original defensive deployment was still retained in order to save trouble.

If it was against the Shangshu Army, Jiangling's defensive deployment would not be a problem, but if it was against Liu Xiu, then the problem would be his. After all, no one knew the advantages and disadvantages of his deployment better than him.

That's why Han Shizhong led [-] naval troops to take down [-] Chu troops even though he knew he was invincible, in order to buy time for Meng Gong of Jiangling to change.

Urgently changing the defensive deployment of a city is not something that can be done in a short period of time, but Meng Gong not only did it, but HIA did it almost perfectly.

The current defense layout of Jiangling City no longer has the slightest sign of Liu Xiu, even if it is against Liu Xiu, it is still enough to defend firmly.

On the side of the Chu army, Liu Xiu couldn't help but frown as he looked at Jiangling City, whose defenses had been greatly improved.

"It's not easy for this Qin army to defend the general. Jiangling's defense hadn't changed before the troops were dispatched, but after our army arrived, Jiangling had changed drastically. Even this king couldn't find any flaws for a while."

Liu Xiu's eyes were full of admiration, and then there was a flash of envy: "Why does Qin Jun have so many capable people?"

"My lord, the last general is willing to lead the army to break through Jiangling, capture the general of Jiangling alive, and dedicate it to the lord." Chong Heihu stood up and asked for a fight.

Since joining Liu Xiu's command, Chong Heihu has not met an opponent so far. Even Sun Ce, who is known as the little overlord of Jiangdong, is still not his opponent. He no longer takes Qin Jun seriously.

Chonghei Tiger's Nest was in Jiaozhou Heng, and he had never been out before, so naturally he had no knowledge, and Liu Xiu, who was used to seeing strong winds and waves, naturally could not have no knowledge.

Seeing Chong Heihu take the initiative to ask for a fight, Liu Xiu thought for a while, then smiled and said, "No hurry, first send envoys to lobby for a while, and test General Qin's attitude before we speak."

"It's… okay."

Chong Heihu had no choice but to retreat.

What Liu Xiu didn't expect was that the Chu army actually came to the city, and Han Shizhong shot him to death with an arrow before he entered the city and saw the onslaught.

"Liu Xiu, no one from Jiangling will surrender you, I told you so." Han Shizhong shouted towards the Chu army camp.

Hearing this, Liu Xiu clenched his fists tightly, with a flash of anger in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "What a Han Shizhong."

The armies of the two counties did not kill the envoys in the battle, and Han Shizhong killed all the envoys of the Chu army, so why not persuade them to surrender.

"General Han, you..."

Seeing Han Shizhong's behavior, Meng Gong couldn't help but smiled wryly. He knew that Han Shizhong wanted to break his own thoughts, but he never thought about surrendering. Seeing the envoy of the Chu army was just to delay time.

"General Meng, Mr. Han has dealt with Liu Xiu more than once. This man has both civil and military skills. It is impossible for a small trick like delaying time to work on him."

Han Shizhong said lightly, he had already used this trick when he was fighting guerrillas in Jingnan, if it worked, he would not go north to join the Qin army.

Are you simply worried about me?

Meng Gong secretly complained in his heart, but he didn't have any dissatisfaction in his heart. After all, the county magistrates of several counties have already surrendered to Chu. For generals like Han Shizhong who have a big hatred against Liu Xiu and are absolutely impossible to surrender, they must consider appearing The possibility of a traitor.

Thinking of Liu Xiu's enemy, Meng Gong couldn't help thinking of Huang Xie.

Han Shizhong and Huang Xie, one is the son of the prefect of Changsha and the other is the son of the prefect of Jiangxia. They are both sons of princes, but they were both forced by Liu Xiu to join the Qin army.

While Liu Xiu grew stronger to a certain extent, he also indirectly strengthened the strength of the Jingbei Qin Army.

Since Liu Xiu's persuasion to capitulate failed, it was naturally impossible to be soft-hearted, and decisively sent Chong Heihu to challenge.

"I am Chong Heihu, who dares to fight me to the death..."

Before the word 'war' was uttered, what greeted Chong Heihu was a shower of arrows.

Seeing Qin Jun shooting arrows without saying a word, Chong Heihu was also taken aback. He quickly dodged while blocking, and easily escaped the rain of arrows and fled back to the main formation.

"My lord, this general of the Qin army, he, he, he..."

Chong Heihu was so angry that he couldn't speak, he held back for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence: "You don't play cards according to common sense."

"Okay, since the Qin army is unwilling to fight, then our army will attack the city directly."

With a cold glint in Liu Xiu's eyes, he drew out the sword at his waist and said coldly, "Send the order and prepare to attack the city."


The Chu army was invincible all the way, even with only one-third of the troops, there was no city that could resist for two days.

However, Jiangling, as the seat of South County, is obviously different from other county towns. Even if the number of defenders in the city is insufficient, it is not so easy to break through, so Liu Xiucai personally commanded the siege.

Under Liu Xiu's personal command, Chong Heihu, Gai Yan, Wei Wentong, Wang Bodang and other generals assisted in the siege. The morale of the soldiers of the Chu army increased greatly. collapse.

Facing the siege strategy of the Chu army encircling three and missing one, Meng Gong personally led the army to guard the north gate, while Han Shizhong and Huo Jun guarded the east and west gates respectively.

[Ding dong, Meng Gong's skill 'Iron Wall' is activated...

Iron Wall: Combine with 'Bronze Wall' to trigger the combination skill 'Bronze Wall and Iron Wall'.Different people have different effects of this skill.

Effect 1, when fighting a defensive battle, the commander +4, the force +4, the morale and combat power of the whole army... are partially improved.

Effect 1, all battles except defense, commander +1, force +2, morale of the whole army... Partially improved. .

Effect 2, when the casualties of the whole army are nearly half, the commander +1, and the force of the whole army +1;]

[Ding dong, Meng Gong's skill 'Iron Wall' effect 1 is activated, when defending the city, commander +4, force +4.

Meng Gong: Commander 96, Force 90, Intelligence 83, Politics 76, Charm 90;

At present, Commander Meng Gong has risen to 100, and his force has risen to 94;]

[Ding dong, Huo Jun's skill 'Bronze Wall' is activated, Commander +3.

Huo Jun: Commander 94, Force 92, Intelligence 73, Politics 71, Charm 82;

The current Commander Huo Jun has risen to 97;]

[Ding Dong, Meng Gong's skill 'Iron Wall', Huo Jun's skill 'Bronze Wall', form a combination skill 'Bronze Wall and Iron Wall'.

Copper and iron walls: ...]

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(End of this chapter)

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