Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1785 4 fierce 8 sledgehammer VS Xing Tian

Chapter 1785 Four Fierce Eight Hammers VS Xing Tian
Chapter 1783: Four Fierce Eight Hammers VS Xing Tian
[Bronze Wall and Iron Wall: Generals with the skills of 'Bronze Wall' and 'Iron Wall' must be present at the same time to activate.

Effect 1, when serving as the defending side, if one of the two is the main general, the main general +3, and the strength of the entire army +1; if neither of the two is the main general, the main general +1;

Effect 2, if one of the two is the main general, the greater the casualties, the greater the increase in combat strength. When the casualties of the entire army reach 1%, the military strength of the entire army will be +1. When the casualties of the entire army exceed half, the military strength of the entire army will be +[-];

Effect 3, when serving as the defensive side, if one of the two is the main general, neither the general nor the soldiers will be affected by any negative skills. 】

Huo Jun has an astonishing record of fighting against tens of thousands of troops with hundreds of soldiers, and after a year of persistence, he defeated the opponent. Throughout the entire Three Kingdoms, only Hao Zhao can match him. He is one of the most famous defensive generals in the Three Kingdoms .

Meng Gong is also the top defensive master in history, commanding the two major battlefields of Sichuan, Shu and Jinghu in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Huo Jun and Meng Gong are both well-known defensive generals, so one has a 'bronze wall' and the other has an 'iron wall'.

These two skills are powerful enough to be used alone, but they are even more powerful when combined with the combination skill 'Bronze Wall and Iron Wall'. It can not only increase the general's command by 3 points, but also protect the entire army from the negative effects of skills.

The most important thing is that the force increase of the "bronze wall and iron wall" to the whole army has reached as high as 3 points.

This is the skill with the highest increase in the entire army so far, and it has almost raised the combat power of the entire army to a higher level. It is definitely a well-deserved strategic skill.
[Ding dong, Meng Gong and Huo Jun's combo skill 'Bronze Wall and Iron Wall' effect 1 is activated, Meng Gong is currently the general guarding the general, so the commander +3, the army's force +1;

At present, Meng Gong's commander has risen to 103, and his force has risen to 95;

Huo Jun's strength rose to 98;

Han Shizhong's force increased to 100;


Meng Gong's basic commander is not high, only 96 points, which can be regarded as a congenitally deficient, serious defensive commander.

However, with the increase of "Iron Wall" and "Bronze Wall and Iron Wall", Meng Gong's commander attribute has suddenly increased by 7 points, and he directly ranks among the top commanders in history. Although it is only in the aspect of defensive warfare, it is no longer comparable to Yue Fei. Li Jing was inferior.

"Kill it..."

"Fire arrows..."


The sound of war drums kept ringing, roars resounded through the sky, and the offensive and defensive sides also formally competed.

After an hour of the Chu army's onslaught, Liu Xiu found that Jiangling's defense was almost impeccable, even if he personally commanded it, it would not be able to shake it, and if other people commanded it, it would be even more impenetrable.

Liu Xiu finally understood that although the number of defenders in Jiangling City was small and most of them were recruits, they were perfectly coordinated by Meng Gong.

Every soldier has his own position and purpose, and with the cooperation of each other, he can exert more than ten times his own manpower.

Such an arrangement above can only be consumed by human lives. Liu Xiu is obviously unwilling to waste his precious troops on endless sieges, so he decisively ordered: "Immediately send an order to let Chong Heihu, Wei Wentong , Gai Yan personally participated in the siege."


Meng Gong had been paying attention to Chong Heihu all the time, seeing that he finally personally participated in the siege, his heart couldn't help but hang up.

Meng Gong knew that if he wanted to defend Jiangling, the biggest problem was not the Chu army, which was several times larger than his own, but to block the strong generals like Chong Heihu. After all, no one in Jiangling city was his opponent at this time. If it is opened, more than half of this city defense battle will be lost.

After the two peerless generals Hou Yi and Xing Tian joined the battle, the high-level combat power of the Qin army in Jingbei was basically transferred to Yiling to fight against the Shu army.

But even if the high-level combat power is exhausted, facing the joint efforts of Hou Yi and Xing Tian, ​​the Jingbei Qin army is still in a passive state of being beaten.

Xing Tian dominated the entire battlefield by himself, and the Qin army complained so much that he didn't even dare to fight easily. It wasn't until Pei Yuanqing, Xiong Kuohai and others came to support in the future that the situation improved a lot.

But even if Yue Yun, Pei Yuanqing, Qin Yong, and Xiong Tianqing joined forces, they could only compete with Xing Tian for a short time, but they still couldn't defeat Xing Tian.

Qin Hao is still thinking too simply. Although Yue Yun and the other four fierce and eight hammers have great potential, after all, they don't even have a god of war. The half God of War teamed up, but Xing Tian is not an ordinary super general after all, even if he fights four ordinary Gods of War, there is no pressure, let alone three and a half Gods of War?
If it weren't for Wenpin and Yang Zaixing's timely support, several people would definitely have died, but even if the six of them teamed up, they could barely draw with Xing Tian.

Because of the existence of Xing Tian and Hou Yi, the fierce generals of the Qin army in Jingbei were concentrated on the front line of Yiling, which resulted in Jiangling in the rear, leaving only three generals, Meng Gong, Huo Jun and Han Shizhong, who were not good at martial arts.

Even if Meng Gong and other three generals join forces, they may not be able to stop the next Chong Heihu, let alone Chu Jun and Wei Wentong and other fierce generals, so the key to defending Jiangling lies in how to block these generals.

At this time in Jiangling City, no one could stop so many fierce generals, but it didn't mean that Meng Gong had no other way.

"Immediately send out five hundred crossbowmen and ten crossbow carts, and let the general keep a close eye on Chong Heihu alone. As long as he climbs the ladder, he will be shot to death with random arrows."

Meng Gong ordered coldly, he didn't know if this method would work, but he had no better way.

Even the great master Yuan Shoucheng, who had the body protection of Gang Qi, died under Su Dingfang's crossbow stone array. Meng Gong didn't believe that Chong Heihu had reached the point of ignoring the crossbow arrows.

Meng Gong's guess was correct. Chong Heihu really couldn't ignore the crossbow arrows, but with his arrangement, the defensive pressure on the north gate also greatly increased.

Even with the addition of Han Shizhong's surrendered army, there are only [-] defenders in Jiangling City, divided evenly, and there are only [-] defenders per city gate.

Meng Gong sent one-fifth of the defenders at the north gate to guard against Chong Heihu alone. It is conceivable that the defensive pressure on the north gate will naturally increase greatly.

However, there was no way around it. Although the pressure of defending the city increased in this way, it was better than allowing Chong Heihu to climb the tower, which was completely out of control in the end.

Under the offensive of the Qin army's strong crossbows and bed crossbows, Chongheihu was unable to launch an offensive at all. As soon as he climbed the ladder, he was forced to flee by the dense rain of arrows. Disgraced and fled back to the base.

In the same situation, the East and West Gates also appeared. Unlike the North Gate, Wei Wentong and Gai Yan were both injured, while Chong Heihu returned unscathed.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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