Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1786 Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 1786 Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 1784: Zulong

"My lord, you will be incompetent in the end."

Chong Heihu and the three generals bowed their heads together to plead guilty.

Seeing this, Liu Xiu sighed, helped the three of them up one by one, and said with relief: "It's not your fault, Meng Gong made sufficient preparations in advance, and Jiangling's defenders were only less than ten thousand, but they sent out fifteen hundred defenders. Guard against the three of you, you can be regarded as sharing a lot of pressure for our army to attack the city."

Hearing Liu Xiu's words, the complexions of the three generals improved a lot, but Chong Heihu still had an expression of unwillingness.

"My lord, let's attack the city at night. Once it gets late and the line of sight is blocked, even if the Qin army discovers the night attack, the crossbowmen will definitely not be able to shoot so accurately, and we will definitely be able to climb the tower at the end of the day." Chong Heihu is full of confidence. Said.

Liu Xiu's eyes also brightened, and she said with a smile, "You can give it a try."

After all, Liu Xiu decisively ordered to stop the siege, and the whole army withdrew to the camp. After all, it would be exhausting to continue the strong attack. The foundation of Chu State is far inferior to that of Qin State, so it is impossible to waste all precious troops on siege.

In the middle of the night, Liu Xiu led an army of more than [-], as well as Chong Heihu, Wei Wentong and other generals, preparing to launch a night attack on Jiangling City.

Looking at the sparsely lit Jiangling City Tower, Liu Xiu couldn't help but feel calm in his heart, but he had just ordered an attack when suddenly countless torches lit up on the Jiangling City Tower, illuminating the entire city gate and the night sky as if it were daytime. Immediately, a rain of arrows shot down from the tower, killing a large number of soldiers of the Chu army.

"Haha, Liu Xiu, do you really think that you will come to attack at night?"

Meng Gong appeared on the tower and shouted to the people below the city: "If you want to capture Jiangling, you can try it and see if your Chu army has more people or our Qin army has more arrows."

Liu Xiu, who was always calm and calm, now had a rare trace of anger in his eyes, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, and said, "Meng Gong, you wait for me."

After saying that, Liu Xiu turned her head and said to the left and right: "Withdraw the troops and return to the camp."

Chong Heihu looked puzzled and said: "My lord, don't fight now?"

"What the fuck, use the flesh and blood of our soldiers to consume Qin's bows and arrows?" Liu Xiu said angrily.

"Uh, this..." Chong Heihu was speechless for a moment.

The Chu army came in high spirits but returned disappointed. They thought that the night attack would be successful, but they didn't expect Meng Gong to be so thoughtful and prepared for the night battle.

Liu Xiu didn't want to fight the Qin army for consumption, so he had to retreat first, and then discuss carefully.

Seeing that the Chu army had retreated, Meng Gong felt relieved. Even though he had prepared a large amount of kerosene torches to illuminate the night as if it were day, the night was still in black after all, and the crossbowman's aim could not be as good as It was daytime, so he still didn't want to fight the Chu army at night, but fortunately, the Chu army also didn't want to fight a war of attrition and retreated voluntarily.

"Persevere, as long as the governor returns, Jiangling's danger will be resolved by itself." Meng Gong muttered to himself.

Meng Gong knew that with his [-] defenders, [-] new recruits, and [-] remnants, it would be too difficult to keep Jiangling under the attack of [-] Chu troops, and the only possibility was to delay the withdrawal of the main force in Yiling.

Therefore, Meng Gong's main strategy at the beginning was to delay time. If Liu Xiu's envoy hadn't been shot to death by Han Shizhong, he would even have planned to make a false surrender.

On the other side, after Liu Xiu withdrew his troops, he immediately summoned all the generals to discuss how to capture the generals, but facing the invulnerable Meng Gong, even he couldn't think of any good way, so what good ideas could the other generals have?

" my lord, General Wei Zhang is back."

"Hurry up please."

Wei Zhang Wei Zhang, a general of the State of Qin during the Warring States period.In 312 BC, he defeated the Chu army, captured its general Qu Gai, beheaded [-] people, and captured the land of Hanzhong.

Wei Zhang was a general who was brought into the world by Shang Yang, and his identity was implanted as a member of the fallen Weiyan clan, so he naturally came under Liu Xiu's command.

The biggest characteristic of the generals in the Warring States period is the balance of abilities. After all, in the chaotic era of the Warring States period, they must be excellent in all aspects, so Wuwei will not have too many shortcomings, and Wei Zhang is naturally the same .

Wei Zhang, who is well-balanced in all aspects, is undoubtedly a great talent in Liu Xiu's eyes. Liu Xiu values ​​​​Wei Zhang very much, so he entrusted him with the task of intercepting the Qin army's reinforcements.

Before the three armies of the Chu State met in Jiangling, Wei Zhang had already led an army of [-] to the north, and was responsible for intercepting and defeating the Qin army who came to aid Xiangyang.

In Xiangyang, Qin Zheng's reaction speed was no slower than Liu Xiu's.

The Chu army had just landed in Nanjun, and before Qin Qiong's order to send reinforcements back to Xiangyang, Qin Zheng had already dispatched reinforcements to support Jiangling.

Qin Zheng knew that the number of defenders in Jiangling was too small to stop the [-] Chu army for too long, so Qin Qiong ordered Zhang Xian and Wang Gui to lead [-] veterans and [-] new recruits before the order came. , A total of [-] troops went to support Meng Gong in Jiangling.

What Qin Zheng didn't expect was that Liu Xiu had already guessed that the Qin army in Xiangyang would send reinforcements before the Chu army arrived in Jiangling, so he sent Wei Zhang to lead [-] troops to intercept them in advance.

Wei Zhang's mission was to intercept the Qin army's reinforcements, but on the way he found an area that was very suitable for setting up an ambush, so he set up an ambush halfway, and led an army of [-] to lure the enemy.

Wei Zhang cleverly used a tactic of deceitful defeat, which made the former army leader Wang Gui lose his mind, and directly led the former army out of the army to pursue, but accidentally fell into an ambush by the Chu army.

In the end, Wang Gui was beheaded by Wei Zhang himself, and the entire [-] former army was wiped out, including the precious [-] veterans.

Knowing that Wang Gui left the army to pursue him, Zhang Xian had a bad premonition, and as expected, he was ambushed.

Zhang Xian wanted to rescue Wang Gui's former army, but after he arrived, the former army was wiped out, and Wang Gui was also killed in battle.

Zhang Xian originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Chu army had just ended the battle and was exhausted, but the soldiers under his command were mixed with old and new soldiers. There were too many new recruits, and the entire army was too weak. Wei Zhang's tired army was defeated.

Realizing that the new army's combat power is too weak, even if the Chu army is exhausted, it is still no match, so Zhang Xian decisively ordered to retreat towards Xiangyang.

Wei Zhang beheaded Wang Gui, defeated Zhang Xian, and won two consecutive battles. The morale of the Chu army was also greatly improved. After a little repair, he came to chase Zhang Xian.

Wei Zhang chased for dozens of miles, and Zhang Xian who was chasing and killing was miserable. If Qin Zheng hadn't personally led the army to come to the rescue, Zhang Xian's army might not be able to return to Xiangyang.

The Chu army chased the Qin army for dozens of miles, exhausting their physical strength, so they were naturally no match for the main force of the Qin army who was waiting for work.

In the end, Wei Zhang was defeated by the main force of Qin Zheng's [-] Qin army, and the [-] army suffered more than [-] casualties.

 At the second update, there are still 9 chapters in total...

(End of this chapter)

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