Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1788 Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 1788 Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 1786: Zulong

In Xiangyang, in the Governor's Mansion, the top officials of the Jingbei Qin Army gathered together.

Inspector Qin Zheng, Biejia Zhang Jiuling, Xiangyang prefect Yan Hui, Xiangyang prefect Zhang Ji, Zhang Xian, Cai Mao, Xiang Qi, Fu Tong, Yi Ji, Deng Zhi, Wang Can, Qin Hui...

Seeing Wang Gui's corpse covered in red by a white cloth, Qin Zheng and his deputy Zhang Jiuling looked at each other and remained silent for a long time.

Qin Zheng finally led an army and won a big victory, but he was not happy at all.

Wang Gui's greedy and aggressive advance not only cost his own life, but also ruined the lives of thousands of Qin soldiers, and completely ruined the plan to support Jiangling.

Wang Gui died in battle, Zhang Xian was defeated, and only 3000 of the [-] reinforcements were left. If Qin Zheng hadn't led the Wei army to rescue in time, I am afraid that even these [-] people would not be able to return to Xiangyang.

The [-] casualties were nothing to the Qin army before, but to Xiangyang now, it can already be regarded as a traumatic injury.

The number of defenders in Xiangyang is not too large, and it is the limit to send [-] troops to support Jiangling. Now that the [-] reinforcements have been disabled, Xiangyang can't send extra troops to support Jiangling.

Therefore, even if Qin Zheng defeated Wei Zhang and killed nearly [-] elite Chu troops, it still could not offset the loss of the [-] troops.

After a long time, Qin Zheng said regretfully, "It's a pity that we couldn't kill Wei Zhang to avenge General Wang Gui."

Although he also blamed Wang Gui in his heart, he was already killed in battle after all, and the dead were the greatest, so he had to say a few words for Wang Gui.

Qin Zheng hasn't been in battle for a long time, but he didn't neglect to practice martial arts. On the contrary, his strength has improved a lot, and he almost killed Wei Zhang this time.

It's just that compared to Qin Wu and others who often go to the battlefield, Qin Zheng's improvement speed is naturally not worth mentioning.

"My lord, what should I do now?"

Zhang Xian asked with a bitter face, of course he also knew the consequences of not being able to reach the reinforcements, and if Jiangling falls, the main force of Yiling is very likely to be wiped out.

Qin Zheng's handsome face was full of solemnity, and the light of wisdom kept flashing in his eyes, trying his best to think about how to break the situation.

[Ding Dong, Qin Zheng's skill 'Ancestral Dragon' is activated...

Zulong: One emperor through the ages, to rule the world, this is the unique skill of Yingzheng;
Effect 1. After becoming king, the fifth dimension will be permanently +1, and after becoming emperor, the fifth dimension will be permanently +1 again, and the unique skill 'Shihuang' will be automatically awakened.

Effect 2, when faced with generals, government affairs, strategy, etc., the corresponding four-dimensional can be temporarily increased by 1~3 points (except for the commander).

Effect 3, when sitting in the rear and strategizing, the commander-in-chief of the main general +2, the commander-in-chief of all generals +1, and the force of the whole army +1;

Effect 4, ignoring any negative skills launched by the enemy, and if you are personally present, you can halve the negative effects received by all your generals (the odd number is the smaller);

Effect 5, a person destined by God will have God's blessing, and in times of crisis, God will help him. (Note: This effect can be activated up to twice a year)]

Qin Zheng integrated the soul of Ying Zheng, and naturally inherited Ying Zheng's unique skill, 'Ancestral Dragon'.

What I have to say is that as the emperor of the ages, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng is quite famous. Just looking at the name of the skill, you can tell that it is definitely the top skill.

Like 'Holy King' and 'Wuxiong', Zulong also has five skill effects, and each effect is extremely practical and powerful.

Effect 1 can permanently increase the fifth dimension twice, but the second time is definitely useless, because as long as Qin Hao is around, Qin Zheng has no chance of becoming emperor at all.

Effect 2 is equivalent to the weakened version of 'Vertical and Horizontal', except for the attribute of commander, it can be increased.

The ancestral dragon effect 3 is even more remarkable, not only can improve the commander-in-chief of all generals, but also can improve the force of the whole army.

Although the degree of increase in the force of 'Zulong' to the entire army is not as great as Liu Che's 'Takeo', the trigger conditions are much simpler than that of 'Takeo'.

At the end of the Warring States period, the combat effectiveness of the Qin army was already the best among the Seven Kingdoms, so with the addition of a 2-point increase in force, is it still possible?

It's no wonder that in Yingzheng's generation, Qin State unified the seven countries in just ten years. It is really that Yingzheng's combat power against the Qin army has increased too much.

The effects of 'Ancestor Dragon' 4 and 5, one is Wanfa, and the other is life-saving. Although Wanfa can only block half of it, it is still extremely rare.

In general, the strategic value of 'Zulong' is more than that of 'Sage Emperor' and 'Wuxiong'.

[Ding Dong, Qin Zheng's skill 'Ancestral Dragon' has effect 2 activated, intelligence +2;

Qin Zheng (Ying Zheng): Commander 96, Force 95, Intelligence 98, Politics 104, Charm 104.Equipment: Jinhu whirlwind gun, Qingshuang;
Currently, Qin Zheng's intelligence has risen to 100 points. 】

Qin Zheng, whose intelligence has increased by 2 points, is no worse than a first-rate strategist, but the situation Qin Jun is facing now cannot be changed by a first-rate strategist, so even Qin Zheng can't come up with any good ideas for a while.

"Everyone, I wonder if you can find a way to break this predicament?" Qin Zheng asked.

Jingbei's current predicament is very clear, the main force is in Yiling, the rear guards are seriously insufficient, and the only force that can support Jiangling is ruined because of Wang Gui's carelessness.

Now that Xiangyang has no reinforcements, Jiangling is completely isolated!
After a while of silence, Yan Hui stood up and said, "Master Inspector, although Xiangyang's troops are not enough, but compared to Jiangling, the pressure is much better, so we still need to send reinforcements, even if they are not many. "

"Jiangling has been besieged by Liu Xiu. Even if Xiangyang sends reinforcements, it may be difficult to enter Jiangling. Instead, Liu Xiu may intercept it. What's the point?"

Cai Mao said in a deep voice, even if he didn't like Qin Jun, he had already betrayed Liu Xiu, so he could only hug Qin Jun's thigh and walked all the way to the dark, so he didn't want Liu Xiu to take back Nanjun.

Yan Hui said: "Even if the support army is useless and cannot even enter Jiangling City, as long as it can strengthen its momentum, it will be beneficial to Jiangling's defense of the city."

Hearing this, Cai Hao looked disapproving, but a gleam flashed in Qin Zheng's eyes.

"Prefect Yan is right, we can't let go of a chance now." Qin Zheng said in a deep voice.

"But Xiangyang can't send many reinforcements now." Zhang Jiuling said.

"Soldiers are more expensive than many, not to mention that this time they are only supporting Jiangling and diverting the energy of the Chu army, rather than fighting the Chu army head-on."

After saying that, Qin Zheng ordered decisively: "This governor will personally lead three thousand Beiwei troops to Jiangling to support General Meng Gong, and Cai Mao, Fu Tong Xiangqi and three generals will go out together with this governor."

"Promise." Cai Mao's three generals responded in unison.

Qin Zheng nodded, and then said: "After the Inspector General leaves Xiangyang, the task of defending Xiangyang will be handed over to Prefect Yan and General Zhang Xian."

After Yan Hui and Zhang Xian looked at each other, they said in unison: "I will definitely live up to the governor's trust."

[Ding Dong, Qin Zheng skill 'Ancestral Dragon' effect 3 activates, when leading the army to participate in the battle in person, own commander +3, all generals commander +2, and the force of the whole army +2;

The current Qin political commander has risen to 99, and the force has risen to 99;

Since Qin Zheng is only the governor, not the general of the Qin army, he can only improve the commander of the generals and the military strength of the soldiers.

Commander Cai Mao has risen to 93, and his force has risen to 88;

Commander Fu Tong rises to 88, force rises to 92;

Commander Xiang Qi has increased to 85, and Force has increased to 90;


 At the second update, there are still 8 chapters in total...

(End of this chapter)

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