Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1789 Yue Fei VS Li Shimin

Chapter 1789 Yue Fei VS Li Shimin

Chapter 1787: Yue Fei VS Li Shimin

Just as Qin Zheng commanded the elite Beiwei army and was preparing to go south to support Jiangling, the Wuxiang War took an astonishing change.

The enemies that the Qin army faced in Nanxiang County were mainly the [-] Tang troops killed from Wuguan and Hanzhong, and the Tang king Li Shimin personally led the army.

Li Shimin's original intention was to capture Wu Township first, and then seize Nanjun, completely cutting off the connection between Sizhou and Jingbei. Then Chu and Shu would carve up the remaining counties in Jingbei, and Tang Guo took the opportunity to take back Sizhou.

Li Shimin's strategic plan was quite perfect, but he underestimated the ability of Wuxiang prefect Pei Xingjian, and he didn't expect Yue Fei to lead the reinforcements so quickly.

Nanxiang County is adjacent to Hanzhong and Wuguan. The terrain is dangerous and easy to defend but difficult to attack. However, the strength of the enemy and ourselves is too large.

On the other side of Jiangling, Meng Gong used a mixed army of [-] new and old troops to face Liu Xiu's [-] army of Chu State.

On Nanxiang's side, Pei Xingjian used an army of [-] to face Li Shimin's [-] army in the Tang Dynasty. The degree of danger can be seen.

Nanxiang County is the east gate of Jingbei. Once Wuxiang County falls, there will be almost no place to defend Nanyang County except Wancheng, a strong city.

Qu Yuan, the prefect of Nanyang County, and Meng Wu, the prefect of Zhangling County, both knew the importance of Nanxiang County, so they sent troops to Nanxiang to support Pei Xingjian in guarding Wuxiang against Li Shimin.

The two counties of Nanyang and Zhangling gathered [-] troops to support Nanxiang, and this also caused a great decline in the strength of the county. The total number of defenders in the two counties was only [-], but it was precisely because of this that Pei Xingjian In order to persist until Yue Fei's reinforcements arrived in Wuxiang.

Pei Xingjian, who is in command of 96, has only 100 defenders in his hands, and facing Tang Wang Li Shimin, who is in command of [-], and the [-] elites of the Tang Kingdom, even if he wants to rely on geographical advantages, he can't defend it wholeheartedly.

In less than half a month, the Qin army retreated in successive battles, and Ye County and other five counties were attacked by the Tang army one after another, losing nearly [-] troops.

You must know that there are only eight counties in Nanxiang County, and all five counties have been captured by the Tang army, and most of Nanxiang has fallen into the hands of the Tang army.

When defending Ye County, the strongest city on the western front, Pei Xingjian knew that the counties behind could not defend at all, so he mobilized a large number of defensive equipment and concentrated his strength to prepare for the defense of Nanxiang County, the governing seat.

With the gap between the fall of the five counties as a buffer, when the Tang army approached Nanxiang, Nanxiang had been built into a fortress by Pei Xingjian, and the people of the city were mobilized to help defend the city. comparable.

Li Shimin also realized that Nanxiang City was not easy to fight, so he just besieged the city first, and then sent Li Yuanba, Zhang Xiu and other generals to take the other two counties, trying to completely reduce Nanxiang to an isolated city, so that it could see no hope After that, take the opportunity to recruit and surrender to give the guard hope.

Li Shimin played well in psychological warfare, but he ignored that the Pei and Qin families were married. Qin Zheng married Pei Cuiyun, the eldest daughter of the Pei family, and Pei Xingjian was Qin Zheng's younger uncle.

Li Shimin's persuasion to surrender failed unexpectedly, but he was not at all disappointed. If he didn't surrender, he would attack the city. Anyway, he had the trump card of Li Yuanba in his hand. Township seven counties.

The gates of the other counties in Nanxiang, except Ye County, were all wooden gates, which couldn't stop Li Yuanba's iron hammer at all. After several hammers, the gates were smashed, and the army entered the city, and the city naturally fell.

Even in Ye County, which has an iron city gate, it is naturally impossible to stop Li Yuanba due to the relatively low height of the city wall.

Li Yuanba easily boarded the city tower, and after a brutal killing, he killed the entire city defenders and surrendered naturally.

Therefore, when the Tang army attacked all the way to the city of Nanxiang, not only did it not lose much of its troops, but it also surrendered more than [-] troops from the Qin army.

In Li Shimin's opinion, among the eight counties of Nanxiang, seven counties were easily breached by him, so Nanxiang City is no exception. Even if the gate of Nanxiang City is made of pure steel, and the city wall is the tallest one, it is still unstoppable His younger brother Li Yuanba.

Li Shimin underestimated the difficulty of Pei Xingjian. In order to prevent Li Yuanba from climbing the tower, Pei Xingjian personally commanded [-] strong crossbowmen, [-] bed crossbows and [-] catapults, targeting Li Yuanba alone. Climb to Nanxiang City.

In the Battle of Bohai, Su Dingfang used the crossbow stone array to kill the great master Yuan Shoucheng, and gave all the generals a good start, letting them know that their personal strength will eventually lose to the army, and the method of using crossbow stones to deal with masters was also contested. imitate.

Pei Xingjian has no other way to deal with Li Yuanba, so he can only use resources to smash it. Although this will reduce the defense of Nanxiang City, it is better than letting the Tang army destroy the city without damage?
Pei Xingjian's strategy was feasible. With so many weapons targeting him, even Li Yuanba couldn't get up, and Li Shimin had no choice but to attack the city aggressively.

Tang Jun, who hadn't suffered much damage all the way, finally got a bloody blow at the foot of Nanxiang City.

After all, the Tang army was also one of the most powerful armies in the world, and the mere casualties were not enough to shake the morale. They still attacked Nanxiang with the most violent offensive.

Under the fierce attack of the Tang army for ten days, Nanxiang City was crumbling and might fall at any time.

At this moment, Yue Fei, who was restored to his original post, arrived in time with [-] Sizhou reinforcements.

Yue Fei's timely arrival greatly boosted the morale of the Nanxiang army, not only saving Nanxiang City, but also keeping Nanyang behind.

As soon as Yue Fei arrived at the Qin army, the atmosphere changed. Before he arrived, the Qin army had been passively beaten, and never thought of taking the initiative to attack, but after Yue Fei arrived, the Qin army was no longer afraid of fighting.

Yue Fei arrived on the same day, led a thousand riders in person that night, attacked Li Tang's camp at night, killed thousands of enemies, and left, leaving Li Shimin a chaotic fire camp, which made Li Shimin shocked and angry.

Afterwards, Yue Fei will send [-] new recruits to Nanxiang to improve the defense of Nanxiang City.

You know, there were [-] newly recruited soldiers in Jingbei, but Yue Fei transferred [-] to Nanxiang, and only left [-] for Xiangyang, which was under greater pressure. This shows that he attaches great importance to the Tang army.

After Yue Fei arrived in Nanxiang, with [-] main forces and [-] recruits, a total of [-] new and old mixed troops, Li Shimin's more than [-] Tang troops were firmly blocked from Nanxiang, and they could not advance an inch.

Li Shimin, who is 100 in command, can easily defeat Pei Xingjian, who is 96, but he really has no advantage against Yue Fei, who is 102 in command.

If it weren't for the Tang army's comprehensive combat power being higher than that of the Qin army, Li Shimin might have been defeated by Yue Fei.

After more than a month of fighting, Li Shimin exhausted all methods, but still failed to break through Nanxiang. Not only could he not help Yue Fei in the city, but he also had to guard against Yue Fei's counterattack from time to time. Desperate.

"It can't go on like this."

Li Shimin hammered down the case in anger, and said coldly: "With Yue Fei in Nanxiang City, even if the attack continues, it may still be difficult to break through. If you can't pass Nanxiang, you won't be able to enter Nanyang, and you won't be able to attack Sizhou from both sides."

Hearing this, Du Ruhui, Li Ru, Changsun Wuji, and Li Kui, the four counselors, looked at each other, and Li Kui, the youngest military advisor, stood up and clasped his fists and said, "My lord, the best strategy is no longer feasible. It's time to give up the best strategy. The middle policy has been adopted.”

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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