Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1790 Where did Tang Jun go?

Chapter 1790 Where did Tang Jun go?

Chapter 1788: Where did Tang Jun go?

In fact, long before sending troops, Tang Jun's high-level officials had already planned their retreat. After all, Qin Jun's strength and difficulty were well known. If Nanxiang couldn't get through, there was no other way to go.

After the four major military divisions discussed together, they finally proposed three strategies, the upper, middle and lower, and the best strategy was to divide the troops into two groups to attack Qin.

All the way out of Tongguan, threatening Hangu, and restraining the strength of the Qin army in Sizhou, it was a feint attack.

The other way out of Wuguan, attack Nanxiang and go to Nanyang, attack Guangchengguan, attack on both sides, and seize Sizhou.

The best strategy is undoubtedly the easiest among the three strategies. After all, the Qin army in Jingbei was pinned down by the Chu-Shu coalition forces, and the Qin army in Sizhou was pinned down at Hangu Pass. As long as the Tang army can break through Nanxiang and Nanyang, it will attack from both sides. , The success rate of breaking through Sizhou is very high.

Li Shimin and his advisers had already calculated everything, but they didn't expect that Qin Hao would use Yue Fei again at this time, and he didn't expect that Yue Fei would not go to Yiling, but stayed in Nanxiang instead. blocked.

Even when Li Shimin faced Qin Hao, he was never powerless, but when facing Yue Fei, he really felt powerless.

This is a tortoise shell, water can't get in, knocked can't break it, how to beat it?
I can't fight anymore!

Now that the best strategy is no longer feasible, Li Shimin can only find another way, take a step back and adopt the middle strategy, so that it is possible to seize Sizhou.

As for the worst policy?Li Shimin is not willing to use it unless it is a last resort.


After Li Shimin sighed, he said with a wry smile: "In this case, let's abandon the best strategy and use the middle strategy."

"My lord is wise." Li Kui and the other four military advisers said in unison.

At the same time that Li Tang changed his strategy, the Qin army headed by Yue Fei was also discussing strategies, and it was also a plan to defeat the Tang army in World War I.

"Governor, isn't this plan too risky?"

Qin Wu was shocked, and asked with little confidence: "Does Tang Jun have Li Yuanba over there?"

After hearing Li Yuanba's name, Yue Fei's expression froze. To be honest, he was not afraid of Li Shimin, but he had nothing to do with Li Yuanba.

Although Li Shimin is capable of both civil and military skills, wisdom and bravery, he still lacks some firepower in front of a veteran in the battlefield like Yue Fei.

If it weren't for the fact that the combined old and new troops under his command were too weak to bear the burden of a decisive battle, Yue Fei would have gone out of the city to fight Li Shimin a long time ago, and taught him the real art of war.

Although Yue Fei was not afraid of Li Shimin, he really had nothing to do with Li Yuanba.

No one under Yue Fei's command was Li Yuanba's opponent, and he couldn't get around Li Yuanba if he wanted to defeat Tang Jun, so he set a trap specifically for Li Yuanba, which may be useless at all.

Yue Fei once set up a crossbow array specially, but ordinary crossbow arrows couldn't break through the defense at all. The bed crossbow could hurt Li Yuanba, but the accuracy of the bed crossbow was too poor.

He dug a horse pit, Li Yuanba fell into it, but jumped out again.

He wanted to use kerosene bombs to burn Li Yuanba to death, but the kerosene bombs were also blocked by the inner air gauze, so they couldn't hurt Li Yuanba at all.

After all, Yue Fei was in a passive state of being beaten, and the resources he could mobilize were really limited, so it was impossible for him to be as mentally calculating as Su Dingfang was.

Yue Fei tried everything he could, but he still couldn't help Li Yuanba, so that Qin Jun's expression changed when he heard about Li Yuanba.

After thinking about the plan in his mind, Yue Fei said: "Although Li Yuanba is strong, he is only one person after all, and he can't control a big battle. If this plan is successful, there is a [-]% chance of defeating Tang Jun." .”

Hearing this, Qin Wu, Pei Xingjian, Pei Xingyan and other generals were all silent.

Sixty percent?Not high!

Facing the Tang army with Li Yuanba, if it fails, Nanxiang with Yue Fei in charge is still there, but these generals are probably doomed.

"Governor, we have already defended Nanxiang, why take this risk again?" Qin Wu persuaded.

He is a child of the Qin family, Qin Hao's fourth brother, even if he really took the risk to fight, it is impossible for him to take the risk, but he does not want Pei Xingjian or Pei Xingyan to take the risk, they are relatives after all.

"The governor didn't want to take this risk, but Liu Xiu broke through Jiangling and raided Nanjun, and Wang Gui ventured in and was killed by the Chu army. Now Jiangling is in danger."

Li Shimin is anxious, Yue Fei is even more anxious, he is the governor of Jingbei, he knows all the battle situation in Jingbei, he naturally knows how critical the situation in Jingbei is now.

Although Qin Hao had already told Yue Fei before the war started, as long as he could hold back the Southern Han Allied Forces until the end of the Hebei War, even losing all of Jingbei would be a great achievement.

But after all, Yue Fei has guarded Jingbei for so many years, watched Jingbei develop and grow, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and gradually regained Nanjun, how could he want this land to fall?

Yue Fei wanted to keep Jingbei without losing an inch of land, but now it seems that it is impossible. After all, even in Nanxiang County where he is located, there is only one Nanxiang City left, and there is only one Jiangling left in Nanjun.

Now even if Yue Fei defeated Tang Jun, he might not be able to recover the counties in Nanxiang, because he had too many things to do, and the counties in Nanxiang were irrelevant. If they were sorted one by one, they would probably be at the end.

"Once Jiangling falls, Yiling's entire army will be in danger of being annihilated. Now that Xiangyang has no reinforcements to send, even if Sizhou can gather reinforcements, it will definitely be too late."

A trace of anxiety flashed in Yue Fei's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Now in Jingbei, we are the only ones who can save Jiangling, so we can't spend any more time with Tang Jun."

After Pei Xingjian and Pei Xingyan looked at each other, they said in unison: "The last general agrees to send troops to fight."

Seeing this, Qin Wu sighed, and clasped his fists in response: "The last general also agrees to fight."

"it is good."

Yue Fei stood up immediately, and said coldly: "Success or failure depends on tonight."

The sun is setting and the moon is rising, the moon is dark and the wind is high, which is the best time to kill and set fire.

Brothers Pei Xingjian and Pei Xingyan, according to the order of the governor Yue Fei, each led a thousand elite soldiers, sneaked out of the Tang army's camp, and when the time came, they would attack the Tang army's camp at night together.

This is a night attack that must fail, because Yue Fei has already attacked at night since he came, and it is impossible for Li Shimin to fall twice in the same somersault.

Yue Fei still acted like this knowing that he would fail, because what he was seeking was Tang Jun's reaction after the night attack failed.


When two thousand Qin troops attacked Tangying together, there was no violent counterattack as expected.

The entire Tang camp was empty, and no one was seen. This is an empty camp!

After learning that the Tang camp was empty, Yue Fei frowned, and quickly asked: "The Tang camp is empty? But where is the Tang army?"

"General Pei Xingjian has already gone to investigate." Qin Wu replied.

After several days of investigation by Pei Xingjian, he searched all over Nanxiang County but could not find Tang Jun's whereabouts. Tang Jun seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

 Yesterday's guarantee...

(End of this chapter)

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