Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1791 The Conspiracy Against Li Cunxiao

Chapter 1791 The Conspiracy Against Li Cunxiao

Chapter 1789: Conspiracy against Li Cunxiao

"Where did Tang Jun go?"

Yue Fei frowned tightly, his eyes full of doubts.

Just before he was about to attack Tang Jun, Tang Jun didn't know when, taking advantage of the darkness, he suddenly retreated overnight, and his whereabouts were unknown.

This really made Yue Fei have to wonder, did Tang Jun have some conspiracy?
Li Shimin has four major military advisers under him, Du Ruhui, Li Ru, Changsun Wuji, and Li Kui. His strategy is definitely far higher than that of Yue Fei, who has an intelligence of 93, but Yue Fei is not without the help of a think tank.

The two wise men, Fang Xuanling and Liu Ye, were under Yue Fei's subordinates at this time.

In addition, there is also Jia Xu from Luoyang, who also passed letters through Feige to provide advice to Yue Fei on the front line.

Yue Fei's strategy against the Tang army this time was proposed by Jia Xu of Luoyang, and then perfected by Fang Xuanling and Liu Ye.

Therefore, the level of think tanks of the Qin and Tang Dynasties is actually about the same, and because of Jia Xu's joining, Qin Jun surpassed Tang Jun

"Did Tang Jun see through Master Jia Xu's plan?"

As soon as this thought appeared, Yue Fei immediately denied it.

If Li Shimin had really seen through Jia Xu's strategy, he would not have led the army back in such a hurry, but had set up an ambush in advance and waited for Yue Fei to come to his door.

But Li Shimin did not do this, which shows that he was not aware of Jia Xu's plan, but had other calculations, which is why he withdrew his troops at such a critical juncture.

Thinking of this, Yue Fei couldn't help sighing secretly that Li Shimin was lucky.

Yue Fei was absolutely sure that once the plan was completed, even if the Tang army was not completely annihilated, it would definitely be severely damaged, and naturally it would no longer be able to threaten Nanxiang.

But the result?
Yue Fei was just about to implement the plan, but because of an unknown plan, Li Shimin ran away with the army ahead of time, and coincidentally escaped Jia Xu's plot.

Li Shimin didn't realize at all that he had been tricked by Jia Xu. If he withdrew a few days later, the casualties of the Tang army would have been really heavy, so this time he was considered a blessing in disguise.

"Governor, the troops in Xiangyang are also very empty now, so the Tang army is not going to raid Xiangyang, is it?" Qin Wu said.

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the generals changed one after another.

Xiangyang is the seat of Jingzhou, if it is breached, the consequences will be disastrous.

Before Yue Fei could speak, Fang Xuanling stood up and replied, "No, the Tang army has [-] troops left, with such a large force, it is impossible to avoid our army's eyes and ears and attack Xiangyang.

In addition, as long as Wuxiang is still in the hands of our army, it is impossible for Li Shimin to cross Wuxiang to attack other cities. Once the supply of food and grass is not enough, he will collapse without fighting. "

"Then where did Tang Jun go?" Qin Wu asked suspiciously.

Not only Yue Fei didn't know about this problem, even Fang Xuanling and Liu Ye didn't know about it. The only thing that was certain was that the main force of the Tang army was no longer in Nanxiang.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Pei Xingjian stood up and asked, "Should we continue to accept Nanxiang? Or go south to support Jiangling?"

Yue Fei frowned even tighter. If the Tang army was defeated, he would naturally dare to go south to support Jiangling with confidence. But now that the main force of the Tang army has not been defeated and their whereabouts are unknown, how dare he leave Nanxiang with the army?

If the Tang army left and returned, wouldn't Nanxiang City be in danger?

Yue Fei always had a bad premonition in his heart, so he said in a deep voice: "This time Li Tang retreated for no reason, there must be a bigger conspiracy, so let's not hurry to go south and find out the whereabouts of the Tang army."

Yue Fei also wanted to save Jiangling, but before he found out what Li Tang was doing, he really couldn't and didn't dare to leave Nanxiang. Now he can only pray secretly in his heart, hoping that Meng Gong can create a miracle.

"Immediately inform Master Jia Xu of the situation in Nanxiang through Feige." Yue Fei ordered.


Luoyang, inside Jia's mansion.

After receiving the letter from Yue Fei, Jia Xu frowned.

He naturally knew that Li Tang withdrew his troops from Nanxiang without any reason, and deliberately concealed his whereabouts. There must be a bigger conspiracy, but what is this conspiracy?

"Hanguguan has Li Cunxiao as the township, and Nanxiang has Yue Fei as the township, and these two places are already as stable as Mount Tai.

Even if it is an old man, if he wants to break through these two places, he has no other way but to break through by force, and Li Tang simply cannot afford the price of breaking through by force.

Although Li Tang withdrew his troops suddenly this time, it must have been to break the situation, but as long as Yue Fei stayed in Nanxiang, Li Shimin's plot would be useless.

It is absolutely impossible to let Yue Fei leave Nanxiang based on this. It is impossible for Li Shimin not to know, so what is Li Shimin's intention in doing so? "

Even Jia Xu, who has an IQ of 102 and is almost demonic, couldn't figure out what Li Shimin's intention was in this move.

This is naturally not that Jia Xu is not smart enough, but that there is too little useful information at present, and even he can't analyze much useful things.

After thinking hard to no avail, Jia Xu walked to the window, looked up at the sky, and said calmly: "Flying Pigeon sent a letter to Yue Fei, asking him to continue to investigate Tang Jun's whereabouts. Before he finds out, he must not act rashly."


In the shadows outside the window, a black-clothed swordsman immediately led away.

In fact, Yue Fei did not dare to move lightly without Jia Xu's reminder. After all, the [-] Tang Army was a force capable of controlling the situation of the battle. It would be too risky to relax without knowing the opponent's intentions.

Although Jia Xu didn't guess Li Shimin's intentions, he was concerned about this matter. He has been thinking about this issue for the next few days, and discussed it with Han Fei, Di Renjie, Bao Zheng and other resourceful people.

"Li Shimin's move is really weird. If he thinks that he can let Yue Fei leave Wuxiang to save Jiangling, he will underestimate Yue Fei's governor too much." Han Fei said with a light smile.

"That's right, but Li Shimin is not a man of short-term governance. It is impossible not to know this truth. He must have a deeper plan for doing this. Maybe he has shifted his target to attack Hangu Pass." Di Renjie said.

"With Governor Yue Fei in Nanxiang, it is already an iron wall. Hangu Pass has General Li Cunxiao in it, which is even more impregnable. Li Shimin has not even broken through Nanxiang. How can he break through the stronger Hangu Pass?" Bao Zheng said.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

After hearing everyone's discussion, Jia Xu's heart moved.

Hangu Pass is stronger than Nanxiang City, so everyone subconsciously thinks that Hangu Pass will definitely not be breached. After all, Hangu Pass has Li Cunxiao, the most powerful general in the world, sitting there, and Li Shimin has not even breached Nanxiang City. , How could it be possible to break through Hangu Pass?

But it would be a big mistake to think so.

Although Li Tang failed to break through Wuxiang, why couldn't he break through Hangu?

Although the defense of Hangu Pass is strong, is that not the reason why it cannot be breached?

"Immediately Feige sent a letter to Yue Fei, asking him to send spies to investigate the direction of Wuguan to see if there are traces of a large group of Tang troops marching." Jia Xu quickly ordered.

An unreasonable idea appeared in Jia Xu's mind. Although it was unreasonable, it was the only explanation so far, so he urgently wanted to find out the reason.

In fact, without Jia Xu's summons, Yue Fei found Wuguan by himself.

The roads leading to Hanzhong and Shangyong have been searched by the spies sent by Yue Fei, but there is still no trace of the Tang army marching, only the direction of Wuguan in the northwest is missing.

 The second update... the monthly ticket breaks 600, and one chapter is added. At present, a total of 8 chapters are still owed...

(End of this chapter)

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