Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1792 The Conspiracy Against Li Cunxiao

Chapter 1792 The Conspiracy Against Li Cunxiao

Chapter 1790: Conspiracy against Li Cunxiao

[-] troops is not a small number, no matter how much Li Shimin conceals it, the army's crossing will inevitably leave clues, but it has not been found so far, or the direction of finding is not right.

In fact, Yue Fei searched in the wrong direction from the very beginning. He felt that if Li Tang wanted to hide his tracks, he would definitely retreat to Hanzhong or Shangyong, so he asked the spies to investigate in the direction of these two places, but in fact Tang Jun just went there. The direction of Wuguan retreated.

The spies of the Qin army searched all the roads in the direction of Shangyong and Hanzhong, but still found no trace of the Tang army. There was only one direction left in the direction of Wuguan. As a result, they found traces of the army marching on the road leading to Wuguan.

Although the traces discovered by the Qin army spies were not obvious, and there were traces of being covered up, it also just showed that there must be a large army passing by.

Yue Fei was shocked when he learned about it. He never thought that Tang Jun would retreat into Wuguan, but then he was more puzzled and confused, that is, what is the purpose of Tang Jun retreating to Wuguan?

A strange look flashed in Liu Ye's eyes, but he said with some uncertainty: "Could it be that the Tang army has given up on Nanxiang and is going to concentrate on breaking through Hangu Pass?"

Before Yue Fei could speak, Qin Wu directly vetoed, "How is this possible.

The defense of Hangu Pass is far stronger than that of Nanxiang City. It not only has [-] elite guards, but also General Li Cunxiao personally sits in the town.

Even if the Tang army dispatched an army of 20, it would be impossible to capture it within three months, but it only took half a month for Luoyang's reinforcements to reach Hangu Pass.

May I ask if Tang Jun had this ability, would he still be defeated at the foot of Wuxiang City? "

As soon as this remark came out, all the generals present nodded in agreement.

What Qin Wu said is indeed reasonable, regardless of Hangu Pass itself and the number of defenders, let's just talk about Li Cunxiao.

After Xiang Yu's fall, Li Cunxiao defeated Li Yuanba openly, and now he is recognized as the number one fighter in the world. His name alone will make people feel at ease and inspired, and can make most people flinch.

So, how could Hangu Pass, which has the most powerful general in the world, be breached within half a month?

Any normal person would certainly think so, but apart from normal people present, there were also wise men like Fang Xuanling and Liu Ye, they obviously wouldn't think so.

In the eyes of Fang Xuanling and Liu Ye, whether Li Cunxiao is strong or not has nothing to do with whether Hangu Pass will fall or not, so how can one insist on something that is not sure?

"No, Hangu Pass is not without flaws."

A serious look flashed in Fang Xuanling's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "General Li Cunxiao is the biggest flaw in Hangu Pass."

As soon as this remark came out, most of the people present, including Yue Fei, frowned, and Qin Wu even said in a cold voice: "Military commander said carefully, General Li Cunxiao has guarded Hangu Pass for many years, and I don't know how many opportunities he has missed to make meritorious deeds. Without any complaints, how could he betray the lord."

Fang Xuanling was taken aback, and quickly explained: "The general misunderstood. General Li Cunxiao is loyal, so it is impossible to rebel. What I mean is that Li Tang has a conspiracy against General Li Cunxiao, which may eventually lead to the fall of Hangu Pass."

"That's it."

Qin Wu showed a dazed look, and said embarrassedly: "Military Master, you have said everything, who would not misunderstand you who cherish words like gold?
Eh, that's not right, since General Li Cunxiao fought with the lord, he has always won every battle and won every battle. So far he hasn't lost a single battle.

What kind of conspiracy can Li Tang have, so that General Li Cunxiao, who is on the defensive, can lose Hangu Pass within half a month, and he can't even wait for reinforcements? "

"I'm going to ask Li Shimin about it."

Fang Xuanling really wanted to answer Qin Wu, but unfortunately, he didn't know what Tang Jun's conspiracy was, but he also had his own judgment.

"Since the traces of Tang Jun have been found in the direction of Wuguan, it proves that Tang Jun's target must be Hangu Pass. Although he doesn't know what Li Tang's conspiracy is, Li Tang must be sure of breaking through Hangu Pass, but there is only Only in this way can it be explained why Li Tang abandoned Nanxiang and retreated to Wuguan."

At this time, Fang Xuanling's face changed drastically as if he remembered something, and he asked anxiously: "Governor, how many days have passed since the Tang army withdrew?"

"Ten days."

Yue Fei replied subconsciously, but then asked suspiciously: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong, military advisor?"

"Ten days?"

Fang Xuanling's voice became louder, and he murmured: "Going to Wuguan and entering Guanzhong, I arrived at Tongguan ten days ago."

Yue Fei's face suddenly changed, and he said hastily: "Hurry up, send the pigeon to General Li Cunxiao to remind him that Li Tang's target may be Hangu Pass."


The secret agent looked embarrassed and said: "I would like to inform the governor that the pigeons from Nanxiang can only go to Luoyang, but the pigeons from Hangu Pass are only available in Luoyang."

"Then Feige will send the letter to Luoyang."

Ordinary carrier pigeons can fly six to seven hundred kilometers a day, and trained pigeons can fly thousands of miles a day, while Nanxiang is less than a thousand miles away from Luoyang, and the military pigeons of the Qin Army can reach Luoyang in less than a day.

Yue Fei watched the pigeon fly towards Luoyang, and muttered to himself, "We must catch up."

It was already late at night when the carrier pigeon flew to Luoyang, and Jia Xu didn't expect that Yue Fei's movements would be so fast. He sent the letter to Feige this morning, and there was a reply in the evening. Isn't this efficiency too fast?

But after reading it, Jia Xu was frightened into a cold sweat.

Fang Xuanling and Liu Ye couldn't see what Li Tang's conspiracy was, so could Jia Xu, who is good at tricks, not see it?

As long as Li Cunxiao's character weakness is found, Jia Xu has a hundred ways to trick Li Cunxiao out, or provoke Hangu Pass.

There are no generals with the slightest weakness in character, so far Jia Xu only knows two, that is Bai Qi and Li Jing, can Li Cunxiao compare with these two people?Obviously not.

In Jia Xu's eyes, [-]% of the strength of Xiongguan lies in the pass itself, but [-]% lies in the generals guarding the pass.

A mediocre general guarding the pass, even if it is the best pass in the world, cannot stop the enemy.

Good defense, even if there are no checkpoints, just a large camp can still block the enemy.

Li Cunxiao is naturally a good general, but he has obvious personality weaknesses. Once he is really discovered and targeted, it will undoubtedly be a fatal crisis for the Hangu defenders.

"Hurry up, fly pigeons to pass a letter to Li Cunxiao immediately, tell him the news that Li Tang's army is targeting Hangu Pass, and tell him not to leave the pass for a fight."

Jia Xu said with a serious face, he has always been the one who remains unchanged before the collapse of Mount Tai, and at this time, a sense of urgency and crisis appeared in his heart.

Jia Xu dispatched three batches of pigeons in a row, but he was still worried, so he recruited all the generals headed by Qin Jian overnight, and said in a deep voice: "The old man calculated the time, and it may be too late for the pigeons to pass the letter.

If the Hangu Pass is really breached and the west gate of Sizhou falls, the consequences will be disastrous.

So, just in case, the old man decided to send troops overnight to rescue Hangu Pass. "

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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