Chapter 1793
Chapter 1791: Battle of Qin and Tang Dynasties at Hangu Pass
Jia Xu's words contained too much information, and most of the generals present did not react.

After reacting, the whole room was full of puzzlement and exclamation.


Most of the generals present, including Qin Jian, did not think that Hangu Pass was dangerous. After all, Hangu Pass’ defense was recognized as strong, and with Li Cunxiao and [-] elites present, it was absolutely impossible to react on Luoyang’s side. If you don't come, you will be breached.

But now Jia Xu suddenly said that Hangu Pass was in danger, and he would send troops to rescue immediately, the generals present would naturally feel surprised and puzzled.

"Military division, Hangu Pass didn't ask Luoyang for help, but we sent troops hastily, isn't it a bit of a fuss?" Qin Jian said puzzled.

"Yes, yes, there is no need for this at all. How could Hangu Pass fall? Just in case, it's just a case of going to war. You are too childish, military advisor."

Qin Hai yelled in agreement, but when he saw Jia Xu's cold eyes, he shrank his head in fear and hid behind Qin Jian with a sneer.

The nine sons of the dragon are all different.

Qin Hai is Hu Hai, although he is also a disciple of the Qin family, but he is full of dandyism.

Hu Hai had ridden his horse in the market before, but after being hit by Jia Xu, he was directly hit with [-] boards for the crime of endangering public order.

Because of this, Hu Hai secretly hated Jia Xu, and whenever he had the opportunity, he would speak ill of Jia Xu in front of the Qin family disciples, trying to stir up the Qin family's dissatisfaction with Jia Xu, but it had no effect.

Jia Xu naturally didn't care about Hu Hai's dude, but he didn't expect that his ignorance would only fuel Hu Hai's arrogance. After he became an official, he even dared to demolish Jia Xu in public.

Seeing that Hu Hai, a small official, dared to contradict in public, relying on his status as a child of the Qin family, Jia Xu's eyes suddenly flashed cold.

Qin Jian's objection was out of public interest, so Jia Xu naturally wouldn't have any objections, what about Hu Hai?He was purely here to disgust Jia Xu.

With this in mind, the coldness in Jia Xu's eyes gradually turned into a killing intent. The killing intent was not strong, but it was enough to scare Hu Hai out of his wits.

"Uncle, help me."

Hu Hai's liver and gallbladder were broken, and he hid behind Qin Jian, trembling with fright, such a timid and cowardly performance, Qin Jian shook his head secretly.

"Military Master, Hai'er is still young and ignorant, so don't be as knowledgeable as him."

As he said that, Qin Jian kicked Hu Hai angrily, and shouted: "How can you intervene in military affairs? Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Wen He."

"Yes, yes, the military advisor forgives me, Qin Hai knew he was wrong, and I ask the military advisor to be magnanimous."


Jia Xu snorted unhappily, turned her head and ignored Hu Hai, which was considered forgiveness.

A Hu Hai is really nothing, but Jia Xu has to give Qin Jian face.

As the younger brother of Qin Wen and the father of Qin Wu, Qin Jian is still very selfish, and he is extremely protective and partial to the Qin family, so he has a very high prestige among the young children of the Qin family.

It is understandable for the elders to take care of the younger generation, but Qin Jian's care for the children of the Qin family was too much.

Even if it is Hu Hai, the black sheep, even Qin Jian doesn't like him, but for the sake of being a child of the Qin family, he will stand up and take care of him, making Hu Hai think that he has a backer, so he dares to tease Jia Xu tiger beard.

With Jia Xu's status and power, it is natural to ignore Qin Jian's face and directly punish Hu Hai by bypassing the Qin family.

Jia Xu is Qin Hao's uncle, and Qin Jian is Qin Hao's uncle. If there is a conflict between the two of them, Qin Hao will be caught in the middle. Jia Xu doesn't want these trivial matters to drag Qin Hao's energy.

"You guys haven't realized the seriousness of the problem yet!"

After all, Jia Xu directly told what happened in Nanxiang and the deep meaning behind Li Tang's various unreasonable arrangements, which also made everyone present frown and tremble with fear.

"Although I don't know what Li Tang's specific conspiracy is, but since everything has been arranged in this way, it proves that there is at least a possibility of success."

Jia Xu's face was full of seriousness, and he said in a deep voice: "Hangu Pass is very important, I will never allow any threat, even if it is only a slight possibility.

If there is no crisis at Hangu Pass, then it would be the best, and it would be considered a marching military exercise.

If a crisis is really encountered, then sending reinforcements in advance can make a timely remedy and save the sky.

So, whether you agree or disagree, the reinforcements are definitely on the cards. "

Jia Xu made the decision directly, he had already talked about this point, if there are still people present who object, then it is really ignorant of praise and importance.

"We will obey the order of the military division." All the generals, including Qin Jian, shouted in unison.

Seeing this, Jia Xu nodded. Just as he was about to order generals, Qin Jian stood up and clasped his fists and said, "Military Master, the last general, Qin Jian, is willing to lead the army to support Hangu Pass."

Qin Jian, like Qin Zheng, hadn't personally led an army in battle for a long time. It was already difficult for him to have the opportunity to lead an army in his position, so he naturally didn't want to let go of this opportunity to lead an army.

Jia Xu thought for a while, then shook his head and refused, "No, anyone can leave Luoyang, except you, Prosecutor Qin."

"Why?" Qin Jian asked puzzled.

"The current situation in Sizhou is treacherous. On the surface, Li Tang's army is out, and secretly the courtiers are fishing in troubled waters. Qin Jian must stay in Luoyang to deter Xiaoxiao."

"It's… okay."

Qin Jian had no choice but to retreat, and Jia Xu's reasons made it impossible for him to refute.

In addition to Qin Jian, there are still many generals in Luoyang, such as: Sima Cuo, Di Qing, Qin Xi, Qin Liang, etc., but they are basically juniors, and their prestige and qualifications are not enough for this task.

Qin Xi and Qin Liang were actually Qin Xiangong Ying Shixi, and Qin Xiaogong Ying Quliang. After they were implanted into the Qin family, their identities and surnames changed, so their names naturally changed accordingly.

Jia Xu's eyes finally fell on Tan Daoji. Apart from Qin Jian's qualifications and prestige, only Tan Daoji could convince everyone with his military merits.

"Tan Daoji, the old man ordered you to be the chief general, and Qin Xi to be the deputy general, leading a main force of [-], and going to support Hangu Pass overnight, there must be no mistake." Jia Xu ordered in a deep voice.

After Tan Daoji and Qin Xi glanced at each other, they clasped their fists together and said, "No."

Luoyang has a total of [-] main forces and [-] recruits. Now that Tan Daoji has taken away the [-] main forces, there are only [-] elites and [-] recruits left. Luoyang's defense will naturally drop greatly.

With Jia Xu's prudence and precautions, he would not wait for the danger to come, so he secretly ordered the transfer of five thousand defenders from Guangcheng Pass and Yique Pass.

 From the second update to... a total of 7 chapters are still owed...

(End of this chapter)

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