Chapter 1795
Chapter 1793: Battle of Qin and Tang Dynasties at Hangu Pass
Jia Xu first sent flying pigeons to pass the letter overnight, and then sent Tan Daoji and Yingshi Xi, Xingye led an army of [-] to support Hangu Pass, but what he didn't know was that the battle at Hangu Pass had actually started.

One day ago, at the gate of Hangu Pass, Vice General Gongsun Yan of Hangu Pass was trying his best to stop the guard Li Cunxiao.

The chief and deputy defenders of Hangu Pass were Li Cunxiao and Zhou Yu, but since Zhou Yu was appointed as the commander of the Yellow River Navy, the task of the deputy general fell to Gongsun Yan.

Except for force, Gongsun Yan, whose four-dimensional average exceeds 95, thought it would be easy and enjoyable to be the deputy of the world's most powerful general, but after really getting in touch with Li Cunxiao, he realized that being his deputy not easy.

"General Li Cunxiao, our mission is to guard the Hangu Pass. Once we go to battle, we will take risks. This is contrary to the original intention of guarding the pass. We must not go to battle." Gongsun Yan persuaded.

Li Cunxiao did not intend to stop at all. After bypassing Gongsun Yan, he continued to walk towards the city gate with fighting intent in his eyes, and said, "Don't worry, I will go out alone and return alone. at any risk."

After serving under Li Cunxiao for so long, Gongsun Yan knew that he was not a character who did not listen to advice, but that he was too confident in his own strength, so he knew it was a trick and still dared to go alone, but this is obviously not a leader of the army. thing.

As the chief general of the first army, he had to start from the position of the whole army, instead of relying on his own force alone. Li Cunxiao, the chief general, was obviously not qualified.

This is not the first time that Li Cunxiao has left the army to fight without authorization. He has played against Yang Jian twice before, and Gongsun Yan also dutifully persuaded him, but how could Li Cunxiao, who had already had itchy hands, listen?

When Zhou Yu was still there, he could still persuade Li Cunxiao. After all, Zhou Yu was both Bai Qi's disciple and the Qin family's prospective son-in-law. Even Li Cunxiao had to show face, but the soft-spoken Gongsun Yan obviously couldn't persuade Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao, as the world's number one fierce general, was invincible all over the world, but he was trapped in Hangu Pass, a place as big as a sesame seed, and had few opportunities to make meritorious service in battle. Although it was to frighten Li Tang, how could he stand it after a long time?
Now that he finally had the chance to fight, how could Li Cunxiao let it go.

"General Li Cunxiao, Yang Jian has already been defeated twice before, but now he still dares to challenge you. This is obviously a way to provoke you to leave the city. The general must not be fooled."

Faced with Gongsun Yan's persuasion again, Li Cunxiao still looked indifferent, and said: "Even if it is the aggressive method? The general wanted to leave, and no one in this world can stop him, even Yang Jian."

Hearing such arrogant words, Gongsun Yan was also very helpless in his heart, thinking that this might be a common problem of the strong, who are prone to pride and arrogance, although what he said was not wrong.

Gongsun Yan wanted to persuade him again, but Li Cunxiao didn't want to listen anymore, and said directly: "Open the city gate, I will go back when I go."

Gongsun Yan's face changed suddenly, and when he was about to say something, Li Cunxiao had turned over and jumped onto the horse.

Outside Hangu Pass, Li Shimin, who had already arrived with an army of [-], stood side by side with Du Ruhui, Li Kui and other four major military advisers, looking forward to the direction of Hangu Pass, and asked, "Military advisers, will this Li Cunxiao really come out?" ? As far as this king knows, Li Cunxiao's temperament is not arrogant!"

"My lord, don't worry, Li Cunxiao will definitely fight."

Li Kui smiled lightly and explained: "Li Cunxiao is the most powerful general in the world, but he was left out in Hangu Pass and had no chance to lead the army for a long time, so he must be eager to fight in his heart, and we gave him an irresistible temptation.

General Yang Jian ranked third in the list of fierce generals, but lost to Li Cunxiao twice in a row. Although it was intentional, in Li Cunxiao's view, this third time, Yang Jian must have played with injuries and anger. The odds are great.

This is the head of General Yang Jian, who ranks third on the list of fierce generals. Even Li Cunxiao can't refuse it. "

As soon as the words fell, the gate of Hangu Pass suddenly opened wide, and there was a Zijin with three-pronged goose wings and a flat top on his head, wearing a dragon scale armor, a big red python dragon robe, a belt with eight treasures and a green pinnacle on his waist, and a Qingping sword in his hands. Holding two magical soldiers, the King Yu and the Bailong Silver Spear, the fierce general who was riding a flame horse under his crotch slowly drove out. If he is not the world's most powerful general, who can he be Li Cunxiao?

"Come out, the military master is really clever."

Li Shimin was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up, let Yuanba get ready, just wait for General Yang Jian to give a signal, and we will work together to strangle Li Cunxiao."


As soon as Li Cunxiao left the city, the gate of Hangu Pass behind him was immediately closed.

Yang Jian, who was inviting a battle outside the city, saw Li Cunxiao coming out, so he rode up to meet Li Cunxiao, deliberately made a gesture of disobedience, and said, "Li Cunxiao, I would have lost to you because of the cold, but now I have Well, you will lose this battle."

Hearing this, Li Cunxiao immediately laughed and said, "Yang Jian, did you say the same thing when you lost to Li Yuanba?"

The implication is that even Li Yuanba is not my opponent, you, Li Yuanba's defeated general, why are you still arguing here?There's no shame in admitting you lost to me.

Yang Jian didn't know what Li Cunxiao meant. It was true that no one would be ashamed to lose to Li Cunxiao, but he, the descendant of Yuqing, was the only one who lost face.

Li Cunxiao is the descendant of the Shangqing School of Taoism, while Yang Jian is the descendant of the Yuqing School of Taoism.

In the frontal battle, Yang Jian lost to Li Cunxiao. Doesn't that mean that Yuqing is not as good as Shangqing?

Yang Jian didn't care about winning or losing a battle, but he didn't want to shame his master, so he scolded Li Kui many times in his heart for trying to trick him into defeating him.

Shame can only be washed away by blood.

Yang Jian has already paid such a high price, so this time he must kill Li Cunxiao in order to wash away the shame of successive defeats.

At this thought, Yang Jian's eyes flashed with determination, pointed the three-pointed double-edged knife at Li Cunxiao, and said coldly: "Li Cunxiao, only one of us can survive this battle."

Li Cunxiao didn't notice Yang Jian's strangeness, instead he said excitedly: "I can't ask for it."


Following two thunderous shouts, the weapons in the hands of the world's number one fierce general and the world's third fierce general were instantly covered by a rich inner energy, and they simultaneously urged their horses to kill each other.

[Ding Dong, Li Cunxiao's skill 'Broken City' is activated at effect 1. After this skill is activated, commander +2 and force +6.

Li Cunxiao's basic strength is 110 (+1), Yu Wangzhai, Bi Yanluo, Bailong silver spear, three-pronged flat-topped goose-winged purple gold crown, big red python dragon robe, eight-treasure tuan bead belt, Qingping sword +1, flame horse +1, The current strength has risen to 118. 】

[Ding dong, Yang Jian's skill 'Erlang God' is activated...]

 Guaranteed one update...these two days are a bit too much, there is only one update, and tomorrow is guaranteed to be updated.

(End of this chapter)

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