Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1796 Li Cunxiao Fights Yang Jian

Chapter 1796 Li Cunxiao Fights Yang Jian

Chapter 1794: Li Cunxiao vs Yang Jian

[Ding dong, Yang Jian's skill 'Erlang God' is activated...

Erlang God: This skill is Yang Jian's unique super god-level skill, which is advanced by combining the skill 'Sword God' with the skill 'Erlang'.

Effect 1: After this skill is triggered, the force will be +6, the generals with god-level weapon skills will have a force of -2, the king-level force will be -3 points, the general-level force will have -4 points, and the generals without weapon skills will be -5. "

Effect 2, the stronger the opponent is, the stronger the combat power will be. The first use of force is +5, the second time is +4, the third time is +3, and the fourth time is +2. This skill can be launched up to 4 times.

Effect 3, when the protagonist or relatives encounter a crisis, they can stimulate their own potential, and their force will increase to a certain extent. 】

Facing the world's number one fierce general Li Cunxiao, Yang Jian naturally didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and before he even handed it over, he aroused his super magic skill, Erlang Shen.

[Ding Dong, Yang Jian's skill 'Erlang Shen' effect 1 activates, force +6...

Yang Jian: Commander 97, Force 108, Intelligence 87, Politics 78, Charm 99; Equipment: Three-pointed double-edged knife, Han Xue Roaring Horse, Golden Bow and Silver Bullet, Mountain Axe, Mountain Whip, Devil Sword, Babaoxiang Dragon Armor, Roaring Dog, Eagle;

Yang Jian's basic strength is 108, the three-pointed double-edged sword +1, the Han blood Roaring Horse +1, and the current strength has risen to 116;]

You must know that most of the characters born in this world are blank boards, and they don’t have any props on them. It’s good to have one of the better ones. For example, Sun Lingming has four pieces of equipment, Qiu Rui has five pieces of equipment, and Yang Jian is alone. There are actually nine pieces.

I have to say that Yang Jian, the God of Erlang, is really blessed, and he is the only one in this family.

The higher the force value, the more difficult it is to improve it.

When Li Tang fell into the quagmire of Yizhou, Yang Jian died tragically at the hands of Xing Tian, ​​the first fierce general of the Shu Han, because of his elder brother Yang Jiao and his sworn brother Zhang Boshi. In a rage, he defeated Xing Tian who had won him before.

Although Yang Jian won Xing Tian in that battle, his own martial strength has not been improved, and his martial strength value still stays at 108 points. This may be because his accumulation is not enough.

With Li Yuanba, Xingtian and the experience of defeating Xingtian several times, plus the experience of losing to Li Cunxiao several times, now Yang Jian's accumulation has reached a terrifying level, and he is only one chance away from breaking through. .

Li Cunxiao is completely different from Yang Jian. Before he became the number one fierce general in the world, he had a record of a tie, but since he defeated Li Yuanba and became the number one in the world, no one can defeat him alone, even Neither can Yang Jian.

Li Cunxiao, who has been "seeking defeat alone", wants to continue to improve his strength, and the difficulty is naturally much greater than that of Yang Jian.

Therefore, Li Cunxiao's bottleneck has not been loosened at all even after defeating Yang Jian, who is number three in the world several times, but if he can kill Yang Jian, it may be able to speed up the time for him to break through the bottleneck.

Li Cunxiao had the intention of beheading Yang Jian, while Yang Jian had other plans, but he couldn't have any reservations to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, so the two of them went all out when they fought.

Li Cunxiao hung the Bailong Silver Spear back on the horse's back, and held the King Yu's lance tightly with both hands. He was good at using two weapons, but he used a single weapon to fight Yang Jian. This was not to preserve his strength, but to concentrate his strength so that he could win faster Negative to.

Seeing this, Yang Jian's pupils shrank immediately, but he still didn't have the slightest intention of retreating. He danced wildly with the three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand, and directly used the unique skill of his master, Yuxu Thirteen Swords.

[Ding Dong, Yang Jian's skill 'Erlang Shen' effect 2 is activated, force +5, and the current force rises to 121. 】

Yang Jian's saber technique directly attacked Li Cunxiao's thirteen vital points in three directions from the upper, middle and lower.

"Take the call."

After Li Cunxiao let out a long roar, he waved Yu Wang's spear with his right hand, using the unique skill of the Shangqing School, the Eighteen Movements of Biyou.

[Ding dong, Li Cunxiao's skill 'Tianjin' effect 1 is activated, force +6, and the current force rises to 124;]

"The seventh form of Biyou, Huangquan Biyou, broken."


After Li Cunxiao stabbed in the air, the light of the sword disappeared instantly, and Yuqing's unique skill was deciphered so easily.

"What? It's impossible?"

Yang Jian was shocked, but Li Cunxiao sneered: "Dare to use repeated moves in front of me? Yang Jian, your skills are poor."

Yang Jian suddenly realized that he had used this set of saber techniques in the last duel, but he didn't expect that Li Cunxiao would find a flaw after only using it once.

Yang Jian quickly changed his moves, but Li Cunxiao didn't give him a chance. While holding up the three-pointed double-edged knife with one hand, he pulled out the Qingping Sword from his waist with his left hand, and chopped off at Yang Jian's neck with the immortal swordsmanship.

[Ding dong, Li Cunxiao's skill 'God' effect 2, the first time it is activated, the force +5, the current force rises to 129;]

Yang Jian didn't expect that as soon as the battle started, he would fall into a disadvantage. Under the crisis, he decisively took out the mountain axe from behind, and responded to the sharp, domineering, indestructible sword energy of the immortal.

[Ding dong, effect 2 of Yang Jian's skill 'Erlang Shen' is activated for the second time, force +4, and the current force rises to 125. 】


Although the mountain-opening ax of the heavy weapon blocked the sword, how could the Juexian sword energy be so easy to block, and the Qingping sword was not damaged at all, but there was an extra gap in the mountain-opening axe.

One strike failed, and Li Cunxiao struck again, forcing Yang Jian to continue to swing his ax to resist. After counting the swords, the blade of the mountain-opening ax was full of gaps.

Yang Jian's mountain-opening ax was not an ordinary weapon, but it was cut like this in front of this precious sword, which also made him very curious about what kind of sword Li Cunxiao was using.

"Shangqing sword?"

After seeing it clearly, Yang Jian showed shock immediately, and couldn't help asking: "Uncle Master, the old man actually gave you the Qingping Sword?"

Qingping Sword is also known as Shangqing Sword or Shangqing Qingping Sword.

Li Cunxiao hadn't used it in the previous battle, so Yang Jian didn't know it was the Qingping sword. If he had known earlier, he would have avoided it instead of taking it hard. Asking the sword is inferior.

Li Cunxiao held a lance in one hand and a sword in the other, while attacking fiercely, he asked back: "Why, didn't the master give you the Yuxu sword?"

Yang Jian was speechless for a moment, of course he also wanted the Yuxu Sword, but when he went down the mountain, the master didn't give it to him, he just gave him a Demon Slaying Sword.

Although the Demon Slaying Sword is good, how can it be compared with the Qingping Sword, one of the three Qing Dao swords?
Li Cunxiao's attack was too fast and fierce. If this continues, Yang Jian's mountain-breaking ax will be scrapped sooner or later. If it is too late to change weapons, he will definitely die tragically under the Qingping sword.

With this in mind, Yang Jian leaned back resolutely, while avoiding the offensive, he urged the horses, and the two staggered sideways.

The first round ended here, and Yang Jian never expected that he would fall into a disadvantage in just one round.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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