Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1798 Defeating Yang Jian

Chapter 1798 Defeating Yang Jian

Chapter 1796: Defeating Yang Jian

[Ding dong, Yang Jian's skill 'Sky Eye' effect 4 is activated, all magic is invulnerable, and it is not affected by any negative effects, but the seal effect of the 'Tai Bao' equipment bonus is not a negative skill, so the 'Sky Eye' effect 4 activation failed. 】

Both Yang Jian and Li Cunxiao are blessed by ten thousand laws, but his suppressing skills are useless to Li Cunxiao, while Li Cunxiao's equipment seal is useful to him.

In a battle at the level of super generals, even 1 point of force is precious, let alone 2 points of equipment sealed and sealed?
After Yang Jian's skills were fully activated, the force value was already two points lower than Li Cunxiao's. Now that the equipment bonus has been sealed, the difference in force has expanded to 4 points.

The gap widened in an instant, and Li Cunxiao had the absolute upper hand, firmly suppressing Yang Jian.

In fact, Yang Jian and Li Cunxiao are super generals of the same level. Li Cunxiao is inferior to Li Yuanba and Xiang Yu. This can be seen just by looking at the force value after the skills are fully activated.

However, under Qin Hao's vigorous training, Li Cunxiao has been strengthened several times. Not only has his basic martial arts improved, but his two skills of breaking the city and protecting him have also been strengthened.

You must know that the Taibao can only seal the bonus of weapons before it is strengthened, but it can seal the bonus of equipment after strengthening.

This increase is not small!
It is precisely because of this that Li Cunxiao finally completed the counterattack and defeated Li Yuanba, who was originally stronger than him.

Li Cunxiao was not necessarily stronger than Yang Jian when he was just born, but Li Cunxiao was more lucky. Not only was he born earlier than Yang Jian, but he was also under Qin Hao's command, and both his basic skills and skills were strengthened.

On the contrary, although Yang Jian continued to fight after he was born, he was defeated more often. He lost to Li Yuanba, Xing Tian, ​​and Li Cunxiao.

Therefore, Yang Jian, who has not improved his force at all, naturally cannot be Li Cunxiao's opponent.

Outside Hangu Pass, the battle between Li Cunxiao and Yang Jian was going on fiercely.

But generally speaking, Li Cunxiao had an absolute advantage, while Yang Jian gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on. He could only defend and defend, with little power to fight back.

Li Cunxiao's brave performance raised the morale of the Qin army on the tower, and they all shouted to cheer for Li Cunxiao.

"General Cun Xiao, number one in the world, the best in the world, no one can beat him."

"The general is mighty, the general is invincible."

"General Li Cunxiao, who is invincible all over the world, Yang Erlang is nothing but self-defeating."


Passing the Hangu Pass, Gongsun Yan watched the battle outside the city with a serious face. Li Cunxiao was clearly in the upper hand, but there was always an inexplicable throbbing in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

"Although Yang Jian is still at a disadvantage in this battle, it is only a matter of time before he loses, but the combat power he has shown this time is much stronger than before." Gongsun Yan sighed softly.

Although Yang Jian was beaten by Li Cunxiao, it was basically impossible to win, but at that time, because the opponent was Li Cunxiao, there was only one Li Cunxiao in the whole world.

Except for Li Cunxiao, even the fierce Qin army like clouds, there is no general who can defeat Yang Jian, not even Jiang Song who is second only to Li Cunxiao, but Tang Jun has a stronger one besides Yang Jian Li Yuanba.

"Li Tang is indeed the greatest enemy of my Qin army."

Gongsun Yan said softly to himself, he didn't know that Qin Jun had another Sun Lingming, if he knew, he would definitely not think so.

On the battlefield, the battle between Yang Jian and Li Cunxiao finally ended with Yang Jian losing and fleeing after twenty rounds.

Yang Jian originally wanted to fight for a hundred rounds, but when he was defeated, Li Cunxiao came to chase him, but with a 4-point difference in force, he couldn't last that long at all, and he couldn't hold it after only twenty rounds.

If the fight continued, Yang Jian felt that his life must be in danger, so he decisively retreated and urged the horse to run for his life.

Li Cunxiao fought well, seeing that Yang Jian was about to be killed, how could he let Yang Jian escape?Resolutely urged the horse to chase and kill Yang Jian.

"Fight." Yang Jian swung his whip.

"Yang Jian, you can't escape."

After Li Cunxiao yelled, he resolutely put Yu Wangzhang back on his horse, took out a captured bow, raised his hand and shot an arrow at Yang Jian's back.


This arrow was like a meteor, swift and domineering, and made a buzzing sound of piercing through the air, but it was a pity that it still couldn't do anything to Yang Jian.

At the critical moment, although Yang Jian didn't even look back, he pulled out the Demon Slaying Sword from his waist, and slashed behind him decisively, just in time to cut off the arrow and resolve the crisis.

Seeing this, Li Cunxiao gave a cold snort of dissatisfaction, and decisively drew his bow again to shoot arrows, but was stopped by Yang Jian's horizontal sword.

Li Cunxiao also noticed that the sword technique used by Yang Jian was the Ruyi Three Treasures Sword Art of Yuqing's school.

"I want to see how many arrows you can block."

Li Cunxiao said coldly, then he opened his bow again and shot the third arrow at Yang Jian, but it was a pity that Yang Jian still separated him.

Li Cunxiao's archery skills are not as good as those of the generals with bow skills, so he can't shoot multiple arrows with one bow. He can only shoot one arrow at a time to ensure accuracy.

After shooting five arrows in a row, the precious bow in Li Cunxiao's hand couldn't bear his strength any longer, and was directly broken by his vigorous pulling.

"What kind of crap is this?"

Li Cunxiao yelled at him, threw away the bow in his hand, took back Yuwangzhai, and continued to chase and kill Yang Jian who was close at hand.

Seeing this, Yang Jian smiled coldly, took out the golden bow on the horse's back with his left hand, and took out a silver arrow from the quiver with his right hand, and suddenly turned his head to Li Cunxiao to shoot the arrow back to the horse.

"This is for you."


Li Cunxiao didn't even blink his eyelids, he raised his hand to grab the silver arrow, and then he flung it out violently, and the silver arrow was thrown out, and the power was not much worse than using a bow.


Yang Jian was taken aback again. Although he didn't specialize in bows and arrows, his archery skills were no worse than that of an archer, but he never expected that Li Cunxiao would dare to catch his arrows with his bare hands.

Yang Jian turned sideways to avoid it, and didn't dare to continue shooting arrows. After all, people can catch arrows with bare hands, so it's impossible for him to hurt Li Cunxiao with his little archery skills.

Passing through Hangu Pass, seeing Yang Jian defeated and fleeing, Li Cunxiao was chasing him on his own. Gongsun Yan was shocked and shouted: "I can't chase, this is a trap, hurry up, call the gold, and call General Li Cunxiao back. "

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding...

The sharp sound of mingjin sounded, and Li Cunxiao frowned tightly when he heard it, but he didn't intend to follow the order to return.

After finally making Yang Jian more injured, now is the perfect opportunity to kill him, so Li Cunxiao is naturally unwilling to let it go.

So what if Li Tang has a trap?Li Cunxiao doesn't care at all, what traps in this world can help him?
 Guaranteed to update, I stayed up late last night to write, and I was too sleepy after writing. After I woke up in the morning, I made up the rest. There must be more than one update today. Don’t worry.

(End of this chapter)

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