Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1799 Yang 2 Li 4 VS Li 3

Chapter 1799 Yang Er Li Si VS Li Thirteen

Chapter 1797: Yang Er Li Si VS Li Shisan

Yang Jian, who wanted to lure the enemy, fled into the Tang Army in a panic, and Li Cunxiao also directly broke into the Wanjun, and it was not the first time he did this kind of thing.

Countless soldiers flocked from all around, trying to hold Li Cunxiao down and buy time for Yang Jian, but they couldn't stop him at all. Even if Li Cunxiao was alone, he would still be in no man's land in the Tang army.

Although Li Cunxiao's efficiency in clearing troops was not as good as Li Yuanba's, he was still a killing machine for ordinary soldiers.

Under Li Cunxiao's continuous harvesting, screams rang out one after another, and dozens of soldiers were killed in an instant, and this was all caused by Li Cunxiao alone.

On Tang Jun's side, Li Shimin saw that Li Cunxiao really came, instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, and said decisively: "Quickly, follow the plan, let Yuanba attack and kill Li Cunxiao."


What Li Cunxiao didn't know was that he had taken the initiative to step into the trap that Li Tang had set for him alone.

Just when Li Cunxiao was about to catch up with Yang Jian, a familiar figure holding a sledgehammer was approaching him from the flank, it was Li Yuanba who was number two in the world.

Li Yuanba was planning to sneak attack at first, but when he was 50 meters away from Li Cunxiao, the opponent turned around and stabbed a soldier to death, and he happened to see him out of the corner of his eye.

After the four eyes met, Li Yuanba raised the sledgehammer in his hand, whether it was smashed or not.

It's really embarrassing to be caught without a sneak attack!

"Li Yuanba? Aren't you in Nanxiang? Why did you come to Hangu Pass?"

Li Cunxiao's eyes were like lightning, and after looking directly at Li Yuanba for a moment, his face suddenly became ugly, obviously he had realized that he was being calculated.

Li Cunxiao turned his head to look at Yang Jian again, sure enough, he stopped running for his life, but stopped and joined Li Yuanba, forming a front and back attack on him.

"You Yang Jian, it turned out that this was what he was planning. It's really despicable."

Li Cunxiao sneered coldly, but a trace of shame flashed in Yang Jian's eyes. He wanted to defeat or even kill Li Cunxiao head-on, but his strength did not allow it, so he had to use this low-handed method.

But in an instant, Yang Jian's eyes regained clarity, and he said lightly: "Soldiers, tricks. Li Cunxiao, you are too arrogant, this time you have to pay the price for your arrogance."


Hearing this, Li Cunxiao snorted unhappily, his face was still calm, but his heart was secretly anxious.

Even if he is alone among thousands of troops, Li Cunxiao will not have any panic, because he knows that the general army can't stop him at all, but if this army has the second and third most powerful generals in the world, it's a different matter .

Li Cunxiao, who is the most powerful general in the world, is indeed stronger than Li Yuanba and Yang Jian, but he is only stronger than the first line. If the two of them join forces, Li Cunxiao alone will definitely not be an opponent.

Just as Li Cunxiao was thinking about how to get out of the current predicament, Li Yuanba shouted to Yang Jian: "Hey, Yang Erlang, why did you lose so quickly? Your strength has retreated a bit quickly."

Hearing this, Yang Jian's expression changed instantly, and a hint of anger flashed in his eyes.

In all fairness, although Yang Jian's strength is not as good as Li Cunxiao's, he won't be defeated in twenty rounds, but Li Cunxiao has figured out the flaws in his moves in the previous fights, so he lost so quickly this time.

Li Yuanba didn't realize this. He only knew that Yang Jian lost after twenty rounds, which was seriously inconsistent with the strength Yang Jian showed when he fought against him, so he thought that Yang Jian's strength had regressed.

"Li Yuanba, if you face the current Li Cunxiao alone, you may not perform better than me." Yang Jian said angrily.

Li Yuanba didn't realize Yang Jian's dissatisfaction, he grinned and said slowly: "This is impossible, even if Li Cunxiao and my brother have improved faster than me these years, it is absolutely impossible to defeat me in twenty rounds." .”

Hearing this, Yang Jian didn't react much, but Li Cunxiao was overjoyed, wondering if he could use this to anger Li Yuanba, and let him fight him one-on-one instead of fighting in groups. After all, he is not afraid of Li Yuanba if he fights alone.

"You prodigal, how can you be brave?"

Li Cunxiao pretended to be contemptuous, and said arrogantly: "Li Yuanba, how can we need twenty rounds to deal with you? Ten rounds are enough."

If it was Li Yuanba in the past, he would definitely be irritated by Li Cunxiao's gesture, but now that Li Yuanba's brain has been cured, he naturally wouldn't fall for such a clumsy provocative method.

"Hehe, Li Cunxiao, do you think I'm the same Li Yuanba I used to be, that I can be easily irritated by you?"

Although Li Yuanba knew that this was a provocative method, there was still a flash of anger in his eyes, and he sneered, "Don't waste your efforts, today you must die under the cooperation of me and Yang Jian."

"Do it."

After a loud shout, Li Yuanba and Yang Jian moved at the same time, launching an offensive towards Li Cunxiao in the middle.

[Ding dong, Li Yuanba's skill 'Breaking Fortification' effect 2 activates, force +10, basic force 110 (+1), beating drum Weng golden hammer +1, cloud cover of thousands of miles +1, current force rises to 122. 】

[Ding dong, Li Yuanba's skill 'Angry Hammer' activates effect 1, force +5, and the current force rises to 127. 】

[Ding dong, Li Yuanba's skill 'Rage Hammer' has effect 2 activated, force +5, intelligence -20, and the current force has risen to 132.Intelligence dropped to 46. 】

Seeing that the two generals were attacking at the same time, Li Cunxiao quickly picked up the White Dragon Silver Spear, holding a soldier in each hand, waiting for the same time, and urged his horse to break out from one side.

As soon as Li Cunxiao left, a group of gunmen surrounded him immediately. Normally, they would not be able to stop Li Cunxiao, but now with Li Yuanba and Yang Jian, they only need to delay Li Cunxiao for a moment.

clack clack...

A large number of spears were cut off by Li Cunxiao, and more than a dozen soldiers flew out at the same time, but they also successfully stopped Li Cunxiao and bought time for Yang Jian and Li Yuanba.

"Li Cunxiao, die."

Li Yuanba roared and swung the sledgehammer, the heavy drum-beating golden hammer smashed directly at Li Cunxiao with the momentum of piercing through the air.

"Go away."

Li Cunxiao also roared angrily, and when there was no way to avoid it, both soldiers in his hands came out at the same time, facing Li Yuanba's double hammers.

dong dong dong...

After more than ten times of head-on bombardment, Li Yuanba was forced into a disadvantage, and then under Li Cunxiao's critical blow, he was repelled by both men and horses.

"how can that be?"

Li Yuanba showed a look of shock. In terms of strength, he was suppressed by Li Cunxiao?

After Li Cunxiao succeeded in one blow, he was just about to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but Yang Jian had already killed him, so he had to abandon Li Yuanba to deal with Yang Jian.

After Li Yuanba made some adjustments, the anger in his heart became even worse, and he shouted violently: "Li Cunxiao, I will smash you to death."

[Ding dong, Li Yuanba's skill 'Rage Hammer' has effect 2 activated, force +5, intelligence -20, and the current force has risen to 137.Intelligence dropped to 26. 】

 From the second update to... 6 chapters are still owed.

(End of this chapter)

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