Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1800 Great Master Li Cunxiao

Chapter 1800 Great Master Li Cunxiao

Chapter 1798: Grandmaster Li Cunxiao

Although Li Yuanba's intelligence dropped to 26 points, he was not dazzled by anger. Seeing that Li Cunxiao was stopped by Yang Jian, he immediately stepped forward and joined hands with Yang Jian to fight against Li Cunxiao.

Yang Jian's sword skills are superb, and Li Yuanba's hammer skills are domineering. The combined combat power of the two is far more than a simple one plus one equals two.

Faced with the joint attack of 135's Yang Jian and 137's Li Yuanba, 139's Li Cunxiao chose to fight head-on with the two.

Anyway, he can't break through now, so why not try to fight with the two of them, maybe he can use this pressure to break through
"Come on, I want to see if you two defeated generals can kill me, Li Cunxiao."

After Li Cunxiao yelled, he blocked Yang Jian with the white dragon silver gun in his left hand, and Wang Yu with his right hand against Li Yuanba. wind.

[Ding dong, Li Cunxiao's skill 'Taibao' effect 2 is activated, sealing Li Yuanba's equipment bonus, force -2, currently Li Yuanba's force has dropped to 135. 】

From the rear, Li Shimin saw that Li Yuanba and Yang Jian joined forces, and they were only on par with Li Cunxiao, so he couldn't help but was shocked and said: "How can this Li Cunxiao be so strong?

Although Li Cunxiao had defeated Yuanba before, he was also very reluctant to win. Why is it that now that Yuanba and General Yang Jian have teamed up, they can't take him alone? "

Du Ruhui shook his head and said, "My lord, it's not that Li Cunxiao has become stronger, but that the Fourth Young Master has become weaker."


Li Shimin resolutely denied it, and asked with a frown: "After Yuanba recovered from his illness, he broke through to the realm of a master, and his combat power was even stronger than before. How could he become weaker?"

"My lord, the fourth son's way of fighting before was to constantly attack and attack, but he never considered other things, but now he already knows how to use tactics.

Although this is a good thing, but it also lost that kind of madness, and the courage to go forward, and the combat power is much weaker than before. "

Hearing this, Li Shimin was stunned, never expecting such a thing.

What Du Ruhui said was right, since Li Yuanba's brain was healed, Li Yuanba has become less prone to anger, but his strength depends on his anger value.

The country is easy to change and the nature is difficult to change.

Li Yuanba was an irritable person, and it was easy to provoke him. For example, just now, he knew that Li Cunxiao was deliberately angering him, but he still couldn't help being angry.

Now Li Yuanba is not an idiot after all, no matter how angry he is, he will retain his rationality, unless he is stimulated by some particularly excessive things, and naturally it will be difficult to activate all the effects of the 'Raging Hammer'.

The effect of the 'Hammer of Wrath' cannot be fully activated, so Li Yuanba's strength naturally cannot be fully utilized.

Therefore, for Li Yuanba, the recovery of intelligence actually affected his fighting state.

Li Shimin's love for Li Yuanba is sincere, even if Li Yuanba is not as strong as before, he still thinks it is not a bad thing, after all, no one wants to live in a muddle forever.

"Don't worry, my lord. With the joint efforts of Fourth Young Master and Yang Jian, Li Cunxiao may not be able to defeat Li Cunxiao in a short period of time, but Li Cunxiao will definitely not be able to last long. It is only a matter of time before he loses."

The reason why Du Ruhui didn't mention his fall was because Li Cunxiao's tenacity exceeded expectations, even if he set a special trap, he was not 100% sure.


Li Shimin nodded his head in agreement, and said in a deep voice: "We still have to take killing Li Cunxiao as the top priority. If we really can't get rid of it, we should also take this opportunity to attack Hangu Pass."

Li Shimin was absolutely sure that Gongsun Yan would not and would not dare to see Li Cunxiao as dead, after all, Li Cunxiao was of great significance to the Qin army.

The existence of Li Cunxiao is a banner, just like Xiang Yu at the beginning, even if he does not go to the battlefield, he will inspire the soldiers at the bottom.

Their strength is not only their own strength, but also symbolizes the strength of the entire army, which can act as a deterrent both internally and externally.

On the battlefield, the battle has lasted for ten rounds. Li Yuanba and Yang Jian failed to kill Li Cunxiao, and Li Cunxiao failed to break through the Grand Master under high pressure. The battle gradually fell into a stalemate.

Li Cunxiao secretly became anxious. After all, if he fought a protracted battle, he would definitely not be able to consume the two opponents, but under the entanglement of the opponents, he was unable to break through at all, and this time he fell into an endless loop.

"It's only a little bit close, why can't it break through?"

Li Cunxiao was anxious, and Yang Jian and Li Yuanba were also anxious. After all, they were number two and number three in the world, and they couldn't beat Li Cunxiao together. It would be a shame to spread the news.

"After practicing so hard, why is it still inferior to Li Cunxiao?"

At this thought, Li Yuanba's heart was filled with anger and sourness, and he shouted violently with red eyes: "Li Cunxiao, I must defeat you."

[Ding dong, Li Yuanba's skill 'Rage Hammer' has effect 2 activated, force +4, intelligence -16, and the current force has risen to 139.Intelligence dropped to 10. 】

Li Yuanba's aura suddenly increased, but the skyrocketing strength brought about a decline in sanity.

At this time, Li Yuanba's eyes were red, and his whole body exuded an aura of madness, but the remaining 10 points of intelligence allowed him to retain the last clarity, so that he would not completely lose his mind.

Li Yuanba with 139 points is only slightly worse than Li Cunxiao. Although he is still not as good as Li Cunxiao, Li Cunxiao needs to concentrate on dealing with Yang Jian who is 35.

The sudden surge in Li Yuanba's strength caught Li Cunxiao a little off guard. Coupled with Yang Jian's restraint, the pressure doubled for a while, and he gradually fell into a disadvantage.


Under Li Yuanba's more than ten consecutive heavy blows, the White Dragon Silver Spear in Li Cunxiao's hand was bent, and traces of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, but he still gritted his teeth and resisted.

If he could break through, Li Cunxiao would have broken through long ago, but Li Yuanba and Yang Jian were too tightly entangled, and with the large army obstructing him, he couldn't break out by himself.

Li Cunxiao felt a little regretful in his heart, he shouldn't be arrogant and arrogant to fight alone, if he had an army around him to share the pressure, he wouldn't be so passive.

At this moment, the gate of Hangu Pass suddenly opened wide, and nearly a thousand cavalry came out of it, and the leading general was Gongsun Yan.

"Support General Li Cunxiao, kill."

After Gongsun Yan yelled, he led more than a thousand fine riders, like a sharp knife, directly crashed into the Tang army's phalanx.

These nearly a thousand cavalry were none other than Li Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Army, whose combat power was no less powerful than that of the Sundering Army, and they immediately disrupted the Tang Army's phalanx.

 Guaranteed one update to... Thanks to the book friends who ate the 50000 starting coins for eating buns and sleeping, and added five chapters to show their gratitude. After accumulating, there are currently 11 chapters owed.

(End of this chapter)

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