Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1801 Great Master Li Cunxiao

Chapter 1801 Great Master Li Cunxiao

Chapter 1799: Grandmaster Li Cunxiao

Before Li Cunxiao left, he told him that unless he came back on his own initiative, he could not open the city gate anyway.

With Li Cunxiao's order before him, even if Gongsun Yan refused to save him, he didn't need to take responsibility. After all, Li Cunxiao asked for it himself, but he still took the risk of opening the city gate to rescue him.

The reason why Gongsun Yan would do this is that apart from not being able to bear to watch Li Cunxiao die in battle, the most important thing is that Hangu Pass cannot do without Li Cunxiao.

Among the Qin army, Li Cunxiao's reputation was second only to Bai Qi's. If he died in battle, the morale of the Qin army would plummet.

In addition, Yang Jian and Li Yuanba are both outside the city, and no one can stop them except Li Cunxiao, so once Li Cunxiao dies, Hangu Pass will fall sooner or later.

Gongsun Yan saw very clearly that Li Cunxiao's life and death were directly related to the stability of Hangu Pass, so he had to rescue Li Cunxiao.

Seeing this, Li Cunxiao was displeased and surprised, and roared angrily: "Idiot, open the city gate at this time, what if Hangu Pass is lost?"

Outside the formation of the Tang army, Gongsun Yan, who was surrounded by cavalry, also roared in response after hearing the roar: "How can Hangu Pass be compared with you, General."

Li Cunxiao was shocked, his eyes were mixed with emotion and shame. He didn't think he was more important than Hangu Pass. After all, Hangu Pass is the west gate of Sizhou. If it is lost, the whole Sizhou will be in danger. How can he be alone? On par with the 400 million people in Sizhou?

At this time, Li Cunxiao felt extremely regretful. If he hadn't been arrogant and went to war in disregard of the military order, how could the originally good situation have turned into this?

At this thought, Li Cunxiao's eyes flashed with determination, and then he completely gave up defense, and switched to the style of fighting with his life.

Faced with Yang Jian's slashing knife, Li Cunxiao did not dodge or block it, allowing the knife to slash on the shoulder armor.At the same time, he swept towards Yang Jian with a sudden blow.

Yang Jian's strength is so great that even the strongest armor in the world can't stop his full blow, and after this knife hit Li Cunxiao, it directly chopped the meteorite armor into pieces.

Li Cunxiao's thirteen Taibao horizontal kung fu practice has long been accomplished, and his body has been tempered to the point where ordinary iron is hard to hurt, but he can't stop the sharp weapon of the magic weapon.

The sharp blade pierced through the body-protecting gauze and pierced into Li Cunxiao's flesh and blood, but it could not penetrate even an inch into the flesh.

At the same time that Yang Jian hit Li Cunxiao, Li Cunxiao hit Yang Jian in the chest with a single shot, directly shattering the eight-treasure auspicious dragon armor and straightening the bent white dragon silver spear.


The huge force came, causing Yang Jian's expression to change instantly, and then he spit out a big mouthful of blood, and was almost blown away from the horse's back.

Li Cunxiao exchanged injuries for injuries and severely injured Yang Jian. Even if Yang Jian had eighty-nine profound arts to protect his body, it was impossible for Yang Jian to recover in a short time.

Without Yang Jian's restraint, Li Cunxiao's pressure was greatly reduced. He wanted to do the same to injure Li Yuanba, but Li Yuanba's hammering skills were both offensive and defensive, so he could only confront Li Yuanba crazily.
However, Li Cunxiao became more and more courageous as he fought more and more, and gradually entered a mysterious state. The inner energy around him became thicker and thicker unconsciously, and the inner energy gauze covering his body had a tendency to turn into an armor of strong energy.


A shocking aura spread from Li Cunxiao's center directly to the surroundings, so that the surrounding soldiers couldn't look directly at the two of them.

All of a sudden, there were flying sand and rocks, thunderbolts and thunderbolts, and even the clouds in the sky surged.


Li Shimin's eyes widened immediately, the world turned pale, and the wind and clouds changed. This scene looked familiar, and a dusty memory was recalled again.

Wasn't it the same when Xiang Yu broke through to the Grand Master back then?Could it be...

Li Shimin exclaimed: "No, Li Cunxiao is about to break through the Great Master, we must stop him."

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

Li Cunxiao's current age is not a few years older than Xiang Yu when he broke through to the Grand Master.

Could it be that another great master in his 30s will be born?
At this point, the generals were filled with despair.

Li Cunxiao, who is not a great master, is invincible all over the world. If he becomes a great master, it will be fine. Isn't there no way to deal with it?
As for preventing Li Cunxiao from breaking through?How to stop it?What to do to stop it?

Li Cunxiao made a breakthrough before the battle, and Li Yuanba was right in front of him, so he couldn't stop it, so how could they stop it?

Seeing that everyone looked helpless, but Li Cunxiao's aura was getting stronger and stronger, Li Shimin's heart suddenly felt miserable. Could it be that he wanted to witness the birth of a great master again, but there was nothing he could do?
At this most important juncture, Yang Jian suppressed the surge of Qi and blood in his chest, and it was too late to continue to heal his injuries. He endured his injuries and joined the battle again, wanting to interrupt Li Cunxiao's breakthrough with Li Yuanba.

Seeing this, Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief, the fourth brother alone could not stop Li Cunxiao from breaking through, and adding Yang Jian should be enough, right?
Facts have proved that Li Shimin thought too much, Li Cunxiao's accumulation was enough, and he was only one step away from a breakthrough. Now that he has taken the last step, it is naturally impossible to stop.

At this moment, Li Cunxiao's outward momentum suddenly came to an abrupt end, and his whole body, like a vortex, began to absorb the airflow inward.

This is a sign that the dantian has begun to absorb spiritual energy, and it is also the most important step to break through the Grand Master.

What everyone didn't know was that at this moment Li Cunxiao's body was undergoing amazing changes.

The internal force returned to the dantian, after merging with the spiritual energy, undergoes continuous compression, and finally transforms from a gaseous state into a liquid state, flowing through the meridians like blood, washing the meridians and cutting the marrow to remove impurities in the body, and is still repairing the accumulation of injuries Dark wounds in the body.

This is exactly the sign of the great master who breaks through the siege, internal gasification liquid, washing sutras and cutting marrow.

[Ding dong, Li Cunxiao broke through to the great master, basic force +1, currently Li Cunxiao five dimensions: commander 93, force 111 (+2), intelligence 76 (+1), politics 67, charisma 99 (+1). 】

When Li Cunxiao's whole body was covered by the more powerful qi armor, everyone knew that he had successfully broken through and became another great master after Xiang Yu.

"how can that be?"

Li Shimin opened his mouth wide, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and he personally facilitated the birth of a great master, feeling extremely aggrieved and bitter in his heart.

After all, Li Shimin is not an ordinary king, he recovered from the blow in an instant, but his face was gloomy and terrible, he gritted his teeth and said, "So what if you break through the Grand Master?

Xiang Yu also broke through at the beginning, but he still didn't die in the end.

Grandmasters are not invincible, they also have limits, and as long as they have limits, they can be killed. "

 The second update to... Reward and add update, thank you book friend Bingdi's heart for the 10000 starting point coins, and add a chapter with a trace of gratitude.

  In addition, if the monthly ticket breaks 700 plus one chapter, there are currently a total of 12 chapters owed, which must be paid off before the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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