Chapter 1938 Emperor Falls

Chapter 1936: Emperor Meteor

"Your Majesty, according to reliable sources, there are only [-] guards left in Prince Qin's Mansion." Yang Jun said excitedly.


Liu Xie showed a look of surprise, but then said in doubt: "No, Qin Hao's family is all in the Qin Palace, how could there be only so few guards?"

Ma Rifeng Fuxu chuckled and said: "Your Majesty, the Tang army outside the city is planning the city, and most of the Qin army is on guard against the Tang army, while the troops inside the city must not only fight fires everywhere, but also suppress the soldiers of the aristocratic family, and also block Yang Ping. Young master, we have to send troops from the Qin Palace to support the various places, and the Qin army has no more troops to dispatch."

It has to be said that in order to contain the strength of the Qin army, the imperial party took great pains.

Not only set fires everywhere, attracting a large number of Qin troops to destroy the country, but also let Yang Ping use the banner of Liu Xie to mislead Qin troops and so on.

These methods are all conspiracy, so the Qin army had to divide the troops, so that the guarding force of Qin Palace has become weak now.

"It's really God helping me, a big man."

Liu Xie was overjoyed, and then looked at Zhang Miao, Zhang Chao, Wang Kuang, and Qiao Mao, who had experience in commanding troops, and said, "Three lovers, I entrust you with leading the army. You must break through the Qin Palace as soon as possible."

"No." The four responded in unison.

Under the blockade of Fuxi and Confucius, although Kong and Fu failed to send troops, with the support of families such as Ma, Yang, Zhang, Wang, Qiao, and Huang, or hundreds or dozens of ethnic groups, the imperial party A team of [-] was still assembled.

Now the Qin army in Luoyang City is either scattered to fight fires or suppress other rebellions. There is not much strength left. This is a good time to resist the invasion of Qin Wangfu in one fell swoop.

Tongfu Inn.

"Big mouth, close the doors and windows tightly, it will be terrible if the rebels break in."

Tong Xiangyu shouted, and then sighed softly: "I fought in Qixia Town, and finally came to Luoyang. I thought I could live a peaceful life for a few days, but I didn't expect that Luoyang was still fighting. This world is really not for us. The people are alive."

Li Dazui, who was lying in front of the window and peeping, said: "Shopkeeper, it's okay, the rebels didn't stop here, they all went to the Qin Palace."


Tong Xiangyu and Bai Zhantang screamed at the same time, they are not ordinary people, so they naturally know what this means.

A flash of determination flashed in Bai Zhantang's eyes, then he looked at Tong Xiangyu and said seriously: "Xiangyu, I'll go out and have a look, I'll be back soon."

Tong Xiangyu hurriedly grabbed Bai Zhantang, trying to stop him from going out, but the thousand words in his heart finally turned into one damn sentence: "Be careful."

"En." Bai Zhantang nodded.

"Old Bai, I'll go with you." Guo Furong called.

"Come on, your three-legged cat's kung fu, in case something happens, I will be distracted to protect you, so you should stay and watch the store."

After saying that, Bai Zhantang didn't give Guo Furong a chance to refute, he just opened the door and left.

After entering the street, I saw that all the shops and houses were closed, and most people were hiding at home to avoid the war.

A small number of mobs also took the opportunity to break into other people's homes and rob them with wooden sticks and kitchen knives as weapons.

Normally, when Bai Zhantang saw this kind of robbery, he would definitely stop it, but now he can't care about such trivial matters.

The Qin Palace is the brain of the Luoyang defenders. Once captured by the rebels, the defenders on the city wall will lose their command. If the tigers in the city are captured by the Tang army, hundreds of thousands of people will suffer.

Although Bai Zhantang is humble, but as a resident of Luoyang City, in order to defend his homeland, he must also contribute his own strength.

Bai Zhantang tapped his toes, jumped directly onto the roof, then leaped between the houses, and rushed towards the Qin Palace.

There are many heroes in Luoyang City, and there are also many people who have the same idea as Bai Zhantang.

The beggar gang Qiao Feng, Hong Qi, Guo Jing, Yihua Gonghua Wuque, Xiao Yuer, Lu Xiaofeng, Jian Chen and other heroes with a sense of justice, when they learned that the rebels were going to attack the Qin Palace, they all spontaneously went to participate in the defense of Qin. palace.

"Everyone, there are a lot of rebellions in Luoyang City, and they are going to attack Prince Qin's Mansion.

Although my beggar gang members are beggars, they are all reputable heroes. When the country is in crisis, they should devote their lives to the country. "

Standing on the high platform, Qiao Feng looked at the ragged helpers below, and shouted: "This operation is all voluntary, and those who are not willing will never force it. Those who are willing to contribute to the country can follow me, Qiao Feng."

Except for dozens of old beggars who were old and frail, the vast majority of people did not leave.

Seeing this, Hong Qi raised his arms and shouted: "Follow Leader Qiao and defend Luoyang City."

"Follow Leader Qiao and defend Luoyang City." The three hundred beggars shouted in unison.


With a big wave of his hand, Qiao Feng, together with Hong Qi and Guo Jing, led three hundred beggar gang children holding wooden sticks and bamboo sticks, and ran in the direction of Prince Qin's mansion.

After witnessing this scene, Ji Ruqianlong, the yin and yang family Ji Ruqianlong, said to Fuxi, the leader beside him: "As for the heroes of the Jianghu gang, all the princes are doing their best to suppress them, and the Qin army is also doing the same, but they don't want to be in danger again. Will take the initiative to help Qin Jun."

"A great chivalrous man serves the country and the people." Fuxi sighed softly.

Hearing this, Ji Ruqianlong was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression.

"Let's go, go to Prince Qin's mansion, it's time for my Yinyang family to stand in line." Fuxi said.


In Prince Qin's mansion, apart from Mu Guiying, Xiaolongnv, and Zhao Min, Qin Hao's wives, concubines and children all gathered together.

At this time, Liu Mu was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but Jia Xu seemed to be okay, drinking herbal tea leisurely.

"Report... a large number of rebels are coming to the palace, the number is about four or five thousand."

Jia Xu put down the teacup, and said calmly: "Understood, let General Arthur guard the gate of the house, the reinforcements will arrive soon."

"Uncle, there are only [-] guards on General Arthur's side, so I'd better go over and help her."

After saying that, Liu Mu was about to go out. Seeing this, Jia Xu got up and stopped her.

Let Liu Mu go?What a joke.

Liu Mu is the biggest variable in Jia Xu's plan. The identities of the eldest princess of the Han Dynasty and the princess of Qin have given Liu Mu an incomparably respected status. In addition, she is a half-step master-level master. If she is allowed to leave the Qin Palace , it is likely to cause variables in the plan.

The reason why Jia Xu stayed in Qin Palace was to keep a close eye on Liu Mu and prevent her from disrupting her plans.

"Your Highness, absolutely not." Jia Xu dissuaded.

Liu Mu asked in confusion, "Why?"

"Although the rebels are large in number, they are weak in combat power, and although the guards in the hands of General Arthur are few, they are all elite.

It will never be a problem to guard the gate of the mansion and persist until the reinforcements arrive.

Therefore, the threat outside the mansion is not as great as that inside the mansion. "

"Uncle, do you mean that there are spies in the mansion?" Liu Mu asked in surprise.

"That's right, there may be Li Tang or a spy of the rebel army in the palace. Before the traitor is found out, no one should be fully trusted."

Jia Xu made up a serious nonsense: "The safety of the young lord and his wives is above all else. The guards are limited now. Please ask your highness to stay and protect the young lord and his wives personally."

"It's… okay."

Liu Mu didn't think too much, and immediately nodded in agreement. After all, what Jia Xu said gave her no reason to refuse.

Seeing that Liu Mu was obedient, Jia Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally stabilized the biggest variable.

 Guaranteed one update to...

  I have been very busy at work recently. Although it is not as hard as 996, it is still 995. The codeword time is only after ten o'clock in the evening, so the update is so slow.

  Life is not easy, please understand, if you are free on weekends, you will definitely add more.

(End of this chapter)

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