Chapter 1939 Emperor Falls

Chapter 1937: Emperor Meteor

"Punish the Qin thief, the Qing emperor's side..."

Zhang Miao, Zhang Chao, Wang Kuang, and Qiao Mao led more than [-] rebels, shouting the slogan of "kill the Qin thieves, the Qing emperor is on the side", they went all the way to the Qin Palace unimpeded, and made peace on the way. Yang Ping, who broke out of the palace, joined them.

Under Zhang Yang's weak compromise, Yang Ping and Sima Yi successfully broke out of the palace gate, and although he was blocked by several groups of Qin troops in the future, as long as Yang Ping, who was wearing a dragon robe, rushed forward, no one would dare to die After all, not everyone dares to bear the crime of regicide.

In this way, relying on the identity of the emperor and hundreds of eunuch soldiers, Yang Ping and Sima Yi actually broke out of the palace and fought with Zhang Miaoqiaomao and others.

Zhang Miao and others sent by Liu Xie naturally knew that Yang Ping in front of them was a fake, but in order to protect the safety of the real Liu Xie, they still knelt down and said to Yang Ping: "See Your Majesty."

"Exemption, gentlemen."

Yang Ping raised his hands in vain, and then, surrounded by Zhang Miao and others, he walked up to the high platform, took Liu Xie's place in front of the rebels, and said: "Qin King Qin Hao is ambitious, and his heart to replace the Han Dynasty is clearly revealed. The 400-year-old foundation of the Han Dynasty, please help me to punish the Qin thieves, and the Qing Dynasty is on the side."

"Punish the traitors of Qin, on the side of the Qing emperor." Everyone shouted together.

Yang Ping, no, the appearance of 'Liu Xie' and his personal participation in the coup gave the rebels great encouragement.

Originally, these people were a little apprehensive about rebelling against the Qin army, but now that even the emperor supports them, they naturally have nothing to fear.

No, they are not rebellious at all, but on the side of the Qing emperor, and they are the party of justice.

Seeing this, Yang Ping immediately ordered Zhang Miao and other four people to lead more than a thousand soldiers each, divide them into four groups, shouted the slogan of "kill the Qin thieves, and the Qing emperor's side" all the way, and rushed towards the direction of the Qin Palace, hoping to obtain The support of Luoyang people.

The people of Luoyang, who are used to the war, have long been accustomed to this. Most of them closed their doors and windows tightly, as if it had nothing to do with them. Only a few were very concerned about it.

"Have you heard, this time it seems that it is not an ordinary rebellion, but the imperial party wants to seize power from King Qin, and even His Majesty has personally participated in it."

"Why? His Majesty King Qin is His Majesty's brother-in-law, and he is loyal to the big man. He will hand over power when His Majesty becomes an adult. Is His Majesty so impatient?"

"Your Majesty is still young and can't tell right from wrong. He must have been bewitched by the imperial party."

"The people from the imperial party don't use their brains to think about it carefully. Without His Royal Highness King Qin deterring the princes of all parties, can His Majesty be able to secure the throne? Will the princes of the world obey him?"

"That's right, the imperial party is a group of maggots who only care about their own interests. It is because there are too many of these people that I, a big man, have fallen to where I am today."

"His Royal Highness King Qin is fighting desperately with other races outside, but His Majesty and the imperial party are stabbing knives in the back. It's really chilling."

"Come on, isn't Mrs. Liu doing too many chilling things? Faint lords come out one after another. The little emperor is only a teenager, and his desire for power is so big. In the future, he will definitely be another foolish lord."

"If you want me to say that the Liu family is exhausted, sooner or later the world will change."

"You can't talk nonsense about this. If someone hears it, it's a capital crime of beheading."

"What are you afraid of? I didn't say that alone. I didn't listen to the rumors outside. The magic clay Bodhisattva used his life to calculate the prophecy. The dead Han Liu, the great Han Jiangshan will be buried by Liu himself sooner or later."

It can be known from the public discussion that the imperial party and Liu Xie are not popular, and it is precisely because of this that the imperial party launched a military coup this time, except for the aristocratic family, there is almost no support from the people.

"Your Majesty, our people are almost screaming, but there are not many people who support us, even in solidarity." Wei Zhongxian reported anxiously.

"How could this be?"

Yang Ping frowned. In his memory, even the Luoyang City rebuilt by Cao Cao still had a lot of support for the Han Dynasty. It took Cao Pi a long time to completely conquer the hearts of the people. Why is Luoyang under Qin Hao’s rule like this? What about winning people's hearts?
"The policies implemented by Qin Hao are directly beneficial to the people, so they are deeply supported by the people. It is normal that the people do not support anti-Qin." Sima Yi said calmly.

"Forget it, if the people don't support it, don't support it. After we succeed, we will continue to continue Qin Hao's policy, and the people's hearts will definitely return to our side." Yang Ping said.

Soon the rebels gathered in front of Prince Qin's mansion.

At this time, the gate of King Qin's mansion was closed, Arthur led a hundred guards at the door, and there were two hundred guards in the mansion with crossbows on guard.

Seeing this, Zhang Miao stepped forward and shouted, "General Arthur, I have been ordered by His Majesty to come to protect the Palace of the Prince of Qin, and please move out of the way, General."

Arthur looked at Zhang Miao coldly, and taunted him in extremely standard Chinese: "Your Excellency brought thousands of people here, and you said they were here to protect such a big battle? I don't think so."

Zhang Miao's expression changed, and he said coldly, "Do you dare to resist the order?"

"This general only respects the order of King Qin,"

"Hmph, Arthur, don't forget, you are just a foreigner, I advise you not to interfere in the internal affairs of the big man."

Arthur ignored Zhang Miao, pulled out the sword of the oath of victory, and shouted: "This general, Arthur, is the deputy commander of the Women's Army. He was ordered by Jia Wenhe to guard the Qin Palace. Sword."

"I don't know how to lift."

Seeing that Arthur didn't want the avatar, Zhang Miao didn't bother to continue talking nonsense. They have a total of 5000 people. Are they still afraid of Arthur's mere 100 people?
"Attack, forcefully enter."


The rebels shouted and rushed to kill.

Arthur looked at the disorganized and chaotic rebellion, and calmly shouted: "Shoot the arrow."

As soon as the words fell, a large number of crossbow arrows were thrown out from the Qin Palace, and the rebel who rushed to the front was shot to death on the spot.

Seeing this, Zhang Miao broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't go up in person, otherwise he might also be hit by the arrow.

He never expected that Arthur would arrange archers behind the gate of the mansion and use projectiles without seeing them.

The Qin army has only 100 people in total. As long as they guard the gate fast, they will not be accidentally injured by the bows and arrows behind them. On the other hand, there are 5000 people on their side, which is crowded and dense, but it is easier to be hit by arrows.

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao couldn't help thinking that Arthur was cunning, but it was impossible to catch them with such a trick.

"Spread out and continue to charge. Don't be afraid, everyone. As long as you pass through this gate, the archers of the Qin army will be slaughtered by us." Zhang Miao shouted.

There were only 200 archers that Arthur arranged behind the door, after all, it was impossible for a round of two hundred arrows to stop thousands of people.

After hundreds of deaths and injuries, the rebels finally came into contact with the Qin army.

[Ding dong, Arthur's skill 'Sword God' is activated, force +4, base force 104 (+2), victory oath sword +1, current force rises to 109. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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