Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1940 8 parties come to help

Chapter 1940 Eight directions come to help
Chapter 1938: All directions come to help
[Ding dong, Arthur's skill 'Knight King' effect 5 is activated, when fighting generals, infantry combat force +3, cavalry combat force +4.

Arthur is currently in a foot combat state, with +3 force, and the current force has risen to 112. 】


After yelling loudly, Arthur stepped on the ground suddenly, and the aura around him rose instantly, sending more than a dozen soldiers close to him flying.

brush... brush... brush...

Like a shield, Arthur stood at the forefront of the army, stepping on deft steps, and brandishing the holy sword in his hand.

The enemy soldiers who rushed up, without exception, were either killed by crushing weapons, or directly slammed their heads, and they couldn't stop Arthur's sword.

Arthur alone, no matter how many people he killed, could not stop thousands of enemy troops, but the hundred guards under her command were also not easy.

These more than a hundred guards, holding shields in their left hands and knives in their right hands, formed a team of four, with two dedicated to defending and two taking the opportunity to counterattack. The cooperation between the two was perfect.

The rebels attacked wave after wave, but they couldn't break through the hundred-man formation.

Arthur was still a little worried at first, but when Niutou looked at it, he saw that the gate was impenetrable, and he couldn't help admiring: "As expected of General Li Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Army."

As the deputy commander of the Detachment of Women, Arthur is naturally a man of knowledge. After the formation of the Detachment of Women, the combat power is not weaker than that of the Elite Battalion, but the comprehensive combat power of individual soldiers is still not as good as that of the Elite Battalion. Compared with the Flying Tiger Army, the gap is even bigger. up.

After all, not all women can match men physically!

Seeing the few troops in his hands, but wave after wave of death, Zhang Miao also panicked, but what shocked him was still behind.

I don't know if the arrows were all shot. After the rain of arrows stopped, Arthur, who was guarding the gate, led more than a hundred guards to launch a counterattack, and launched a countercharge against thousands of rebels.

The phalanx of more than a hundred people went on a rampage among thousands of people, and the thousands of people who beat them had no power to fight back.


Zhang Miao was dumbfounded. Although he hadn't won many battles, he still had a lot of experience in leading the army, but this was the first time he saw this crazy posture.

Isn't she afraid that she won't be able to get out after being trapped like this?

Wang Kuang saw that Arthur brought people to kill him, and immediately shouted anxiously: "You are not allowed to retreat..."

Wang Kuang's shout also exposed his position.

Arthur searched for the source of the voice, left the army formation, and rushed alone. After beating more than [-] people in a row, after rushing for less than a hundred meters, he saw Wang Kuang with a terrified face.

After seeing Arthur, Wang Kuang didn't care about the troops under his command. He was so frightened that he turned his head and ran away, but there was no way he could escape.

The wind was blowing under Arthur's feet, and with one step, he had already passed several soldiers, and with a few flashes, he was close to Wang Kuang.

"Don't come here..."

Wang Kuang yelled with a broken face, but just as the words were out of his mouth, a golden sword reached his neck, and then his head flew out backwards.

Without the slightest hesitation, Arthur directly cut off Wang Kuang's head with a sword, and then killed him back alone.

The rebellion lost its command, and without command, it suddenly became chaotic, and even affected other rebels. Even if they continued to attack, they could not form an effective offensive.

Seeing this, Zhang Miao could only order the withdrawal of the army first, and then continue to attack the Qin Palace after the whole army was stabilized.

Arthur did not launch a pursuit, but let the soldiers go back to defend the gate.

There are only 100 people on her side. Although there have been no casualties yet, once the physical exertion is too great, it will be time for a large reduction in staff.

Her task is to delay the time until the reinforcements arrive, instead of fighting with the rebels regardless of casualties, so that all the strength can be preserved to fight for a long time.

Knowing that Zhang Miao's thousands of people were actually driven back by Arthur's three hundred, no, 100 people, the expressions of Yang Ping and Sima Yi were wonderful.

What kind of teammates are these? They can no longer be described as incompetent. Part-time jobs are useless.

Relying on these wastes, if the imperial party can succeed, then it is called ghosts.

Although Yang Ping was a substitute introduced by Liu Xie, he was unwilling to be exposed in front of Qin Jun. After all, it was too dangerous, but the incompetence of his teammates made him have to do it himself.

When Yang Ping brought people to the gate of King Qin's mansion again, he saw more than a hundred soldiers guarding the gate of the mansion, and the leader was the hospital, a blond woman with blue eyes.

As soon as Sima Yi saw the formation of the Qin army, he immediately said solemnly: "Your Majesty, I see that although these Qin troops are small in number, they are all elite. A formation of a hundred is enough to fight against a thousand. It may not be easy to break through this layer of defense. .”

"This is how to do?"

Yang Ping suddenly became anxious.

The current situation of the imperial party is not good. Once the Qin army is allowed to settle the affairs of various places, they will be like turtles in the urn, and they will have nowhere to run if they want to. .

Now life is in sight, but they can't even break through the defense of more than a hundred Qin troops, so how can Yang Ping not be in a hurry.

After some thought, Sima Yi replied: "After all, the combat power of the soldiers of the aristocratic family is not comparable to that of the regular army, and the casualties caused by the storm are too great.

This battle is not suitable for a strong attack. The Prince Qin's Mansion is so big, there is no need to break into it through the main entrance, as long as the surrounding walls are destroyed, they can still enter the mansion. "

Yang Ping slapped his head suddenly, why didn't he think of such a simple method.

"Quickly, tell Zhang Miao to destroy the wall, and don't continue to attack."


Arthur, who continued to guard the main entrance, was still wondering why the rebels hadn't come for so long, but when he learned that the rebels were about to break through the wall, he immediately lost his usual calmness.

Although the walls of Prince Qin's Mansion are extremely strong, they can't stop the rebels' intentional damage. In order to prevent the rebels from entering the palace, Arthur can only stop it by fighting decisively.

"Leave 30 people and continue to guard the main entrance, and the rest will follow the general to fight the rebels to the death." Arthur thought.


The three hundred flying tiger warriors shouted in unison.

In this way, Arthur led the Flying Tiger Army with 270 lives, and fought against thousands of rebels head-on.

At first, relying on the best equipment and tacit cooperation, even if they faced thousands of rebels, the more than two hundred Flying Tigers would not be defeated.

But when the average person killed more than three enemies, as their physical strength declined, the Flying Tiger Army also began to suffer casualties.

Seeing the increasing number of casualties, Arthur has nothing to do. She has no opponent, but even if she is strong alone, she can't stop thousands of people.

"Why haven't the reinforcements come?" Arthur gritted his teeth anxiously.

At this moment, a large number of ragged beggars suddenly appeared behind the rebels. It was Qiao Feng who arrived in time with the beggar gang and shouted: "Defend Qin Palace, defend Luoyang City."

None of the disciples of the beggar gang had any weapons, and the weapons they held were nothing more than sticks, but they suddenly appeared behind and beat the rebels too hard to catch up.

Immediately afterwards, heroes such as Bai Zhantang, Hua Wuque, Xiao Yu'er, Lu Xiaofeng, etc. also joined the ranks of fighting the rebels, and the rear of the rebels was in chaos for a while.

 Make up for yesterday's protection.

(End of this chapter)

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