Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1951 Jia Xu Slays the Dragon

Chapter 1951 Jia Xu Slays the Dragon
Chapter 1949: Jia Xu Slays the Dragon
Qin Hao's Prince Qin's Mansion was not newly built, but remodeled from the Prince Consort's Mansion.

The cheap father-in-law, Liu Hong, is really kind to Liu Mu. His only daughter, Princess Wannian, was married. Liu Hong, who is notoriously stingy, was also generous once. built a big mansion.

After Qin Hao became king, in order to save money, he did not build a new palace. Instead, he refurbished the former son-in-law's mansion and used it as the king's mansion.

This mansion where Qin Hao lived for the longest time is about to be completely reduced to ruins.

The imperial party vowed to break through the palace, and captured Qin Hao's wife and children alive as hostages, while the Qin army swore to defend the palace, the young master and his wives, which also turned all the houses outside the palace into battlefields.

As time goes by, even if the Qin army is all elite, the imperial party with a large number of people will eventually occupy the top.

Just when Su Baofeng and other female generals were about to lose their hold, dozens of masters including Qin Shuang, Nie Feng, Bai Feng, Mo Ya, Li Yuanfang, Zhan Zhao, Zhe Ri, Xuan Jian, Jing Xun, Liu Jian Nu, etc. joined the battle. And reversed the unfavorable situation in one fell swoop.

The rebels of the imperial party kept pouring into the palace, but they came and died one by one, but whoever came in could never get out, and all died under the joint efforts of a group of masters.

After a fierce fight, the blood donation soaked the entire outer courtyard of the palace, with stumps, limbs and corpses everywhere, and the inner courtyard was not as peaceful as before.

At the moment when the rebels invaded the palace, Jia Xu sent someone to send Qin Hao's family to a safe place through the secret passage dug long ago.

That is to say, even if the imperial party really invaded the palace, they still couldn't catch Qin Hao's wife and children. The imperial party was just doing useless work from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, beside Qin Hao's favorite Golden Carp Lake, Jia Xu is holding a fishing rod and standing by the lake to fish, looking leisurely.

But in fact, Jia Xu's mood about this matter was obviously not calm, just like the rippling lake surface.

"grown ups……"

Dugu Qiubai just wanted to report, but was interrupted by Jia Xu.

"Shh, don't talk, the fish is about to bite."

The corner of Dugu Qiubai's mouth twitched, obviously he was extremely puzzled by Jia Xu's actions. After all, when is it and is he still thinking about fishing?
Jia Xu was still capricious as always, and had no intention of explaining, and continued to concentrate on fishing.

After a while, a fish took the bait, Jia Xu pulled the fishing rod suddenly, and caught a carp with red scales all over.

"The red carp took the bait? This is a good omen."

Jia Xu was overwhelmed with ecstasy, and hurriedly closed the rod, ready to catch the red carp with her own hands, but she didn't expect the red carp to pierce with the needle, and really broke free from the hook, and fell into the pond.

"not good."

Jia Xu suddenly screamed, can the hooked fish escape?This is not a good omen.

At this moment, Dugu Qiubai flew out, and when the red carp was about to fall into the lake, he grabbed the red carp in his hand, jumped back to the shore with another somersault, and handed the red carp to the lake. Jia Xu.

Seeing this, Jia Xu was overjoyed. After taking the red carp, he patted Dugu Qiubai on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Dugu, you have made a great contribution."

The corner of Dugu Qiubai's mouth twitched violently.

I made a contribution?I don't know how?Is it because of catching a carp?
Jia Xu carefully held the red carp as if he was holding some treasure, and said to himself: "When a fish jumps over the dragon's gate, it can transform into a dragon; if a red carp transforms into a dragon, it becomes a red dragon.

Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty was called the son of the Red Emperor, set up a red flag to raise troops, and set up a fire-virtuous man. "

Speaking of this, Jia Xu's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said madly: "Little carp, little carp, today you fell into the hook of the old man. This is the day that God wants to use the hand of the old man to cut off your dragon vein of Liu's fire virtue."

Looking at the nagging Jia Xu, Dugu Qiubai couldn't help frowning. He has worked with Jia Xu for many years, and he has never seen Jia Xu lose his composure like this.

What exactly happened here?Just because of a carp?
"My lord, there is really something important..."

Before he finished speaking, Dugu Qiubai couldn't help showing surprise and bewilderment.

I saw the red carp, which had been carefully cared for just now, but Jia Xu slammed it on the ground, and cut it in two with his sword.

Dugu Qiubai didn't understand, Jia Xu had regarded this carp as a treasure just now, why did he kill this carp with a sword?

What Dugu Qiubai didn't know was that in his eyes, what Jia Xu cut was a fish, but in Jia Xu's eyes, what he cut was a dragon, and it was not an ordinary dragon, but the dragon of the Han Empire.

All of Jia Xu's layouts in Luoyang are aimed at not just the young dragon Liu Xie, but the 400-year-old dragon vein of the Han Dynasty, and this red carp is the symbol of the dragon vein of the Han Dynasty.

At such a critical moment, Jia Xu's fishing cannot be "fish", and if the red carp is hooked, Liu Xie has already hooked it.

Therefore, Jia Xu swung his sword decisively to kill the red carp, not only to slaughter the real dragon Liu Xie, but also to completely cut off the dragon vein of the Han Empire.

Although the red carp was cut into two pieces, it did not die immediately, but stopped jumping completely after jumping a few times.

This also shows that although the dragon veins of the great Han Dynasty were cut off by Jia Xu, it was not conducive to immediate perishment. Liu Ji and Liu Xiu in the south were all remnants of the remnants of the remnants of the Han Dynasty, but they were destined not to jump a few times.

After seeing this scene, Jia Xu seemed to have seen through the future, heaved a sigh of relief, and said to the guards around him: "Put this fish away, tonight, it will be my dinner."


Jia Xu turned around, looked at Dugu Qiubai, and said, "Dugu, what did you just say?"

Seeing that Jia Xu had returned to normal, Dugu Qiubai breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My lord, it's like this..."

The words just came out of my mouth, but was interrupted by Jia Xu again.

"Okay, you don't need to talk anymore, the old man probably already knows."

Dugu seeks defeat: (‵‵)

Jia Xu said to himself: "Dugu, wait for Yang Jun to arrive at Huang Zi No. [-]. After Dong Zhongshu burns his internal energy, you immediately lead all the great masters to join the battle. Be sure to kill Dong Zhongshu, the great master who burns his internal energy, with the momentum of thunder." .”

Dugu Qiubai was a little unresponsive, and quickly asked: "My lord, how did you know that Dong Zhongshu would burn his internal energy? Why not Zhu Xi?"

There was a strange look in Jia Xu's eyes, and then he revealed a top secret of the palace.

"Dong Zhongshu is uncle Dong Cheng and the younger brother of Empress Dowager Dong.

After Queen He poisoned His Majesty's birth mother Wang Meiren, she wanted to get rid of Her Majesty as well. It was Dong Zhongshu who took His Majesty to be raised by Empress Dowager Dong.

Dong Zhongshu treats His Majesty as his own grandson. Now that the Dong family has been exterminated, Dong Zhongshu has no relatives in the world. Once he learns that His Majesty has passed away, how do you think Dong Zhongshu will react? "

Jia Xu asked about Dugu Qiubai, but Dugu Qiubai replied solemnly: "He will go crazy."


(End of this chapter)

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