Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1952 Heroes vs. Grandmaster

Chapter 1952 Heroes vs. Grandmaster

Chapter 1950: Heroes vs Grandmasters

The battle between Liu Mu, Arthur Qiao Feng and others, and Dong Zhu, the two great masters, was extremely fierce.

Just the aftermath of the battle between the two sides caused the outer walls of the palace to collapse in many places.

The whole bronze gate of the palace was knocked down by Dong Zhongshu's punch, and crushed to death several heroes who had no time to escape.

A large number of houses collapsed, and people would be knocked into the air from time to time, making desperate and miserable cries, which fully demonstrated how terrifying the Great Master was.

Although Liu Mu and Arthur, together with Qiao Feng and other heroes, could resist the two great masters for a while, they obviously couldn't hold on for long. After all, Dong Zhu and Dong Zhu were not ordinary great masters.

Before Kong Xuan and others grew up, Dong Zhongshu and Zhu Xi were not only the elders of Confucianism, but also the guardians of Confucianism, responsible for guarding the entire Confucianism in secret.

Now because of their age, Dong and Zhu's energy and blood have declined, so that their combat power has been greatly reduced, but they still have extremely strong strength, and it is by no means that they can compete with a large number of people.

Although there were many heroes who participated in the siege, most of them were not strong, and the strongest was only Qiao Feng in the late stage of the Grand Master.

But even Qiao Feng, with his best palm technique, was beaten so badly that he vomited blood and flew out after fighting Zhu Xi.

Under Dong Zhu's fierce attack, all the heroes were either directly beaten to death, or they were blown away and could not get up again. The scene was full of grief and screams.

"Hey, this old man is in his seventies and eighties, how can he still be so strong? Isn't it that the older you get, the more your blood will be exhausted. How can they still be so strong?"

Xiao Yu'er lay on the ground and wailed. If Arthur hadn't helped him resist most of the impact, he would have been directly beaten to death by Zhu Xi.

Lu Xiaofeng, who was also beaten and unable to get up, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a wry smile: "After becoming a grand master, the exhaustion of blood energy will be much slower. It has dropped a lot, and now they may only have [-]% of their peak combat power."

"What? Only [-]%? How strong should it be at the peak?"

Jian Chen said bitterly, and the hero in his hand had been broken into two pieces.

"Who knows, after all, all the people who saw them attack are already dead." Bai Zhantang sighed softly.


After a loud noise, Guo Jing and Hong Qi were blasted out of the ring at the same time.

The two of them teamed up to attack Zhu Xi, but they were unable to block Zhu Xi's move, and then they turned into two parabolas, smashing heavily on the outer wall of the palace, cracking the wall.


Both of them vomited a big mouthful of blood at the same time, and then fell to the ground, unconscious.

Dong Zhongshu and Zhu Xi struck hard and killed a large number of heroes, but the disease did not frighten these passionate men, but aroused their blood, and also angered other heroes who were hiding to watch the battle.

Luoyang is a huge city with a population of 70. There are a large number of rivers and lakes hidden in the city, and Qiao Feng called on people from the rivers and lakes to support the Qin Palace, which naturally attracted their attention, but because of various concerns, they did not ask Qiao Feng, Bai Zhantang, etc. Just help out like a human being.

Among the knights in the rivers and lakes, which one is not the first in righteousness, and which one does not have a few life-and-death friends who are utterly loyal.

Now that Dong and Zhu had killed so many heroes, many of whom were related friends, the heroes watching the battle naturally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Master Qiao, Mr. Li is here to help you."

It was Li Bai, brother of former Empress Li Qingzhao, Qinglian swordsman who has been traveling all over the rivers and lakes.

"Cousin Zhan, it's such a good opportunity to compete with the great master. You don't even call me a brother. You are not enough brothers."

The person who said this was Linghu Chong, an abandoned disciple of Huashan Mountain.

"I'm Chu Liuxiang, I'm here to ask seniors for advice."

A handsome man dressed in white slowly fell from the sky. Although his face was full of chills, he still bowed his hands to Zhu Xi.

On a roof not far away, Xie Siyun was watching the battle with Luna, Shao Siming and other disciples of the Yin-Yang family. He thought that a great master would crush the opponent, but he never expected that there would be so many righteous men from the rivers and lakes. .

At this moment, a girl grabbed Xie Siyun's sleeve and asked, "Sister Yun, won't our Yinyang family help?"

The girl is about twelve or thirteen years old, with clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, pleated and flawless skin revealing a touch of pink, and thin lips that are as delicate and charming as roses. Fuxi's half-sister, Fushou.

Xie Siyun pampered Fu Shou Guangjie's forehead, and said with a smile, "Shou'er, you haven't officially become a teacher yet, so you are not considered a disciple of my Yin Yang family."

"Isn't it a matter of time?" Fu Shou muttered with his cute little mouth.

"Sister Yun, so many heroes of the rivers and lakes have taken action, but they have not been able to defeat these two old grandfathers. If our Yin Yang family defeats them, their reputation will definitely increase in the future, don't you think so?"

Fu Shou persuaded that she and Liu Mu had a very good relationship, and naturally hoped that many experts from the Yin Yang family could help Liu Mu.

Xie Siyun said, "Just let these men do the fighting. We can't associate with these vulgar men and affect our status."


Fu Shou was speechless for a moment, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Xie Siyun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't say that everyone on her side had gone, and it wasn't enough for a great master to say something like that.

On the surface, with the second batch of heroes joining the battle, the battle situation has reached a stalemate here, but Xie Siyun knows that the number is meaningless in front of the grand master, and defeat is just a matter of time.

As Xie Siyun expected, even with the support of Li Bai, Chu Liuxiang and others, the two great masters, Dong and Zhu, were still invincible, and soon defeated all the masters, even Qiao Feng, who was a late master Woke up.

This is because Liu Mu and Arthur blocked most of Dong Zhu's energy. Without the two of them, these heroes would have lost even faster.

So far, apart from Liu Mu and Arthur, there was not a hero who could continue to stand, and the two of them were also panting from exhaustion, obviously they didn't have much strength left.

"Brother Zhu, if you kill this female general, the old man will go to the palace to find the thief's family. By the way, Princess Wannian can't be killed, just knock her unconscious." Dong Zhongshu said.

After saying that, Dong Zhongshu walked directly into the dilapidated palace. As for Liu Mu and Arthur, who had little strength left, they were handed over to Zhu Xi to deal with.

 Guaranteed... There will be a second update tonight, it may be later.

(End of this chapter)

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