Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1956 The North Gate Breaks the Great War

Chapter 1956 The North Gate Breaks the Great War
Chapter 1954: The Great Battle at the North Gate
Seeing Hu Hai open the north gate, Yuan Tiangang and Master Ziyang showed satisfied smiles.

Originally, they thought that Hu Hai's plan was a bit crude, and they were ready to take action themselves, but they didn't expect Hu Hai to actually succeed.

As soon as the north gate opened, the army from outside the city entered the city, and the Tang army took control of Luoyang. Obviously, there was no suspense.

Yuan Tiangang and Master Ziyang looked at each other and smiled, but at the next moment, both of them showed horror at the same time, and they both slashed in the direction of Prince Qin's mansion.

"This aura is... Elder Dong." Yuan Tiangang said solemnly.

"To have forced Dong Zhongshu, a great master, to burn his internal energy, it seems that Qin Jun's hidden power should not be underestimated." Master Ziyang also said solemnly.

"Elder Dong was forced to such a point. It seems that the imperial party's coup plan has failed."

"The little emperor is of great use to the lord, we must rescue him."

"That's right, now that the north gate has been broken, it's only a matter of time before Luoyang is completely occupied. With our two great masters, what danger can we have?"

"Let's go."

Yuan Tiangang and Master Ziyang fled to the city here.

On the other side, Ying Gao, the guard of the north gate, saw the sudden appearance of the Tang army outside the city, thinking that the Tang army was going to attack the city while the Qin army was calming down the civil strife, and immediately ordered the guards of the tower to stand by.

Looking at the Tang army lined up below the city, Yinggao's eyes flashed with excitement, and he ordered: "Archers and catapults are ready. Once the Tang army enters the range, they will launch immediately. There is no need to save crossbow stones."


Not long after the military order was issued, Yinggao noticed something was wrong. The siege team of the Tang army moved out of the way, and then the troops of the brigade came up to replace the infantry at the forefront of the army.

Several question marks suddenly appeared on Yinggao's forehead.

What kind of operation is Tang Jun doing? Is it because he wants to hit with cavalry, no, to break open the city gate?

Even a novice who doesn't know the art of war will not use flesh and blood to fortify the city wall. It is impossible for Li Shimin to do such a stupid thing after all the battles?

Yinggao couldn't think about this, but soon he knew the reason.


The sound of the door opening sounded, and the Tang army immediately launched an attack on Luoyang City.


The cavalrymen of the Tang army roared angrily, and the horses under their crotches also neighed, and they swept towards Luoyang with the force of black clouds overwhelming the city.

Yinggao on the city tower immediately realized that something was wrong with the city gate, and quickly asked the left and right: "What's wrong with the city gate?"

"The general is not well, and the front door suddenly opened wide."

Naturally, it is impossible to have only one gate for such a great success in Luoyang. The north gate has thirteen gates of different sizes, and the main gate is the largest one.


Ying Gao suddenly turned pale with shock, and said angrily, "Guo Wei is a traitor?"

Yinggao realized the seriousness of the problem, and quickly shouted this order: "All archers set fire to the main entrance of this general, and we must not let Tang Jun ride in."

Suddenly, arrows rained down from the north gate tower, and a large number of flying stones fell, reaping the lives of one knight after another.

But can this stop Li Tang's cavalry?

Naturally it is impossible.

Of course Yinggao knew this too. The only way to prevent the Tang army's iron cavalry from entering the city was to close the opened city gate as quickly as possible, so he ordered:

"The Guards Battalion followed this general down the tower to kill the traitor Guo Wei, and the third and fourth battalions immediately assembled at the city gate.

In addition, quickly inform Madam about the situation at the North Gate. The North Gate needs military support from the rest of the gates. "

Yinggao is worthy of being an excellent disciple cultivated by the Qin family. He realized the crisis of the situation in an instant, and the three orders he issued in succession are the most correct decisions for the current North Gate.

Yinggao took the guard camp and went down the tower angrily, trying to get rid of what he thought was a traitor, but halfway learned that the traitor was not Guo Wei, but his good brother Hu Hai.

"It's absolutely impossible."

Yinggao grabbed the soldier by his collar, picked him up, and roared, "Brother Hai, his surname is Qin, how could he betray his own family?"

Both Hu Hai and Yinggao are the sons of the first emperor, so the implanted identity is naturally a compatriot of the same mother, and this is the reason why Hu Hai chose to come to the North Gate. After all, the guard of the North Gate is his own brother, even if he fails, he will not die. worries.

Seeing that Ying Gao didn't believe it, the soldiers were also anxious, and hurriedly said: "General, this is true. Mr. Qin Hai first faked the military order and deceived Captain Guo Wei, and then called the city gate. Now Captain Guo Wei is fighting to the death at the main gate. The general can see it when he goes.”

Yinggao let go of his hand, led the soldiers under his command, and ran quickly to the main entrance without looking back. After all, this kind of lie is meaningless once it is smashed.

Yinggao's movements were very quick. The scattered cavalry of the Tang army rushed into the city shortly after breaking through the Qin army's arrows and rocks. Yinggao had already arrived at the main gate and witnessed Guo Wei's tragic death in a The famous Tang general, while Hu Hai stood beside that Tang general with an apologetic smile on his face.

Brother Hai actually betrayed the Qin family, and opened the north gate guarded by himself as his own brother.

Seeing this scene, Ying Gaoshun only felt dizzy before his eyes, and then endless grief and anger welled up in his heart.

"Qin Hai, you deserve to die."

Yinggao roared like a beast, stared at the scarlet tiger eyes, and killed Hu Hai with a knife.

Ying Gao didn't know why Hu Hai turned against Qin, and he didn't want to know, no matter what difficulties Hu Hai had, Ying Gao, as an older brother, would never understand or forgive him, and today he will clean up the Qin family.

At the gate of the city, Yu Wentai looked at Yinggao who rushed over, and asked Hu Hai beside him, "Who is he?"

Hu Hai said: "It's my brother."

"Can you say surrender?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Can it be killed?"

Hearing Yu Wentai's words, Hu Hai did not hesitate at all, and said decisively: "Yes."

Yu Wentai showed a smile, patted Hu Hai on the shoulder, swung his knife to kill Yinggao, and fought with him.

Yuwen Taicai left, but Zhuang Zhou, Yun Zhongzi, and Cihang appeared behind Hu Hai without anyone noticing.

"Master Qin Hai, please, the king of Tang has been waiting for a long time." Zhuang Zhou said with a smile.

Hu Hai was taken aback by Hu Hai. After regaining his composure, he honestly put on the armor of the Tang army, and left Luoyang under the protection of more than ten heavy knights and two masters.

Arrows were still being released on the city tower. Without armor and guards, Hu Hai dared not leave the city.

"That's right, the Qin family is not all staunch people, and there will be waste like Qin Hai who is greedy for life and afraid of death." Master Cihang said with a smile.

"Okay, let's enter the city." Zhuang Zhou said lightly.

Yun Zhongzi pointed to one side where Yu Wentai was fighting regardless of who was superior, and said, "Should we get rid of this trouble first?"

Zhuang Zhou shook his head: "No need, General Yuwen is enough to kill him."

The three great masters ignored the two sides in the scuffle, and at a speed that seemed slow but was actually extremely fast, they strode towards the interior of Luoyang City, and fought with Yuan Tiangang and Ziyang Zhenren.


(End of this chapter)

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