Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1957 Emperor Wen of Zhou battles Duke Xiao of Qin

Chapter 1957 Emperor Wen of Zhou battles Duke Xiao of Qin
Chapter 1955: Emperor Zhou Wen vs Qin Xiaogong
East Gate.

"Report... General Qi, something is wrong. Qin Hai rebelled and opened the north gate. The Tang army has already entered the north gate. General Qin Gao is desperately resisting, so he will send reinforcements to the north gate."


Mu Guiying, who was in charge of city defense, stood up excitedly after hearing the news.

Like Yinggao's reaction, after hearing the news of Hu Hai's rebellion, Mu Guiying's first reaction was disbelief. After all, how could anyone rebel against his own family?
In addition, Hu Hai could not be a martial artist, and his military rank was less than a school lieutenant. With his status as a child of the Qin family, how could he open the north gate and let the Tang army in?
But you must know that this news was passed on by Hu Hai's elder brother Ying Gao. If Hu Hai hadn't really turned against him and not only betrayed the Qin family, but also cheated his own brother, how could Ying Gao, who has always been loyal, frame Hu Hai like this? Woolen cloth?
Mu Guiying realized the seriousness of the situation all of a sudden, and quickly prepared to dispatch troops from the other three gates to support the north gate, and forcefully drive the Tang army out of the city.

Obviously, this is an overt conspiracy, just to deter Mu Guiying, so that he would not dare to transfer troops from the southeast, west, and three gates.

Once Mu Guiying mobilizes too many troops in the southeast and west, the defense of the three gates will be greatly reduced. If the Tang army breaks through, it will be to demolish the east wall to make up for the west wall. It would be worse if it didn't help.

Mu Guiying saw through Li Shimin's sinister intentions at a glance, and after a little thought, he ordered: "Don't transfer too many troops from the three gates, otherwise the safety of the three gates in the south, east and west cannot be guaranteed.

How about this, transfer a battalion of [-] troops from each of Dong Nanxi's three gates, and let General Qin Jian lead his troops to support the north gate. "

Qin Jian led a reorganized army of [-] aristocratic families to massacre another [-] unarmed aristocratic family soldiers, a task that must have been completed by now, so this force has become a rare force in the city that can be mobilized, so it is natural to join During the battle to defend the North Gate.

Each of the southeast, west, and west gates dispatched a battalion of [-] each, plus Qin Jian's [-], which meant that Mu Guiying mobilized [-] troops to support the north gate.

But even so, Mu Guiying was still worried, and ordered the Detachment of Women who had completed the task of putting out the fire to immediately support the North Gate after the rebels of the imperial party were wiped out, and decided to lead the first battalion of the East Gate to the North Gate to sit in command.

After Mu Guiying left, the accusation of guarding the east gate was handed over to Sima Cuo, while the owners of the three camps supporting the north gate were East Gate Qin Liang, South Gate Qin Ji, and Ximen Di Qing.

Qin Jian, who had successfully slaughtered all the family soldiers in the recruit camp, was planning to lead the army to stabilize the situation in Daocheng, but after receiving Mu Guiying's order, he also decisively led the army to the north gate.

All of a sudden, all the troops in the city began to gather towards the north gate.

Qin Liang was worried about the battle situation at the North Gate, so he led [-] troops to advance first, but after arriving at the North Gate, he found that there were already a large number of Tang troops in the city.

Since the arrows and stones were fired from the tower, if the Tang army wanted to enter the city, it had to pass the baptism of the Qin army's crossbow. This undoubtedly limited the number of people who could enter the city. Nearly half of the Tang army died on the way to charge.

As a master of the art of war, Li Shimin naturally couldn't tolerate this kind of thing continuing to happen, so he simply commanded the army to attack the city.

Li Shimin's behavior obviously increased the casualties of the whole army, but it also made the Qin army at the head of the city ignore the city gate, which was equivalent to indirectly sharing the firepower of the army entering the city. The number of Tang troops entering the city increased sharply. The level of strategy has naturally increased greatly.

Qin Gao was not a reckless man. Although he went down to the city tower to retake the city gate, he also considered the consequences of the Tang army's attack on the city, so he let another younger brother Qin Lu take charge of defending the city.

It was also under Qin Lu's command that the North Gate did not fall completely, but it was not far from that step.

On the other hand, Qin Gao saw that Hu Hai was protected out of the city, so he had no choice but to let go of the idea of ​​cleaning up the house, and drive out the Tang Jun who had entered the city first, but the difficulty of this group of Tang Jun was beyond his expectations.

The high quality, strong combat power, and ruthless strikes do not have to be inferior to the main force of the Qin army. It is obviously difficult for the six thousand soldiers from the two new recruit battalions of Qin Gao's high-profile to block such elites. They can only fight with their lives, but the effect But not very good.

Qin Gao was in a hurry, and the North Gate would definitely fall if it went on like this, so he wanted to kill Yu Wentai to attack the morale of the Tang army, but Zhou Wendi Yu Wentai, who was the founder of the Northern Zhou regime, was so easy to kill.

Yu Wentai noticed that Qin Gao was eager for success, so he deliberately concealed his strength and exposed his flaws, waiting for Qin Gao to take the bait.

Qin Gao didn't know Yuwentai's depth, and because of his impatience, he was really fooled. As a result, under Yuwentai's heavy blow, he was knocked off the weapon in his hand, and then his right arm was cut off.


Qin Gao yelled in pain, but Yu Wentai didn't intend to let him go, and hit the breastplate directly, splitting the armor, and Qin Gao also vomited blood and flew out.

"Brother Gao."

Seeing this, Qin Liang was furious, and drove back Yu Wentai who was about to make up the knife with an arrow, and chopped off Yu Wentai's head with a big knife in his hand, roaring and slashing at Huashan.

[Ding dong, Qin Liang's skill 'Knife King' is activated, force +3.

Qin Liang (Ying Qu Liang): Commander 96, Force 99, Intelligence 88, Politics 96, Charm 95.Equipment: Zhenqin Sword;
The current military power of Qin Liang has risen to 103. 】

Among the kings of the pre-Qin period, apart from King Wu of Qin, the one who was famous for his bravery was Qin Xiaogong Ying Quliang.

Ying Quliang not only rescued Xian Gong Ying Shi Xi from the rebellion, but also captured the prime minister of Wei Guo Shu Cuo alive under extremely unfavorable circumstances.

In that era, in terms of personal bravery, Ying Quliang was probably second only to his elder brother Yingqian.

Of course, in addition to personal force, Qin Xiaogong's ability to command the army is also very strong.

Gongsun Cuo served as the prime minister of Wei State for more than 20 years. Since Wu Qi left Wei State, he often used his status as the prime minister and commander of the South and North Wars. Ying Quliang, who was not obvious in the past, suffered repeated setbacks.

In the Battle of Shimen, in the confrontation with Qin Xiangong, Gongsun Cuo lost Hangu Pass and lost more than 6 troops;

In the battle of Shaoliang, Gongsun Cuo lost even more embarrassingly, and even himself was captured by Ying Quliang.

As for politics, let alone, without Qin Xiaogong appointing Shang Yang to carry out reforms, there would be no later Qin Shihuang to unify the six countries.

Of course, it was precisely because of the great influence of Shang Yang's reform that Ying Quliang's achievements in politics were covered up.

Seeing Qin Liang slashing towards him, Yu Wentai resolutely blocked it, and faced Qin Liang with hard steel.


After the blades collided, there was a sharp impact sound.

Yu Wentai let out a muffled snort, and his arms were aching from the shock. He obviously didn't expect Qin Liang to be so powerful. If he had known earlier, he would have guessed that he wouldn't be head-on.


(End of this chapter)

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