Chapter 1987
Chapter 1985: The Throne
Li Shimin did not hesitate to be beaten passively, let the [-] elite infantry be used as targets for the Qin army, and also bought time for the arrival of the [-] cavalry, naturally because this level of sacrifice was totally worth it.

When the [-] cavalry from the rear arrive, the Tang army will have [-] cavalry, plus [-] elite infantry.

[-] against [-], the odds are great.

Only [-] Qin soldiers and [-] elite soldiers can be defeated, not to mention that half of the [-] infantry were shot to death, even if they were all dead, it was worth it.

In Li Shimin's view, these [-] infantry could not escape, and creating an opportunity to severely damage the Qin army's cavalry may be their last use value.

Zhang Liao, who had figured everything out, suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

Under Li Shimin's step-by-step guidance, he, who was planning to fight quickly, turned to a conservative and slow-down route, but he himself did not realize this at all.

"Damn it, you've been calculated to death."

Zhang Liao gritted his teeth and said, this round of strategic confrontation, he was completely abused by Li Shimin, if it weren't for Jia Xu's tips, he would have been kept in the dark.

Now Zhang Liao finally understands the meaning of 'soldiers are precious and fast'.

If the Tang army cannot be defeated in a short time, [-] Tang army iron cavalry will arrive and join another [-] Tang cavalry.

At that time, [-] Tang cavalry generals and [-] Tang army infantry will attack the Qin army back and forth.

"Military division, military division, since you have expected this, you must have arranged a way to break it."

A strange color flashed in Zhang Liaohu's eyes, and he said to himself: "In this case, Wen Yuan just obey orders."

Zhang Liao didn't know Jia Xu's specific arrangement, but he knew that Jia Xu would not watch the army lose, and had already expected Li Shimin's reaction, he would definitely not let Zhao She and Li Ke's cavalry rush over.

"Send an order to General Mu Guiying to prepare for a decisive battle." Zhang Liao ordered in a deep voice.


Originally Zhang Liao didn't want to use the Women's Army, but now he had to. After all, the Longmen Formation with a scale of 5 people is easy to fight. When only [-] cavalry can be used, Mu Guiying's [-] elite can be of great use.

In the Longmen formation, two carrier pigeons landed on Li Kui's shoulders, and Li Kui's face immediately became extremely ugly after seeing the letter.

"What's wrong?" Li Shimin asked.

"General Zhao She and General Li Keyong may not be able to arrive at the battlefield on time."

"How could this be?"

Li Shimin suddenly turned pale with shock.

He paid such a high price that he did not hesitate to let [-] infantry be targeted by the Qin army, in order to delay the time for the [-] cavalry.

Now that so many people have died, you just said that you can't arrive on time, isn't that a lie.

"The defenders in Yewang City and Yiyang City took advantage of the night to go out of the city, ahead of time on the road leading to Henan Yin, not only dug a lot of pits for horses, but also set many traps.

These traps and traps are false and real, and it is impossible for people to tell the truth from the false.

As the army walked, they either fell into a horse pit, were stabbed to death by bamboo thorns, or died in a trap, which made the whole army panic and unable to march at full speed. "

Hearing this, Li Shimin's heart skipped a beat.

The defenders in Yewang City and Yiyang City were able to leave the city while they were there, and set traps and dig horse pits in advance. Obviously, someone had expected him to mobilize the [-] cavalry.

Who on earth has such ability to predict his reaction in advance?

An old man with a warm smile but a cold face appeared in Li Shimin's mind.

"Jia Xu, it must be him." Li Shimin gritted his teeth.

If you want to say who Li Shimin hates the most, it is neither the old enemy Qin Hao, nor the father-killing enemy Arthur, but Jia Xu.

Although Qin Hao is a mortal enemy, he is both an enemy and a friend.

Although Arthur killed Li Yuan, there was nothing he could do to fight on the battlefield, either life or death.

Only Jia Xu, whose methods are vicious and vicious, is almost impossible to guard against, and is the existence that Li Shimin hates and resents the most.

Jia Xu blamed Li Shimin for slaughtering hundreds of officials, completely ruining Li Shimin's reputation that he worked so hard to maintain, and he still hasn't completely recovered.

Therefore, Li Shimin not only loathes Jia Xu, but also has a trace of awe in his heart.

Now Jia Xu made a move against him here, and once he made a move, he couldn't get [-] cavalry in place, and the chance of victory that finally appeared became confusing again.

[Jia Xu's skill 'Poisoner' has effect 2, it is activated by conspiring, and when plotting against others, it will reduce the intelligence of the opponent by 1~4 points.

Reduce Li Shimin's intelligence by 3 points, and currently Li Shimin's intelligence has dropped to 97. 】

"How did Jia Xu know that the king would transfer the cavalry from the front line? Could it be that this old thief really has a foresight?" Li Shimin reconciled with no doubts

Naturally, Jia Xu didn't have the ability to predict the future. He actually didn't know what method Li Shimin used to delay the time, let alone that Li Shimin would set up a dragon formation, but he knew that the only possibility for Li Shimin to come back was the [-] cavalry.

If Li Shimin is pushed into a hurry, Jia Xu believes in Li Shimin's ability, and there must be a reform that can delay time, and insist on the arrival of [-] cavalry, and he only needs to solve the problem at the source. .

When he just received the news that the reinforcements from Hebei were going south, Jia Xu anticipated that this scene might happen, so he asked Mingye Wang and Yiyang's Gongsun Yan and Tan Daoji to go out of the city ahead of time and dig traps and horse pits on the only way they must pass. Delay the marching speed of the Tang cavalry.

With this simple method, Jia Xu had bought half a day's fighting time for the frontline army. If Zhang Liao was unable to defeat the [-] Tang troops in the Longmen Formation during this period, he could only blame himself for his incompetence.

"Your Highness, it is absolutely impossible to block [-] cavalry with just a few horse traps and traps."

A hint of trouble flashed in Sima Yi's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "The [-] cavalry may be late, but they will never be absent."

"Yes, Zhang Liao is using a slow attack method, and our army is now in mourning, and we are protected by a dragon gate array. It is not difficult to persist until the reinforcements arrive..."

Before Li Shimin finished speaking, he heard the sound of beating drums and shouts of killing from the central army of the Qin army five miles away. It was obvious that the central army of the Qin army had moved.

"Zhang Liao wants to launch a decisive battle?"

Li Shimin's eyes were full of disbelief, and he asked puzzledly: "Isn't he afraid of death? Or is there a way to break the Longmen Formation?"

"Your Highness, this is the end of the matter, and it's too late to say anything else. The most urgent thing is to defend to the death. Zhang Liao must not be allowed to break through the Longmen Formation."


On the other side, Zhang Liao commanded [-] Chinese troops to charge towards the Longmen Formation.

At the same time, Mu Guiying also asked Arthur and Qin Ji to command the Women's Army and the Flying Tiger Army respectively, and only launched an offensive in Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao used Luoyang's [-] elites, but Xiao Yan's [-] cavalry were not used.

Although Ye Wang Yiyang's [-] iron cavalry did not come, the hidden Xuanjia Army and Feixiong Army may stab their knives in the back at any time, so enough troops must be left behind.

Although Xiao Yan's [-] iron cavalry cannot stop [-] Tang army cavalry, it is still possible to block tens of thousands of fine cavalry.

 The second update, this chapter has been added for ten thousand rewards, thank you book friend Xiangyun Huanyue for rewarding 10000 starting coins, thank you for your support.

  The strategy has been written, and the next war will soon be over, and this paragraph will soon come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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