Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1988 Zhang 8 VS Li 3

Chapter 1988 Zhang Babai VS Li Sanqian
Chapter 1986: Zhang Babai VS Li Sanqian
"Rengui, you really don't have any flaws in this Longmen Formation?" Zhang Liao asked frantically.

In the previous sand table deduction popular, every time he said confidently that he would break the formation, but he was killed every time, and he lost to Xue Li three times in a row.

Xue Rengui smiled lightly and said, "Any formation has its flaws, and the Longmen formation is the same."

"Then tell me how to break the Longmen Formation?"

Xue Rengui smiled without saying a word, and did not answer, as if he had seen through Zhang Liao's purpose.

Zhang Liao wasn't disappointed in the slightest either, it was naturally impossible to use Xue Rengui's words on this basis.

"Don't think that I can't find a way to crack it if you don't tell me. Although the previous three deductions failed to break the formation, brother, I didn't gain nothing at all."

A gleam flashed in Zhang Liao's eyes, and he said confidently: "The Longmen Formation is unpredictable and extremely difficult to command. As long as the formation breakers respond quickly enough to dispatch troops and can predict and make adjustments in time before the formation change, they will definitely be able to interrupt it." The operation of the entire formation."

Xue Rengui rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Wen Yuan, let alone the Longmen Formation, your method can even break all the formations in the world in theory."

"Haha, let me just say..."

"But it's not feasible."


"Every formation, there are dozens, even hundreds of changes, how can it be predicted accurately?"

"Uh, this..." Zhang Liao laughed.

Before the battle of Hebei was launched in the above scenes, Zhang Liao still has a deep memory.

"Rengui, you said my method is not feasible, but today I have to rely on speed to break through the Longmen Formation."

Zhang Liao said with a concentrated expression, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

It didn't take Zhang Liao a day or two to crack the Longmen Formation, but so far he hasn't found any flaws. Originally, he was about to give up his expectations of breaking the formation, but Jia Xu's swift and swift tips gave him inspiration.

Soldiers value speed, soldiers value speed!
Apart from wanting to use these four words to remind me that this battle should be sooner rather than later, the military adviser must also convey to me the method of breaking the formation.

That's right, as long as it's fast enough, so fast that Li Shimin can't even react, he will definitely be able to crack the Longmen Formation.

There is nothing wrong with my own thinking of breaking the formation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liao's mood became agitated. When he proposed this method, his colleagues laughed at him, but now someone finally understands him.

"The military division is just my bosom friend."

After sighing lightly, Zhang Liao calmed down immediately, and ordered seriously, "Where are Tai Shici, Huang Tianxiang, Huang Tianlu, Ju Yi, and Zhang Kui?"

"The end will be here."

"Five of you, lead an army of [-] each, wear armor and shields, go to the front of the Dragon Gate Formation to listen to orders, and immediately enter the Dragon Gate Formation from one gate as soon as the order is issued.

Remember, you don't need to kill the enemy after entering the formation, you only need to charge along the gap, if you rush out of the formation, turn back and continue to charge. "

After listening to Zhang Liao's order, Tai Shici and the other five were stunned.

Do not kill the enemy, only charge?What kind of mission is this.

Although the five generals were a little puzzled, they all chose to obey orders and lead the army away.

After watching the generals leave, Zhang Liao said to himself, "There are still [-] cavalry left in the Chinese army, some are too few, and the impact is not enough."

After Xu Huang and Zhang He each led [-] cavalry into battle, Zhang Liao had only [-] cavalry left, and now he has sent another [-] cavalry, leaving only [-] remaining troops in the Chinese army.

In Zhang Liao's next plan, if he wanted to break the Longmen Formation, the [-] cavalry alone would not be enough, but Xiao Yan's [-] cavalry could not move lightly.

"By the way, there are still two thousand flying tiger troops in the Luoyang front army, which can be adjusted to cooperate with the Chinese army."

At the critical moment, Zhang Liao thought of the Flying Tiger Army. The Flying Tiger Army was an elite unit directly under Li Cunxiao. It was a high-ranking force among the elite battalions. Two thousand Flying Tigers could be used as ten thousand cavalry.

"Pass down the order to transfer the Flying Tiger Army to the Chinese Army to help in the battle."


On the side of the Women's Army, after receiving Zhang Liao's order, they were so angry that they wanted to hit someone.

Among the [-] troops that left Luoyang, the Flying Tiger Army was undoubtedly the strongest. Without the two thousand flying tiger cavalry, among the eight thousand women's army, only five hundred heavy cavalry and one thousand light cavalry remained. The situation in China will undoubtedly be more difficult.

Even though Mu Guiying knew this, she had no choice but to send troops to help. After all, they were just partial teachers, and it was Zhang Liao who could really play a decisive role.

"Li Ya and Pai Feng lead the five hundred women's heavy cavalry army, and Qin Ji and Di Qing lead the two thousand flying tiger army. The four of you immediately take the army to General Zhang Liao's account for use."


After Arthur and Qin Ji led the [-] cavalry to leave, even if there were [-] female troops left in the Detachment of Women, including [-] light cavalry, the overall combat effectiveness had dropped by more than half.

Mu Guiying, who understands righteousness, not only sent troops to help Zhang Liao, but also sent all the soldiers who could fight the most.

Seeing that the Detachment of Women not only sent the Flying Tiger Army, but also sent heavy cavalry, Zhang Liao was naturally overjoyed, and with these two elite troops in hand, he was more sure of cracking the Longmen Formation.

"Report...Tai Shici, Huang Tianxiang, Huang Tianlu, Ju Yi, and Zhang Kui, the five generals, have all arrived beyond the five gates, and they can enter the Longmen formation only after the general gives an order."

"it is good."

There was a cold light in Zhang Liao's eyes, and he asked again: "Is the Women's Army in place?"

"It's in place. The [-] women's army has arrived at the designated location in the south, and together with the armies from the east, west, and north, they will form a siege against the Tang army."

The small cavalry led by Tai Shici and others were on the move, as were the four troops of Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Xu Huang and Mu Guiying.

With Tai Shici and other five generals in place, Xu Huang and Zhang Xi have also led the army back to the west and north. With the addition of Mu Guiying in the south and Zhang Liao in the east, the Qin army has completely surrounded the Tang army.

On the battlefield, with the Longmen Formation as the center of the circle, there appeared two strange encircling circles inside and outside.

The inner circle is composed of Taishici, Huang Tianxiang, Huang Tianlu, Ju Yi, and Zhang Kui, while the outer circle is composed of Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Zhang He, and Mu Guiying.

The five cavalry armies in the inner circle are very uniform, each with [-] cavalry, for a total of [-] cavalry.

The outer circle is more complicated, respectively Xu Huang's seven thousand cavalry, Zhang He's seven thousand cavalry, Mu Guiying's six thousand five hundred women's army and one thousand women's light cavalry, and Zhang Liao's six thousand main cavalry, two thousand flying tiger cavalry and five hundred Heavy cavalry female soldiers, a total of [-] troops.

Zhang Liao divided the [-] army into two encirclement circles, but surrounded a full [-] Tang troops. From the perspective of siege, it was obviously extremely unreasonable, and his arrangement was not to trap the enemy at all, but to break the Longmen Formation.

The [-] Tang troops in the Longmen Formation were like armored tortoises. Without some special means, Zhang Liao's [-] cavalry alone would have been impossible to break through the formation.

"Here's an order to order Tai Shici, Huang Tianxiang, Huang Tianlu, Ju Yi, and Zhang Kui to lead the attack."


  I have been very busy at work these two days, and I came back late again. I don’t have much time to code words. I didn’t update it yesterday. I owe a chapter guarantee.

  There are currently 4 chapters in total.

(End of this chapter)

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