Chapter 1997 Aid Jingbei

Chapter 1995: Aid Jingbei

Looking at the ruins of Hangu Pass in front of them, Li Jing, Han Xin, Guo Jia and others were speechless for a long time.

Tang Jun's destruction of Hangu Pass was very thorough. It was not enough to set fire to the pass once, so he destroyed it again before leaving, in order to prevent the Qin army from repairing Hangu Pass.

With the financial and material resources of the Qin army, Hangu Pass can naturally be repaired, but if one is rebuilt, the loss outweighs the gain.

Although Hangu Pass has been destroyed, its geographical advantages are still there. If you set up camp here, you can also defend against danger, but Li Shimin did not do so.

Li Shimin knew that setting up a camp based on this alone would not be able to stop the Qin army, and would only lose more troops, so he had to abandon the boundary of Hangu.

Although Li Shimin was willing to give up Hangu Pass, he was afraid that the Qin army would rebuild Hangu Pass, so he wrecked it before leaving, completely destroying the foundation of Hangu Pass.

Hangu Pass was completely destroyed, and there is no difference between rebuilding it and building another one. It is impossible to rebuild Hangu Pass even if the army is rich and powerful, because it is not worth it.

With that financial and material resources, it would be better to take down Guanzhong directly. Isn't it impossible to do it with the strength of the Qin army?What's more, defense is something that only weak countries can do.

Qin's national strength and military strength are several times that of Tang's. It will only continue to expand abroad, and there is no need for defense at all. Naturally, there is no need for Hangu Pass.

Therefore, Li Shimin's second destruction of the pass is equivalent to completely erasing Hangu Pass from the map of the Han Dynasty, and Hangu Pass will never appear again in the future.

"The last general is incompetent and failed to catch up with Tang Jun."

Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun knelt down together and pleaded guilty to Li Jing, but Li Jing sighed and stepped forward to help the two generals up.

"I don't blame the two generals. Li Shimin fled too fast. The general didn't expect Li Shimin to flee so decisively. He gave up without hesitation when he had to kill and wound an army of [-] to achieve the result."

Li Jing's words were not wrong at all. Li Shimin was indeed too vigilant. After learning the news of Zhao Yunan's arrival, he withdrew from Luoyang without any hesitation.

If Guo Jia hadn't proposed to let Zhang Liao lead the cavalry to pursue first, Li Shimin might have led the [-] elite infantry in Longmen Formation to flee back to Guanzhong.

In fact, Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao cannot be blamed for failing to catch up with Tang Jun.

Needless to say, Zhang Liao had to detour hundreds of miles, and it would be a ghost if he could catch up.

Zhao Yun went south from Hetao, crossed Bingzhou, crossed the Yellow River, and entered Sizhou. He traveled more than a thousand miles without stopping for a moment. The reason why he was still a step late was because Li Shimin was on guard against him from the beginning.

What Li Shimin was afraid of was that Zhao Yun would cut off his retreat, and he even gave up all the results in Sizhou. How could it be possible for Zhao Yun to reach Tongguan before he retreated to Tongguan?
In the final analysis, Li Shimin's opponent was too powerful, basically showing no flaws, and naturally he would not give Qin Jun any chance.

After hearing Li Jing's words, Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao's complexions improved a lot. They all knew what it meant for Li Shimin to return to Tongguan.

" the general, after Li Shimin retreated into Tongguan, not only did he not return to Chang'an, but instead he dispatched troops from all over Guanzhong to come to Tongguan."

Hearing this, a stern look flashed in Li Jing's eyes, and he said coldly, "Li Shimin has such sinister intentions."

Li Shimin has withdrawn from Sizhou, but he still refuses to completely withdraw his troops. Instead, he continues to increase his troops. Does this mean he wants to continue to fight the Qin army?

Naturally not.

There are many places where Li Tang needs heavy troops to defend. With the current strength of the troops, the defense is already the limit. Even if the troops are increased, it will only be [-] to [-]. It will not help the overall situation, let alone compete for Sizhou.

The real purpose of Li Shimin's doing this was to contain the strength of the Qin army in Sizhou, so as to create an opportunity for Chu and Shu, who were attacking Jingbei, to completely occupy Jingbei.

As long as Li and Tang's [-] troops are in Tongguan, the Qin army in Sizhou will not dare to go south to Jingbei. Otherwise, once the Tang army returns, Sizhou will still be in danger of being lost.

If the 20 Hebei Qin troops supporting Jingbei cannot all go south to support Yue Fei in Jingbei, the Qin army's strength in Jingbei will not be able to crush the two countries, and the outcome of the war in Jingbei is still uncertain.

Why did Li Shimin help Liu Xiu and Liu Ji so hard?What good does this do for Li Tang?
On the surface, there is no benefit at all, it is purely harming oneself and benefiting others, but in fact, weakening Qin, a strong neighbor, is the greatest benefit to Tang.

It has to be said that as an ally, Li Shimin is still very powerful, he has not cheated his teammates at all, and is far better than Wang Mang and Liu Che by tens of thousands of times.

The reason why Hebei's battle was defeated so quickly was not that Liu Che was not wise enough, nor that Han Xin was not good enough to fight, but mainly because Wang Mang, a pig teammate, was too pitiful.

If Wang Mang hadn't lost to Li Jing so quickly, Lian Po would not have been defeated by Li Jing and his entire army would have been annihilated. If Lian Po was undefeated, the other two battles would not have been defeated, at least not so quickly.

In the final analysis, Wang Mang was too pitiful, which was the main reason for Liu Che's defeat. To Qin Hao, he was simply a noble person.

Therefore, you must be cautious when looking for teammates, and you must find someone who is not cheating like Li Shimin, but it is useless to meet someone like Wang Mang who is cheating teammates, no matter how strong you are.

"General, what should we do now?" Zhang Liao asked.

Li Jing glanced at Guo Jia, saw him nodding at him, and immediately said in a deep voice: "General Han Xin, you lead [-] infantry, General Zhao Yun, you lead [-] Hetao cavalry.

The two of you immediately led the army south to Jingbei to support General Yue Fei.

The rest of the general will stay in Hongnong County to confront Li Shimin, and look for opportunities to see if Tongguan can be broken. "

As Zhao Yun went to Sizhou and Li Jing led the army to Hongnong County, even if the losses in the previous World War I were taken into account, the total strength of the Qin Army in Sizhou reached an astonishing 28.

In addition to the unusable troops stationed at various checkpoints, there are still as many as 25 troops that can be used in war.

This is already more than the total strength of Li Tang's entire country.

Now Li Yuanba, Yang Jian and other generals were seriously injured, Yu Juluo and many other generals died in battle, and the elite soldiers lost as much as [-]. This was the time when Li Tang was at his weakest.

How much Li Jing wanted to take advantage of this golden opportunity to command the 25 troops and march westward to directly destroy the Tang Kingdom and get rid of Li Shimin's big trouble, but he could only think about it.

The main task of Li Jing going south this time is to rescue Si Jing. Although the crisis in Sizhou has been resolved, the crisis in Jingbei has not yet ended, so naturally the rescue of Jingbei should be the first priority.

Before eliminating the danger in Jingbei, Li Jing had to resist the temptation even if the opportunity to destroy the Tang Kingdom was in front of him.

Of course, now is not the time to destroy Tang.

Hebei, which was occupied by the Qin army, has not been completely digested. It is too reluctant to destroy Tang at this time.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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