Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1998 Ming attack Tongguan and secretly attack Wuguan

Chapter 1998 Ming attack Tongguan and secretly attack Wuguan
Chapter 1996: Attacking Tongguan and Assaulting Wuguan
Originally, according to Li Jing's vision, after resolving the crisis in Sizhou, he would personally lead more than 17 troops south to Jingbei, and quickly defeat the two countries of Shu and Chu with superior forces.

But I didn't expect Li Shimin to be so vigilant, he ran away immediately when he saw the situation was not good, and now he is still adding troops to Tongguan, harming others and not benefiting himself, just to hold back the strength of the Qin army.

The battle in Sizhou has not yet ended completely, and a war may still break out in the future, so it is necessary to leave enough troops to guard it, and even Li Jing himself has to stay and sit in charge.

And sending Han Xin and Zhao Yun to lead an army of [-] to support Jingbei was a decision that Li Jing made after deliberation with Guo Jia and Jia Xu in advance.

After the emergency military expansion in Jingbei, there are 16 elite soldiers and [-] new recruits, for a total of [-] troops.

But after this period of battle, under the attack of the two armies of Chu and Shu, the strength of the Jingbei Qin army was not small, and the total casualties were approaching 11. Now the total strength should be around [-].

It has to be said that Qin Hao's decision to order the expansion of the army before the battle was correct.

The [-] new recruits greatly relieved the pressure on the Jingzhou Qin Army, and among the [-] Jingbei Qin Army who died in the battle, more than [-] were recruits.

If it weren't for the recruits as a supplement, the original Jingbei defenders would not be able to persist until now.

Shu and Chu first sent 15 and [-] troops respectively, but as Chu captured Jiangxia County, Shu also captured most of Jiangling's army, and the situation in Hebei changed drastically due to Wang Mang's defeat. The two countries, in order to occupy Jingbei before the Qin army captured Hebei, both successively increased their troops.

The Chu State increased its troops by 28, and the Shu State increased its troops by [-]. The total troops used by the two countries reached [-].

In the battle with the Qin army, although the coalition forces of the two countries also lost nearly 26 troops, and the total force dropped to [-], they still formed an absolute force advantage over the Qin army.

Yue Fei, Qin Qiong, Qin Zheng, Meng Gong and other generals fought against 16 regular Chu and Shu troops with 28 new and old mixed troops, and only 11 troops remained. It can be seen that the Qin army in Jingbei fought very hard.

Even if only 21 troops are sent to support at this time, although the strength of the Qin army in Jingbei reaches [-], the total strength of the Qin army is still less than that of Chu and Shu. Repel the invasion of Shu and Chu.

Li Jing knew that sending [-] troops to support Jingbei would not be enough to repel Chu and Shu and stabilize Jingbei, but he still did so. Naturally, there were his reasons.

First of all, Li Tang can attack, retreat and defend, and he is born with a good location, which poses too much threat to Sizhou.

Secondly, Li Shimin is adding troops to Hangu Pass, regardless of whether there will be a war in the end, but with this posture, the Qin army cannot ignore it.

Based on these two points, Li Jing could not transfer too many troops from Sizhou, otherwise, if Sizhou was lost, it would be meaningless for Jingbei to regain it.

Of course, there is one more thing Li Jing would do, that is, Tang Jun is currently weak.

Before the Tang army went to war, although the total strength of the country was 30, the regular army was only 23.

Now 16 elite troops have died in battle, leaving [-] regular troops, [-] are currently on the front line of Tongguan, and the remaining [-] regular troops and [-] miscellaneous troops are responsible for guarding the entire Tang Kingdom.

The military strength of the Tang State was actually very tight, but Li Shimin still sent more troops to Luoyang, which would definitely lead to weak defenses in other areas.

Li Jing naturally does not expect to rely on an army of 16 to break through Tongguan, which has [-] defenders, but if the main force of the Tang army is dragged to Tongguan, there may be a chance to capture Wuguan, so as to break the geographical advantage of the Qin army against Li Tang. Congenitally deficient.

Jingbei, guarded by 21 troops, is enough to block the offensive of Shu and Chu, at least the situation will not continue to deteriorate.

Based on this consideration, Li Jing decided to stay in person to attract Li Shimin's attention, while secretly planning a surprise attack on Wuguan.

As long as Wuguan is in hand, Qin Jun will not be so passive when facing Tang Jun in the future.

When Zhang Liao saw that Li Jing sent Zhao Yunan to Jingbei, but put aside himself who had just won the battle, Zhang Liao was naturally a little reluctant. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was difficult for Sizhou to change the situation, while Jingbei But there are still many credits to be made.

In this regard, Li Jing explained: "It is necessary to send cavalry to support Jingbei. General Zhang Liao's cavalry has already experienced a great battle, but General Zhao Yun's [-] Hetao cavalry have not yet experienced a battle. The strength is at its peak, so it is naturally more suitable to go to support Jingbei."

Naturally, such rhetoric could not convince Zhang Liao. The cavalry under his command did suffer losses, but they had just won a big victory and their morale was high.

After repeated questioning by Zhang Liao, Li Jing was finally forced to tell the truth.

Knowing that Li Jing was planning to "attack Tongguan in the open and attack Wuguan in secret", Zhang Liao no longer competed with Zhao Yun for the place to go south. After all, Wuguan is of great significance to the Qin army, and once it is taken, it will be no less than a big battle. Victory, keeping him, is obviously to entrust him with this task.

On the other hand, Han Xin thought that Li Jing would personally support Jingbei, and left himself and Zhang Liao to guard Sizhou, but he did not expect that he would let himself, a surrendered general, lead the army alone.

Facing Han Xin's question, Li Jing said with a smile: "My lord always employs people without suspicion. My lord appointed General Han as my deputy, which shows that I trust you very much. Since even my lord can trust you, general What else is there to believe?"

Hearing Li Jing's heartfelt words, Han no longer had any worries in his heart. While grateful to Li Jing in his heart, he also made up his mind that he must win a big victory in Jingbei, so that those proud Qin generals would not dare to underestimate him.

The next day, the Qin army that met in Hongnong County was divided up in less than two days after resting. Han Xin and Zhao Yun led [-] infantry and [-] cavalry, and went south to Nanyang to Jingxiang.

Liu Ji and Liu Xiu had a lot of masters, so Li Jing couldn't just let Han Xin and Zhao Yun go to Jingbei, but besides them, he also sent Jiang Song, Yuwen Chengdu, Zhang Kui, Huang Tianhua, Huang Tianxiang, Huang Tianlu, Gao Ming, Gao Jue and other generals were also transferred to the army.

Li Jing's subordinates retained: Zhang Liao, Gao Chong, Arthur, Xu Huang, Zhang Yun, Gongsun Yan, Tan Daoji, Qin Ji and other generals.

As soon as Han Xin and Zhao Yun's army left, Li Jing led the army westward and set up camp at the ruins of Hangu Pass.

Although the Hangu Pass of the Qin army is gone now, there are still two strong cities of Yewang and Yiyang. In addition, the Yaohan Ancient Road is also a dangerous place. After setting up a camp, it can also resist the Tang army.

Li Shimin was taken aback by Li Jing's move. He stayed at Tongguan, not because he wanted to continue fighting the Qin army, but because he wanted to hold back part of the Qin army's strength.

The situation in Jingbei is even more critical than that of Sizhou. Li Jing led the army south to rescue Sijing, so it is impossible to ignore Jingbei.

Now Li Jing only sent 16 troops to rescue Jingzhou, but personally led [-] troops to Hangu. Could it be that he used too much force and supported the two countries too much, which caused Li Jing's overreaction?

With this in mind, Li Shimin immediately stopped sending troops from various places to Tongguan, and asked all the troops who came to support Tongguan to return to their original stations, hoping to dispel Li Jing's vigilance.

Li Shimin's meaning is obvious, that is, let's do our own thing, and no one will provoke anyone, okay?

Li Jing saw that Li Shimin didn't move his troops anymore, what's the matter?While continuing to increase troops to the Yaohan camp, he ordered the deployment of siege equipment from the rear.

Thousands of catapults were transported from Luoyang to Hangu, as if they were going to storm Tongguan.


(End of this chapter)

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