Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2003 Chen Ping's advice

Chapter 2003 Chen Ping's advice
Chapter 2001: Chen Ping advises
Withdrawing troops is undoubtedly a difficult decision for Liu Ji.

You must know that the State of Shu has already occupied the entire South County except Jiangling City, and most of Xiangyang County, which is much larger than the Jiangxia County occupied by the State of Chu.

If the main force is transferred back to Yizhou at this time, if the defenders fail to withstand the counterattack of the Qin army, all the efforts made by the two countries before will be in vain.

Liu Xiu was equally astonished when he heard Liu Ji's words, and said, "Brother Shu King, are you sure you are joking with this King?"

Liu Ji didn't dare to look Liu Xiu directly in the eyes, he felt ashamed of Liu Xiu in his heart, and his momentum naturally weakened.

You must know that after Liu Xiu occupied Jiangxia County, in order to allow Shu to share the pressure of the Qin army, he deliberately did not occupy other areas.

The newly occupied cities after Chu State invaded Jingbei were all ceded to Liu Ji in accordance with the covenant, so the Jingbei land occupied by Shu State was much larger than that of Chu State.

Liu Xiu continued to lead the army to stay in Jingbei, just fulfilling the obligations of his allies. Even if he completely defeated the Qin army, he would not gain an inch of land. All the benefits he gained were from the Southern Han court represented by Liu Ji.

There is such a caring ally, but Liu Ji wants to withdraw his troops back to Yizhou at this time, which is tantamount to a betrayal to Chu. After all, once the Shu army leaves, Chu will face the revenge of the Qin army alone. The pressure can be great.

Liu Ji naturally knew that withdrawing troops at this time was both unethical and a pity, but he had an instinctive fear of Chi You in his heart.

When the Southern Barbarians invaded, Liu Ji personally led the army to fight against Chi You, but he was defeated in one battle, the [-] army was wiped out, even he was almost beheaded by Chi You, but Xing Tian saved his life.

Later, Liu Ji and Liu Yu joined forces, although Chi You's invasion was repelled, but a deep shadow was left in his heart, and he was jealous and afraid of Chi You.

No one knows Chi You's horror better than Liu Ji. Now that Chi You and the Nanman army are about to make a comeback, he will naturally worry that Yizhou will not be safe.

Before the war started, Liu Ji's mind was already in a mess. He decided to withdraw his troops back to Yizhou without discussing with the military adviser Chen Ping.

Liu Ji knew that he was sorry for Liu Xiu, but he couldn't open his face to apologize, so he lowered his head and said nothing, but it went without saying.

"you you……"

Liu Xiu pointed at Liu Ji and was so angry that she couldn't speak. After a long time, she said helplessly, "I'm so confused."


Liu Ji frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Brother Shu Wang probably hasn't discussed with Military Adviser Chen Ping yet?" Liu Xiu asked back.

Liu Ji showed displeasure, and said: "This king is the king of Shu and the lord of Yizhou, so why discuss it with others."

Seeing that Liu Ji was so abnormal, Liu Xiu was taken aback for a moment, and then said in a concentrated voice: "Brother Shu, your in a mess."

Liu Ji was startled for a moment, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Is my heart disturbed?

Seeing that Liu Ji had begun to reflect, Liu Xiu pursued the victory and persuaded: "Brother Wang, you don't have to worry about the safety of Yizhou.

If the Nanman king really wanted to attack Yizhou, why would he send only [-] troops?

Besides, Zhu Rongchi is also a master in the art of war, so he should know the reason why soldiers are expensive and fast, but can there be news of barbarian troops attacking the city from the counties in Yinan? "

Hearing this, Liu Ji suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

Yes, Chi You's 15 troops were all repulsed by himself and Liu Yu, so what's the use of sending [-] troops now?

There was indeed no news of the barbarian army attacking the city on the border.

"So, Zhu Rongchi didn't intend to attack Yizhou, and he sent troops just to deal with the Qin army, just for show?" Liu Ji suddenly realized.

Liu Xiu smiled and said, "That's right, otherwise the barbarians who came this time would be far more than [-], but [-]."

Hearing this, Liu Ji couldn't sit still any longer, got up and left directly, and went to discuss with military advisor Chen Ping.

Looking at Liu Ji's leaving back, Liu Xiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Liu Ji was stabilized, otherwise if the Shu army were to return to Yizhou, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

"With Mr. Chen Ping's intelligence, he will definitely convince Liu Ji." Liu Xiu whispered to himself.

Chen Ping naturally lived up to Liu Xiu's expectations.

With Liu Xiu's intelligence attribute of 98 points, he can see the situation in Yizhou so thoroughly, it is naturally impossible for Chen Ping, who has an intelligence of 101, not to see it.

After Chen Ping learned that Liu Ji wanted to withdraw his troops, he dismissed Liu Ji's plan to withdraw his troops with just a few words, and fully figured out Chi You's thoughts.


After hearing this, Liu Ji gasped and said in shock, "This barbarian is so daring. He dares to take advantage of me, the three great princes of the Central Plains, based on the meager size of the southern barbarians? He is looking for death."

"Although the Nanman King is a wise man, what he has is only small cleverness, not great wisdom."

A trace of sarcasm flashed across Chen Pingman's wise eyes, and he said with a light smile, "He only wanted to let the Qin army weaken our army, but he ignored the words that if our army suffered too many casualties, it would attract Qin Hao, a fierce tiger, to occupy Yizhou." , his situation in Nanban will only become more difficult."

"That's right. Now that I know Zhu Rongchi's intentions, I will naturally not send troops back to Yizhou."

"Do not."

Chen Ping shook his head and said, "My lord, I should send some soldiers back to assist Yizhou."

"Why? Didn't it follow the barbarian's wishes?" Liu Ji asked in confusion.

"My lord, most of our army's elite soldiers are gathered in Jingbei, and there are not many generals who can resist the Nanman. Besides, how can the Nanman king just let it go?

If our army has not returned to aid, the Nanman will definitely increase its troops, and after the increase reaches a certain level, it will follow the trend and really fight back, and then it will be self-defeating.

Therefore, even if they knew it was a trick, in order to stabilize Yinan and not be too passive in the face of Nanban, they had to call back some soldiers. "

Under Chen Ping's persuasion, Liu Ji decided to order Peng Yue and Cao Shen to lead [-] elite soldiers back to Yizhou to guard the Yinan area and guard the [-] barbarians of Gonggong.

Peng Yue, Han Xin, and Ying Bu are also known as the three famous generals in the early Han Dynasty. He is currently Liu Ji's highest commanding general, and his military strength is second only to Fan Kuai, who ranks fourth. Only with him in Yinan can Liu Ji be completely at ease.

Before leaving, Liu Ji grabbed Peng Yue's hand and told him that he should only defend and not attack, and that he must exercise restraint, and that he must never initiate a war unless it is absolutely necessary.

After Peng Yue returned to Yizhou with 23 troops, the total strength of the combined forces of Shu and Chu dropped to 14.They are: 21 Shu Army and [-] Chu Army, while the total strength of the Qin Army has risen to [-].

The military gap between Qin and Shu Chu has been further reduced, and has been shortened to only [-] troops.

Although the disadvantage in terms of military strength has been moved back, in terms of the overall situation, the Qin army is still passively beaten, mainly because too many places in Jingbei have fallen, like a ship that is leaking everywhere. It's really hard to fix all the holes.

Although Xiangyang City is still stable, Jiangling City is almost exhausted and may be breached by the coalition forces at any time.

 One more, originally planned to add more, but because the National Day holiday is approaching, today is the weekend but I have to work overtime, which is uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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