Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2004 The Battle of Jingbei

Chapter 2004 The Battle of Jingbei
Chapter 2002: Jingbei War
When Qin Qiong was the governor of Jingzhou and confronted Liu Ji on the front line of Yiling, Jiangling in the rear was besieged by Liu Xiu's [-] troops.

In order to ensure that the front-line army has continuous food and grass, and can return from the Yiling line smoothly, Qin Qiong ordered Meng Gong to guard Jiangling City for a month.

Meng Gong and Han Shizhong only had [-] defenders, [-] of which were recruits. It was almost impossible to defend Jiangling City for a month under the onslaught of [-] Chu troops, but the fact was that he had already I kept it for two months.

Even Liu Xiu and Liu Ji have to admit that it is a miracle that Jiangling City can persist until now.

If it is just to defend to the death, even if there is a famous general like Meng Gong who is good at defending, it is impossible to defend Jiangling for two months when the enemy is ten times stronger than himself, and his own combat power is not strong and morale is not high. The main reason for the long time is actually because Qin Zheng and Yue Fei successively supported Jiangling.

Qin Zheng failed to send reinforcements for the first time, not only lost the general Wang Gui, but also lost [-] of the [-] reinforcements, so he personally led [-] Beiwei troops to support Jiangling.

Qin Zheng led the Beiwei army to fight for more than three hundred miles. After going through several battles, although he could not directly help Meng Gong, it also distracted Liu Xiu's energy and troops, making it impossible for him to attack Jiangling City with all his strength. Help Meng Gong survive the most difficult period.

After that, Qin Zheng adopted Lin Xiangru's plan and used himself as a bait to attract Liu Xiu to go to encircle and suppress in person, but secretly ordered Zhang Xian to lead another [-] troops to support Jiangling.

On a dark and windy night of one month, Meng Gong in the city deliberately made a gesture of abandoning the city to break through, and attracted the Chu army outside the city to the north gate to set up an ambush, but led Zhang Xian's army into the city from the south gate. It was also with the support of this [-]-strong army that Meng Gong was able to defend Jiangling for two full months.

Later, while Liu Xiu stormed Jiangling, he also used the spies in the city to provoke, trying to make the soldiers and civilians of the aristocratic families in the city fall into internal strife, so that the Qin army fell into internal and external difficulties.

Meng Gong had an insight into Liu Xiu's conspiracy in time, and set a trap, waiting for the rebels to take the initiative to stand up, and then carried out iron and blood suppression, killing more than 3000 people, including the family and the people, and completely eradicating the hidden dangers in the city in one fell swoop .

Seeing that conspiracies and tricks were useless against Meng Gong, Liu Xiu could only attack the city in an upright manner, fighting steadily and using cannon fodder to consume the defenders in the city little by little.

In the next half month, Qin Qiong led the army back to Xiangyang from Yiling smoothly, but Liu Ji sent troops to pursue them but was ambushed by Qin Qiong, losing more than 3000 elite troops.

After Qin Qiong retreated, Liu Ji did not march into Xiangyang immediately. Instead, he was afraid that Liu Xiu would seize his southern county, so the army came to Jiangling City to join forces with Liu Xiu, in fact, to grab the territory.

Liu Xiu naturally knew Liu Ji's purpose, but he didn't care, because he had no plan to occupy Jiangling, so he took the initiative to give up the newly occupied land of several counties to the Shu army.

Liu Ji originally wanted to use force to force Liu Xiu to retreat, but he didn't expect Liu Xiu to be so sensible and take the initiative to give up the land he had conquered, so he boldly sent troops to capture the remaining counties in Nanjun, and it took less than ten days to occupy them. The entire territory of Nanjun except Jiangling City.

Jiangling City is a fortified city, and it has tens of thousands of defenders, and it is guarded by Meng Gong, a good general, so it cannot be breached in a short time.

Naturally, Liu Ji and Liu Xiu both knew this, so they each left [-] troops to attack Jiangling with [-] troops, while the two of them led the remaining troops north to attack Xiangyang County.

The elites of all the counties in Xiangyang County have been mobilized cleanly. Most of the defenders in the city are newly recruited soldiers. How can they stop the wolves and tigers of Shu and Chu?
Within ten days, Liu Ji captured four cities one after another, while Liu Xiu followed behind waving the flag and shouting. Now there is no need for him to help Liu Ji attack the cities, after all, the cities he captured are not his.

Before the two armies of Liu Ji and Liu Xiu reached the city of Xiangyang, Yue Fei had already led the army from Nanyang to the south and stationed in Xiangyang, replacing Qin Qiong as the governor of Jingzhou again.

After all, the Jingbei Qin army was trained by Yue Fei, and under Yue Fei's leadership, they had only bullied others for so many years. How could anyone actively bully them?
Therefore, after Yue Fei regained control of the military, the morale of the Qin army suddenly soared.

Almost all the soldiers firmly believed that Yue Fei would lead them to defeat the Shu-Chu Allied Forces, and Yue Fei did not disappoint the Jingzhou Army's expectations.

When Qin Qiong was in charge of the military power in Jingzhou before, although he did not commit any mistakes, the Qin army suffered consecutive defeats and retreated from Yiling to Xiangyang. Most of Jingbei was occupied by the Shu Kingdom, and after Yue Fei took over the military power Qin Jun's decline stopped immediately.

With Liu Ji and Liu Xiu going north, the battle situation in Jingbei has also become two major battlefields, namely: Jiangling and Xiangyang.

It is difficult to tell the winner in the short term on the Jiangling side, but the core of the struggle on the Xiangyang side was not Xiangyang City at the beginning, but Xinye County.

Xinye County is connected to Nanyang in the north and Xiangyang in the south.

Yue Fei ordered Qin Qiong to lead an army of [-] to guard the front line of Xinye Fancheng to prevent surprise attacks by the Shu-Chu coalition forces and cut off the connection between Xiangyang and Nanyang.

Less than two days after Qin Qiong returned to defend Xinye, [-] Chu troops under the command of Wei Zhang arrived at the city of Xinye. If it was two or three days later, Xinye would definitely fall into the hands of other countries.

Wei Zhang saw that the Xinye garrison was sufficient and well-armed, and knew that he was a step late, but he retreated unconcernedly, so he decisively led the army to attack the city, but was easily repelled by Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong, the deputy governor of Jingzhou, has been repeatedly defeated against Liu Ji and Liu Xiu, but it does not mean that he is an incompetent general. His opponent is really too strong, and it is naturally not a problem to use his skills to deal with mere Wei Zhang.

Wei Zhang stormed Xinye for two days, but he couldn't shake it, so he could only retreat temporarily.

At the same time, in Xiangyang, Yue Fei also officially fought against Liu Ji and Liu Xiu.

Needless to say, Yue Fei's ability to command the army, no one can match the allied forces of Shu and Chu, but there is a top strategist in the allied army, Chen Ping.

When Yue Fei first took over the military power, he wanted to win a battle to boost morale, but he almost fell into Chen Ping's scheme. If Lin Xiangru hadn't woken up in time, even Yue Fei might have been defeated for a while.

Yue Fei, who had been calculated a lot, raised his vigilance to the highest level, and with Lin Xiangru and Qin Zheng and others present, it was difficult for even Chen Ping to calculate Yue Fei.

In half a month, Yue Fei and Er Liu fought eight times, winning three and drawing five, killing more than ten thousand enemies, but himself only suffered five thousand casualties.

The whole army was very excited when they heard it.

 Thank you for the 10000 starting point coins rewarded by the book friend Youming Ghost Lantern, plus a chapter, and the monthly ticket breaks 500, plus a chapter, and currently owes two chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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