Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2006 Jiangling Offensive and Defensive Battle

Chapter 2006 Jiangling Offensive and Defensive Battle
Chapter 2004: Battle of Jiangling
Under Liu Ji and Liu Xiu's joint onslaught, the defenders in Jiangling City are less than 10,000, and one-third of them are still injured. If there is no reinforcements, it is obvious that the [-]+ Shu-Chu coalition army will not be able to stop for too long.

As a last resort, Meng Gong could only recruit strong men from the people in the city to supplement his troops.

Meng Gong had predicted in advance that with the first wave of reinforcements annihilated and the second wave of reinforcements successfully entering the city, no reinforcements would be able to enter Jiangling in the future, so he made preparations in advance.

Meng Gong recruited [-] strong men in advance for training and used them to carry equipment and supplies.

Meng Gong didn't expect that the second Liu who attacked Xiangyang would turn back so quickly, and planned to concentrate on pulling out Jiangling first, and consumed less than [-] Jiangling defenders in a very short period of time.

These [-] strong men have been trained for less than half a month, but they only have a little combat power. They can't be called an army at all. They are just a group of mobs. It must be unbearable.

Although Meng Gong knew this, there was no other way. Jiangling City was at its last moment, and it couldn't be sustained without some cruel methods. He could only use his life to fill it.

In order to defend Jiangling City, Meng Gong ordered these mobs who had only been trained for half a month to go up to the city tower to participate in the city defense high school. Needless to say, the result was extremely tragic.

Facing the coalition forces that ascended the tower, these new troops are not necessarily opponents in three strikes, and may be counter-killed by the opponent alone.

Gradually, the casualties of the recruits became more and more serious. Some recruits were discouraged by going downhill, and when their courage was vented, they dropped their weapons and turned around and ran away.

After all, the recruits who escaped were a minority, but if this trend was allowed to go unchecked, it would only lead to a major defeat in the end.

Meng Gong had expected this for a long time. He personally visited more than a thousand wounded soldiers as the supervisor of the battle team, shot and killed all the fleeing recruits with random arrows, and shocked all the recruits at once.

Although the recruits who wanted to run were afraid of the wolves and tigers of the coalition forces, they were even more afraid of being shot to death by their own people.

Later, with the personal participation of generals such as Meng Gong, Han Shizhong, and Huo Jun, the morale of the new army was stimulated, and this played a role in defending the city, rather than helping it.

In the first day of defending the city alone, the new army suffered nearly [-] casualties, while the coalition army only had nearly [-] casualties.

The Qin army, which was under the defense of the city, faced the siege coalition forces with five times the casualties. It can be seen that the combat power gap between these recruits who have been trained for half a month and the coalition forces is huge.

This is still under the command of Meng Gong, a famous city defender. If other generals are replaced, the casualties may be even greater.

Things were a little better the next day, with only [-] casualties.

Three thousand on the third day.

Two thousand eight hundred on the fourth day.

The [-] mob participated in the defense of the city for only four days, but nearly [-] were lost, and [-] were seriously injured and could not continue to participate in the battle, leaving only [-] usable troops.

After going through blood and fire, all those who survived have been reborn. They are no longer a mob, and their combat power has been greatly improved. Naturally, it is incomparable with the elite who have been trained for many years, but compared The soldiers still did not give up.

With the help of the [-] county soldiers, the pressure Meng Gong faced was relatively small, but as long as the Shu-Chu coalition forces did not withdraw their troops and the Hebei reinforcements did not arrive for a day, the crisis in Jiangling City would still exist. It won't disintegrate so easily.

Liu Ji knew that Jiangling City was not easy to fight, and he didn't want to lose too many troops here. However, the cannon fodder in his hands had been exhausted, and he didn't dare to conscript the people on the spot to consume the hearts of the people. After a long time of thinking, he thought of another cannon fodder. , Southern barbarian slaves.

These slaves were all captives captured in the last battle with Chi You, and there were quite a few of them, forty to fifty thousand. However, because they were too wild and rebellious, and Chi You was still there, Liu Ji could neither They didn't dare to incorporate them into an army, so they beat all the [-] to [-] captives into slaves.

Jiangling City could not be attacked for a long time, and a large amount of cannon fodder was urgently needed, so Liu Ji thought of the southern barbarian slaves.

In addition, if the southern barbarian army Chen Bing borders, if they really come over, these slaves may also start a riot and cholera Yizhou, so it is wise to transfer them away from Yizhou.

Liu Ji asked Peng Yue to return to aid Yizhou, and at the same time he transferred [-] southern barbarian slaves from Yizhou.

After more than half a month of marching, the [-] southern barbarian slave army finally stepped into Jingbei, and the Jiangling offensive and defensive battle will also enter the final moment.

Liu Ji made a promise to the [-] Nanman slaves that as long as they captured Jiangling City, they would be exempted from their slave status and given the status of Han Chinese, and those who were unwilling could return to Nanzhong.

Knowing that capturing Jiangling would free them from slavery, become a Han Chinese, or return to their hometown, all the slaves in the Southern Barbarians were overwhelmed, and they were willing to help Liu Ji fight to gain freedom.

Liu Ji didn't regard these southern barbarian slaves as human beings at all. He wished that all these slaves would die in Jingbei, so he naturally attacked the city regardless of casualties.

Although the living conditions of the Nanman were extremely difficult, it also created the strong physique of the Nanman.

The physical fitness of the Nanman people is much higher than that of the Han people. It can be said that they are a very advantageous source of troops. In addition, Chi You is good at training and training, so the combat power of the Nanman army is not weaker than that of the Han and Han troops. It is just that the equipment is really poor. Facing the Shu army Only then will it fall into a disadvantage.

Now that these southern barbarian slaves have been slaves for several years, their combat power has naturally declined a lot, but the basic foundation is still there. With only weapons in hand, they are still a strong force.

Liu Ji didn't dare to equip these southern barbarian slaves with armor, fearing that it would be difficult for him to control the slave army if the slave army's combat power increased, so he only gave the slave soldier a big knife and only five thousand shields.

The slaves of the Nanman didn't know what Liu Ji was thinking. After all, the Nanman lacked iron, and [-] shields was not a small number.

Seeing Liu Ji take out [-] shields at once, the Nanman slaves believed in Liu Ji's sincerity even more, and worked harder in the subsequent siege.

Following Liu Ji's order, [-] Southern barbarian slaves wielded broadswords and carried shields, and under the cover of catapults, siege vehicles, and siege crossbows of the Shu-Chu Allied Forces, launched the most violent attack on Jiangling City. attack.

When Meng Gong saw that the attacking soldiers were neither the Shu army nor the Chu army, but barbarians, he thought that Liu Xiu had transferred the Wuling barbarians from Jingnan. Later, he could tell through the language the soldiers shouted. It's the Southern barbarians.

Meng Gong knew that there were a large number of southern barbarian slaves in Yizhou, but he didn't expect Liu Ji to be able to drive them away.

The Southern Barbarian slave army's fighting style was very crazy. Even if they lost one thousand to themselves, they would still injure three hundred to the enemy.

This crazy style of play of the southern barbarian slave army is extremely deadly to the current Jiangling defenders, but Meng Gong has no good way, so he can only bite the bullet and fight with the slave army.

After half a month of offensive and defensive battles, three-quarters of the 8000 Nanman slaves died in battle, and a full [-] Nanman slaves died in the Jiangling city, and the Jiangling defenders also suffered nearly [-] casualties, leaving only seven Thousand defenders.

Since then, after holding on for two full months, the Qin army in Jiangling was finally about to run out of fuel.

 one more

  Thanks to the lord Xiangyun Huanyue for the reward of 12000 starting coins, plus a new chapter.

  If the monthly ticket breaks 100, one more chapter will be added, and a total of 10 chapters are currently owed.

  Oh my god, that's a lot! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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