Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2007 Qin Hui's Rebellion

Chapter 2007 Qin Hui's Rebellion
Chapter 2005: Qin Hui's Rebellion
The setting sun is setting, and the setting sun is like blood.

After repelling the attack of the southern barbarian slaves again, Meng Gong panted heavily and supported the city wall with a tired face. He watched the enemy troops retreat in an orderly manner outside the city, leaving only corpses everywhere, but his heart was cold.

"General, we have lost another 500 soldiers. Now our strength has reached a critical point. If we continue to fight like this, even if we lose another [-] soldiers, our current strength will not be enough to defend the four gates." Huo Jun reported with a wry smile. .

Large cities like Luoyang, Xiangyang, and Jiangling have a minimum number of defenders due to the size of the city. Only when the number of defenders in the city is higher than the minimum number of defenders can the city's defense be fully utilized.

Luoyang is a huge city with a population of one million, so the minimum number of defenders is [-], and at least [-] defenders are required to ensure that the four gates are not lost.

This is also the biggest reason why all the civil and military officials in the city were so panicked when Li Shimin attacked Luoyang by surprise. As long as the army strength is less than [-], Luoyang City may fall, and everyone will panic if it is changed.

Jiangling City is a large city with a population of 20. Naturally, the minimum number of defenders is not as large as that of Luoyang, only [-] is enough.

If the number of defenders is less than [-], Jiangling may be attacked by the enemy. They first break through one city wall and then enter the city. At that time, the other three city gates will be destroyed by themselves.

This is also the biggest reason why Qin Zheng sent two reinforcements when Meng Gong first defended Jiangling.

Jiangling City needs a minimum of [-] defenders, and Meng Gong only has [-] defenders in total. Once the casualties gradually increase, they will not be able to support the defense of Jiangling City, so how can it be defended?
After Qin Zheng's second reinforcements and the reorganization of the strong men in the city into an army, Meng Gong supported it with great difficulty for two months, and now the number of defenders in Jiangling City is only [-], which is already lower than what the city needs Minimum number of defenders.

This is also because the defender is Meng Gong who is good at defending. If other generals are replaced, the defenders below [-] will definitely not be able to defend Jiangling, but even Meng Gong has been cornered. After all, his defense of the city No matter how strong your ability is, you can't turn into a soldier?

Meng Gong turned his head to look at Huo Jun, and asked solemnly, "How many people are left?"

"It's less than seven thousand." Huo Jun replied truthfully.

Hearing this, Meng Gong clenched his fists, his eyes full of pain and unwillingness.

Jiangling's offensive and defensive battles lasted for two months, and Meng Gong had already handed in an almost perfect score. Even if Jiangling fell at this time, he would not be blamed.

But Meng Gong had made so many sacrifices in order to defend Jiangling, so he naturally didn't want Jiangling City to fall at this time.

Now the reinforcements are dozens of miles away, and the [-] reinforcements from Hebei have also arrived in Fancheng, and it only takes more than ten days to reach Jiangling City.

As long as Jiangling can stay on guard for more than ten days, the crisis will be resolved automatically as soon as reinforcements from Hebei arrive. However, this short ten days is an impossible task for Jiangling.

In order to capture Jiangling City, the Shu-Chu coalition forces lost [-] to [-] cannon fodder and [-] elite troops.

Nearly 10 people fell under the city of Jiangling. Such a huge loss made Liu Ji and Liu Xiu even more determined to win Jiangling. It was absolutely impossible to watch the reinforcements coming and remain indifferent, so the next attack command was even crazier.

Now there are only [-] defenders left in Jiangling City. If it weren't for Meng Gong's command, I wouldn't be able to support the defense of Jiangling City.

Let alone defending such a force for ten days, it would be difficult even for one day.

In addition, the supplies for defending the city in Jiangling City have almost been consumed.

The three materials of stone bullets, stones, and rolling logs were exhausted half a month ago, so Meng Gong ordered the demolition of the houses of the people, using wall stones as flying stones and rolling stones, and house beams as rolling logs.

Qin Jun's demolition brigade first demolished around the city wall, and now they have demolished less than half of Jiangling City.

Tens of thousands of people lived on the streets and could only sleep in marching tents issued by the Qin army.

This is so difficult that it is not a big deal, the key is that the arrow fuel is also used up.

Stones, rolling wood and stone bullets can be produced by themselves, but arrows and kerosene cannot be produced by themselves. If they are used up, they will be gone. However, these two materials are necessary for defending the city. It's big.

Today's Jiangling City has no supplies and no reinforcements outside, and the morale of the soldiers is low. It has reached the point where they are running out of ammunition, food, oil and lamps. It is impossible to persist for ten days.

"General, our current military strength is not enough, why don't we continue to recruit troops, there are more than [-] people in Jiangling City, it's okay..."


Huo Jun was interrupted by Meng Gong before he finished speaking, and he said expressionlessly: "The strong men in Jiangling City have been recruited by our army, and the rest are just old and weak women and children. The city will not play any role at all, but it will be a disservice.

In addition, the support of the people in Jiangling to our army is already great enough. Almost every household has paid sacrifices. They would not bear to let Jiangling become a dead city. "

After hearing this, Huo Jun couldn't help flashing a trace of shame on his face. He is a native of Jingzhou, so naturally he didn't want Jiangling to be abolished, and he wouldn't persuade Meng Gong to conscript if he had no choice.

"But if you don't take human life to fill it, it is impossible to persist until the reinforcements arrive." Huo Jun smiled wryly.

Meng Gong squinted at Huo Jun. He knew that the deputy was concerned about chaos, and he didn't really ignore life, so he said: "But the problem now is that even if you take human lives to fill it, you will definitely not be able to persist. Why bother to let the people The sacrifice was in vain."

Huo Jun was at a loss for words at once, as he was also kind, he naturally knew how bad the situation in Jiangling was, and it could no longer be filled by human lives.

Seeing that Huo Jun didn't speak, Meng Gong also said nothing, and the two looked at each other for a long time without words.

After a long time, the arrival of a soldier broke the silence between the two.

"Two generals, something bad happened. Qin Hui opened the south gate and surrendered to the Shu army."


Meng Gong and Huo Jun exclaimed at the same time, they couldn't believe that Qin Hui, who was born in the Qin family, would rebel and surrender to Liu Ji at this time.

Meng Gong grabbed the soldier's collar and asked, "Qin Hui is a civil servant and has no military power in his hands. How did he open the city gate?"

"Qin Hui persuaded the new lieutenant to open the south gate proudly."

Suddenly, Meng Gong remembered Qin Hui's proposal to himself the day before, saying that the fall of Jiangling City was inevitable, and he should break out of the siege early while he still had the energy left.

Qin Hui's decision to break out of the siege was naturally denied by Meng Gong. After all, there were more than [-] enemy troops outside the city, and the risk of breaking out at this time was even greater.

Meng Gong not only disagreed to break through, but also vowed in public that he would live and die with Jiangling, so as to strengthen everyone's determination.

At that time, Qin Hui also swore, but now he opened the city gate. Obviously, he never thought of sacrificing his life for righteousness. He was just fooling Meng Gong at that time.

 One change, the monthly ticket breaks 200, plus 1 chapter, and currently owes 11 chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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