Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2008 Burning food to break through

Chapter 2008 Burning food to break through
Chapter 2006: Burning food to break through
Qin Hui was not in Jiangling originally, but when Qin Zheng sent reinforcements for the second time, he volunteered to join Zhang Xian's army and went to Jiangling to seek refuge.

Why is it called refuge?The reason was that Yue Fei at that time had been re-appointed as the governor of Jingzhou, but there were some grievances between him and Yue Fei.

At the beginning, Yue Fei was framed by some ministers because he opposed Qin Hao's claiming the king. As a result, he was dismissed and escorted back to Beijing for investigation, and Qin Hui was the one who escorted Yue Fei.

Although Qin Hui and Yue Fei were naturally at odds, if he was just doing business, there would naturally be no grievances between the two of them, but Qin Hui tried to figure out Qin Hao's thoughts wisely.

Qin Hui believes that Yue Fei's political stance is not clear, and he dared to oppose Qin Hao's claiming the king three times in a row. Qin Hao must be extremely dissatisfied with him, and this investigation of his dismissal is to get rid of Yue Fei, so Yue Fei must be dead when he returns to Beijing this time. .

With Yue Fei's staunch temperament, he would rather die than confess his guilt, and as long as he does not plead guilty, with his merits, even the lord will not touch him.

Therefore, if he, Qin Hui, could make Yue Fei confess his guilt in advance, it would be regarded as a relief from the master's worries, and he would surely gain the respect of the master.

In order to get Yue Fei to plead guilty quickly, Qin Hui had prepared some dirty tricks. If Yu Chigong hadn't arrived in time and escorted him all the way, Yue Fei would not have died but would have lost his skin.

Since then, the two have formed a deep hatred, but even though Yue Fei was not dead at the time, he was demoted to a commoner, so Qin Hui didn't care about it.

But now it's different, Yue Fei has been reinstated, and even his immediate boss, Qin Zheng, has to obey him.

If Yue Fei wants to take revenge, Qin Hui will almost certainly die. Even being a child of the Qin family can't protect him. After all, it's the time of the war, and countless people have died, and there are so many children of the Qin family, who will care about you Life and death.

Based on this consideration, Qin Hui decided to hide from Yue Fei, could he still hide if he couldn't provoke him?And Jiangling, where Meng Gong lives, is his only choice.

Qin Huihui offered to go to Jiangling because Meng Gong had defended Jiangling, which shocked a large number of people at the time, but most people thought that Meng Gong would not be able to defend Jiangling for long.

Qin Hui didn't think so, as long as the reinforcements could enter Jiangling, plus Meng Gong's ability to defend the city, he believed that Meng Gong would definitely be able to continue to defend the city.

When everyone else is avoiding going to Jiangling, if Qin Hui takes the initiative to go, it will show his vision and ability.

It has to be said that Qin Hui's foresight was still very accurate. After receiving the support of Zhang Xian's reinforcements, he actually defended Jiangling for two full months.

This record has far exceeded expectations. Even if Jiangling fell in the end, it would still be a great achievement for them to go back, so Qin Hui persuaded Meng Gong to break through at the last moment.

But what Qin Hui didn't expect was that Meng Gong was the same as Yue Fei, no matter how much he tried to persuade him, he would not break out of the siege even if he died.

Seeing that Meng Gong refused to listen, Qin Hui panicked a little. Meng Gong is not afraid of death, he is, and he is not willing to be buried with Jiangling.

Before Liu Ji failed to persuade him to surrender, he became angry out of embarrassment and gave an order that after the city was broken, all the senior officials of the Qin army should be slaughtered.

In other words, if they did not surrender, once Jiangling was breached, the ordinary soldiers would survive after being captured, while the high-ranking Qin army would have to die.

Qin Hui naturally didn't want to be captured and killed by the Shu army, but Meng Gong was the general of Jiangling. He didn't want to break through, so the Qin army could only fight to the death. A dead end.

Qin Hui is obviously a person who is afraid of death. He doesn't want to die, but he can't change Meng Gong, so a bold idea appeared in his heart, that is, to surrender to the Shu army.

The Qin army is so powerful, even though Qin Hui is a bit soft-boned and greedy for life and afraid of death, it is not impossible for him to lose sight of the situation.

At this time, the reinforcements had all entered Jingbei. He surrendered to the enemy at this time. It would be fine if the Qin army lost, but if they won, he would not only die but also be ruined.

But if he didn't surrender, he would definitely die if he fought to the death with that idiot Meng Gong, and he really didn't want to die.

If you surrender, you will die for a lifetime, if you don't surrender, you will die for ten.

Thinking of this moment, Qin Hui already had a decision in his heart,
No one can say anything about the future, but if he dies now, there will be no future.

Therefore, in order to survive, Qin Hui chose to surrender.

Qin Hui was a civil servant and had no military power in his hands, so he couldn't open the city gate at all, but he knew that he was definitely not the only one who didn't want to die with Meng Gong, so he chose a target to lobby.

Qin Hui originally thought that as a disciple of the Qin family, it would not be easy to persuade these generals to merge, but he did not want to succeed without much effort, so he successfully opened the city gate and let the Shu army enter the city.

Although Qin Hui participated in the Jiangling offensive and defensive battle, he also helped Meng Gong a lot, but he defected and surrendered at the last moment, which is really unexpected.

In fact, even if Qin Hui did not rebel, it would still be a matter of time before Li Jiangling fell, and Qin Hui's rebellion pushed the time to break the city forward by two or three days.

Zhang Xian, who was in charge of guarding the west gate, was stunned when he received the news that the south gate was wide open and Qin Hui had surrendered. He couldn't believe that Qin Hui would rebel.

Zhang Xian immediately went to the army to resist the Shu army entering the city, but there were too many Shu troops entering the city, even if more than half of the casualties had been killed, they still could not drive the Shu army out of the south gate.

After looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Xian's heart was cold. Even if Meng Gong led the other two guards to come, it would be useless to drive all the Shu army out of the city. The casualties were too great. Sooner or later, Jiangling To fall.

"Hurry up and tell General Meng to break through immediately. I will hold back the Shu army at the south gate for him." Zhang Xian said in a deep voice.


The soldiers left after summoning, but they were stopped by Zhang Xian, who only heard Zhang Xian say: "Bring me another sentence, let General Meng tell Governor Yue Fei for me that Qin Hui must be killed."

"No." The soldier shouted tearfully, he knew the general was ready to fight to the death.

After summoning the soldiers to leave, a big fire broke out in the city. Zhang Xian looked at the direction of the fire, and immediately laughed and said, "It's well burned. Even if it burns, it won't be left to the Shu thieves."

The direction of the fire was the granary, and the fire was naturally set by Meng Gong.

Although the defense materials in the city were about to be exhausted, there was still a lot of food and grass left.

The entire grain and grass in Jingbei were stored in the two cities of Xiangyang and Jiangling. Naturally, it could not be consumed within two months.

Now that the fall of Jiangling is inevitable, it is naturally impossible for Meng Gong to leave the grain and grass to the Shu army, and let the Shu army use the grain and grass to fight the Qin army after the city is broken, so he decisively and simply burned it directly.

 The second watch still owes ten chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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