Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2009 The Fall of Jiangling

Chapter 2009 The Fall of Jiangling
Chapter 2007: Fall of Jiangling
"Mr. Qin Hui can abandon the darkness and turn to the light, what a relief."

Liu Ji grabbed Qin Hui's hand and said enthusiastically.

For Qin Hui's surrender, Liu Ji was very happy, not for anything else, just because of Qin Hui's identity.

You know, Qin Hui is a disciple of the Qin family, but now he has abandoned his family and turned to himself. Doesn't this mean that Qin Hao is unpopular, and that he is the master of destiny.

Just when Liu Ji was immersed in his own imagination, Liu Xiu on the side suddenly discovered that a monstrous fire had ignited in Jiangling City.

"Is this fire your masterpiece too?" Liu Xiu asked with a smile.

Qin Hui's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "No, Meng Gong is going to set fire to the grain, that's where the granary is."


Before Liu Xiu could react, Liu Ji woke up and exclaimed.

The cost of transporting grain from Yizhou is too high, and it is impossible for Jingnan to bear the food and grass of the coalition forces. After all, the capture of Jingbei was also occupied by the Shu army.

Liu Ji originally thought that after taking down Jiangling, he would rely on the captured food and grass to tide over the difficulties, but now Meng Gong wanted to burn it with a fire, which naturally hit Liu Ji's vital point.

"My lord, there are still 100 million stones of grain and grass in the Jiangling grain depot. The fire will not burn out in a short time. If we send more people to put out the fire now, we may be able to save some of them. If it is too late, it will be too late." Qin Hui urged anxiously.


Liu Ji quickly agreed, and then personally led the troops into the city to fight the fire and save the unburned grain and grass in the city.

On the other side, after Meng Gong finished burning the food, he saw Zhang Xian sending messengers.

After learning Zhang Xian's original words, Meng Gong's face was full of sadness. He knew that Zhang Xian had already decided to die. After taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice: "General Zhang Xian, Meng Gong will definitely go back alive. , Tell Governor Yue Fei what you said."

Zhang Xian asked Meng Gong to pass the message for him, not only to kill Qin Hui, but also to persuade Meng Gong to turn around, not to make unnecessary sacrifices, but to lead the remaining army to break out.

Just as Zhang Xian thought, Meng Gong was originally prepared to fight to the death. After understanding Zhang Xian's painstaking efforts, Meng Gong gave up his plan to fight to the death. After all, such a sacrifice is really meaningless.

"Send the order, prepare to break through." Meng Gong ordered.

"But General, where should we break out?"

Huo Jun's question was on point. After all, there were more than [-] coalition troops outside the city, and going out of the city would be tantamount to asking for a dead end.

Meng Gong fell into deep thought, but Han Shizhong's eyes flashed brightly, and he quickly said: "Break out to the east.

The number of enemy troops in the north is the largest, and the south gate has been breached by the enemy, so there are only two gates to choose from.

There is a way to go back to Xiangyang in the west, and the enemy will definitely take strict precautions, but the east can only lead to Jiangxia, and there is already Liu Xiu's territory, the enemy must not expect our army to go west.

Therefore, the method of attacking the east and attacking the west can be used to make the enemy think that our army is breaking through to the west, but in fact it is heading east, putting it to death and reviving. "

"But after breaking through to the east, how should our army return to Xiangyang?" Huo Jun asked puzzled.

"We can go to Zhangling County by water, and go back to Xiangyang early."


Meng Gong's eyes lit up immediately, he slapped his palm hard, and said: "Good idea, let's do it according to General Han Shizhong's method."



With a loud bang, the west gate of Jiangling, which had been closed for two months, was opened by the Qin army, but the coalition forces outside the city did not take advantage of this opportunity to rush out. look.

As expected by Han Shizhong, the allied forces of Shu and Chu thought that the Qin army was going to break through to the west, so they sent more troops to the west.

The reason why they didn't take advantage of this opportunity to directly enter the city was because to capture Jiangling, they only needed to break one gate. Now that the south gate has been broken, Jiangling's fall is a foregone conclusion. The next thing to consider is not breaking the city, but It is to resist the dying counterattack of the Qin army to minimize casualties.

Although the gate of the west gate has been opened, no Qin army has come out. However, the figures in the pass city are moving around and the noise is constant. It should be that the Qin army is gathering towards the east gate, and they will come out in one fell swoop after the assembly is completed.

Just when the allied forces of Shu and Chu thought that the Qin army was going to break through at the east gate, Meng Gong, Han Shizhong, Huo Jun and other generals had already led four thousand defenders to gather at the east gate.


Meng Gong raised his sword high and let out a thunderous roar, and the four thousand soldiers behind him also roared.

Naturally, there were enemy troops outside the east gate, but the number was not too large. In addition, they thought that the Qin army would break through the west gate, so they didn't have much defense at all.

The roar of the Qin army startled the enemy troops outside the city. Before they could react, Meng Gong, Han Shizhong, Huo Jun and other generals led four thousand soldiers and rushed out from the east gate.

The unsuspecting enemy army was thrown into chaos by the Qin army's hard work.

If the Qin army worked harder, it would be able to defeat it in one fell swoop, but breaking through is the most important thing now.

Meng Gong was not in love with fighting, and after Shun Shun successfully killed, he led the remaining [-] soldiers and fled eastward all the way.

Seeing this, the general of the Shu army quickly sent someone to report to Liu Ji, but because Liu Ji went to the city to fight the fire, Liu Ji himself was not found, and the others couldn't make a decision, so they missed the best time to pursue.

In Jiangling City, looking at the granaries that had been completely set on fire, Liu Ji wanted to cry, but gritted his teeth and said, "Meng Gong, if I don't crush you, I won't be able to get rid of the hatred in my king's heart."

This is not tens of thousands of stones of grain and grass, but millions of stones of grain and grass. It was burned by Meng Gong, and Liu Ji's heart was bleeding.

"My lord, General Fan Kuai has captured General Qin Zhang Xian alive."

Hearing this, Liu Ji's eyes flashed with joy.

Otherwise, if Zhang Xian fought to the death and refused to retreat, if he was delayed in fighting the fire, he might be able to save hundreds of thousands of stones.

Therefore, Zhang Xian also had a part of the credit for the million stones of grain and grass being burned.

"Bring Zhang Xian to this king quickly." Liu Ji said bitterly.


Unlike Qin Hui who was greedy for life and afraid of death, Zhang Xian fought to the last moment, knowing that Meng Gong was still fighting to the death after he left the city.

Zhang Xian killed more than a hundred Shu troops, including two Zhonglang generals, one partial general, and three school lieutenants, but he attracted the general Fan Kuai of the Shu army, and was eventually defeated. He was shot down behind his horse and captured alive.

Looking at Zhang Xian who was being rolled into a rice dumpling, before Liu Ji could speak, Qin Hui said first: "Zhang Xian, are you willing to surrender?"

"Bah, pah."

Zhang Xian spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and spat on the faces of Liu Ji and Qin Hui.

"Qin Hui, you shameless villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death, do you really think that I am the same as you? If you want to kill, you will kill me. Why should I, Zhang Xian, be afraid of death?"

 Three more, still owe 9 chapters

(End of this chapter)

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