Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2016: The Battle of Xingtian

Chapter 2016: The Battle of Xingtian
Chapter 2014: War Xingtian
The arrival of Han Xin's 17 Hebei Army and Zhao Jun's [-] Hetao Army brought the total strength of the Qin Army on the front line to [-]. Although it was still smaller than the Shu-Chu Allied Army, the gap in strength had narrowed to only [-].

Although the Qin army was 3 fewer than the coalition army, Yue Fei still had the certainty of victory, and his confidence was naturally in the cavalry.

With the addition of Zhao Yun's [-] Hetao Iron Cavalry, the total number of Qin Army's cavalry rose to [-].

Although the total number of cavalry of the Shu-Chu Allied Army is [-], its combat power is not comparable to that of the Qin Army.

Zhao Yun's [-] Hetao iron cavalry is a fine cavalry galloping on the grassland, and has defeated Yuanmeng iron cavalry, Xiliang iron cavalry and other powerful armies successively. It is not polite to say that it is one of the top cavalry in the world.

The cavalry formed by the two countries of Shu and Chu has not been established for a long time, and has never fought a tough battle. The third cavalry’s tactics are still in the past. The opponent of the Hetao Cavalry.

Yue Fei used to rely on [-] Beiwei troops and [-] Jingzhou iron cavalry to compete head-on with the [-] coalition cavalry. Now that the total number of cavalry under his command has skyrocketed to [-], how could he lose to the [-] coalition cavalry?
Of course, apart from Han Xin, whose cavalry and military skills are not weaker than his own, Yue Fei's favorites among the reinforcements are Jiang Song, Yuwen Chengdu, Zhao Yun and other fierce generals.

Why was the Qin army always suppressed and beaten by the Shu-Chu allied forces before?In addition to being at an absolute disadvantage in terms of military strength, the Qin army is far inferior to the coalition army in terms of generals.

On the side of Shu and Chu, there are two super god generals, two war god-level fierce generals, who are under Liu Ji's account: Xing Tian, ​​Hou Yi, Kua Fu, and Chong Heihu under Liu Xiu's account.

On Qin Jun's side, there are only two gods of war, Yue Yun and Pei Yuanqing. Even with the addition of the general Yue Fei, there are only three gods of war.

In addition, although there are Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong, Wenpin, Yang Zaixing and others in the Jingzhou Qin Army, there are also Peng Yue, Fan Kuai, Ma Yuan, Wei Wentong and other strong generals in the coalition army.

The number of generals at the level of gods is about the same, but in terms of top generals, the coalition army is much stronger than the Qin army.

Xing Tian alone is an opponent that Yue Yun, Pei Yuanqing, Qin Yong, and Xiong Tianqing can't win together. If there is a war, who should resist the other enemies?
In the Jingbei War, the Qin army had more casualties than the coalition army. In addition to having fewer troops than the coalition army, the generals were not as good as the coalition army was also a major reason.

Now Han Xin leads the reinforcements to Jingbei, and there are not a few masters among the reinforcements.

Not only Jiang Song and Yuwen Chengdu are two super gods, but also Zhao Yun, Huang Tianhua, Huang Tianxiang, and Huang Tianlu are four gods of war, in addition to Huang Zhong, Zheng Lun, Chen Qi, and other gods.

Let's put it this way, the Qin army was originally at a disadvantage in terms of generals, but with the addition of generals from Han Xin's reinforcements, the final shortcoming was completely made up for, and naturally there was nothing to fear from the Shu-Chu coalition forces.

Yue Fei originally wanted to attack Han Xin immediately after finishing the welcome banquet, but he didn't expect that before his side had time to act, the Chu-Shu coalition forces took the initiative to attack the door.

"Great Governor, General Xing Tian of Shu leads an army of [-] soldiers, and he is calling for battle outside the camp."

Hearing this, Yue Fei and Han Xin put down their wine glasses at the same time, and Han Xin said: "I heard that Xing Tian, ​​the number one general in Shu, is ranked fourth on the list of military generals, but his strength is not weaker than the second and third. True or false."

Yue Fei replied with a serious face: "Although Xing Tian lost to Li Yuanba, the difference in strength between the two is actually not that big, but now Xing Tian has made a breakthrough, and his strength is even stronger than before, but now it is difficult to compare."

What Yue Fei said is not easy to compare, which means that Xing Tian's strength has improved, but Li Yuanba has retreated because of his broken arm strength, implying that Li Yuanba is no longer Xing Tian's opponent.

"In the previous confrontations with the enemy army several times, our army can be said to have made the most of the fierce generals. Four battles, one five battles, and even one seven battles, still failed to defeat Xing Tian..."

Four battles and one, refers to the first fight between Si Meng Ba Sledgehammer and Xing Tian. That time Si Meng Ba Sledgehammer lost miserably. If Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong hadn't supported in time, someone would have died on the spot.

Although no one was killed in this battle, Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong were seriously injured and could no longer go through too intense a battle, so Yue Fei transferred Qin Qiong to the rear to guard Xinye.

Five battles and one, in addition to the four fierce and eight sledgehammers, even Yue Fei himself went out, but it was still useless, and he was no match for the strength of the five.

Seven battles and one, four fierce and eight sledgehammers were used first to consume Xingtian's strength, and then Yue Fei, Yang Zaixing, and Wenpin attacked together, trying to take advantage of the situation to defeat Xingtian, but Xingtian was not without helpers, so in the end it was still He failed in high school, and General Wenpin even quit due to serious injuries.

Speaking of this moment, Yue Fei's eyes flashed a trace of hatred, he gritted his teeth and said: "It is also because of Xing Tian that our army paid a very painful price. If this man is not dead, Jingzhou will never have a peaceful day."

Hearing Yue Fei's words, all the reinforcements gasped.

The surrendered generals didn't know how powerful Yue Fei, Pei Yuanqing and others were, so they didn't feel deeply about what Yue Fei said, but Jiang Song, Yu Wencheng, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other veterans knew it.

Yue Fei, Yue Yun, Pei Yuanqing, Yang Zaixing and others are not weak, so many masters can join forces but can't beat Xing Tian?Such combat power is simply appalling.

Even Jiang Song, who is the strongest among the generals, would not be able to withstand the siege of so many masters, but Xing Tian resisted. It can be seen that Xing Tian's strength is still higher than Jiang Song, and the Qin army can beat him in a single duel I am afraid that the only person is Li Cunxiao.

"There are such masters in the little country of Shu." Han Xin couldn't help but admire.

But Yue Fei shook his head and said, "Xing Tian, ​​like Hou Yi, was a pillar of the great man of the late emperor's time, not a strong general in Yizhou."

Han Xin's expression froze, the first emperor?This is a person he doesn't want to mention. It's been a long time since no one mentioned him, but he didn't expect to mention him here today.

Han Xin was once a passionate young man who also wanted to help the big man. He worked hard for the big man and Xianbei on the front line, but was betrayed by the monarch Liu Hong.

As soon as this incident happened, Han Xin no longer had any loyalty to the big man, and hated Liu Hong even more.

To this day, Liu Hong has already passed away, the Han Dynasty was divided into many countries, and Xianbei was also destroyed by Yuanmeng and Qing Dynasty, but Han Xin is still alive and well.

"Liu Hong, the debt between you and me is not over. Since I can't seek revenge from you, then I will settle the debt with your son." Han Xinxin sneered.

At this moment, Han Xin felt even more grateful to Li Jing. If he hadn't let him lead the army south to support Jingzhou, he might never have the chance to take revenge in his life.

 one more

  Thanks to the lord Xiaoyao Tan Bingxian Han Xin for the 100000 starting point coins, thank you for your support.

  Originally, it was necessary to add ten more chapters, even if it will be very slow, the author will slowly pay it back until it is paid off, but since Brother Xiaoyao is sympathetic to the author and does not ask for more updates, then Liu Xiang will naturally not be able to live up to your kindness, very much gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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