Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2017: The Battle of Xingtian

Chapter 2017: The Battle of Xingtian
Chapter 2015: War Xingtian
Outside the camp of the Qin army, Xing Tian led three thousand cavalrymen, who were swearing and fighting outside the camp to encourage the Qin army to come out to fight.

Langzhong cavalry existed in history, and played a great role in the struggle for hegemony between Chu and Han, and made great contributions to Liu Ji's unification of the world. Currently, they are the only fine cavalry under Liu Ji's command.

The Langzhong cavalry was originally the Han Yulin Army, and it was the "start-up fund" given to his son by Liu Hong when Liu Jicai took office as the prefect of Berkshire.

At the beginning, there were only one thousand Langzhong cavalrymen, and they continued to grow along with Liu Ji all the way, and defeating Chi You was the famous battle of Langzhong cavalrymen.

Now the Langzhong cavalry has a lineup of 5000 people. This is because Liu Ji is worried that the rapid expansion of the army will affect the combat effectiveness of the Langzhong cavalry, otherwise the Langzhong cavalry would have exceeded [-].

And the Shu Kingdom has always circulated this saying: There are only two cavalry in the Shu Kingdom, one Langzhong cavalry, and one Langzhong cavalry reserve.

The implication is that, except for the Langzhong cavalry, all the other cavalry in Shu are the reserve army of the Langzhong cavalry.

However, the fact is also the same. Once the Langzhong cavalry is damaged, elites will be selected from other cavalry battalions and added to the Langzhong cavalry to ensure the combat effectiveness of the Langzhong cavalry.

This is also the main reason why the rest of the Shu cavalry army is not strong in combat power. After all, the soldiers with strong combat power have been transferred to Langzhong cavalry.

Xing Tian did not bring ordinary cavalry, but brought Langzhong cavalry to challenge. Naturally, if he brought ordinary cavalry, if General Qin did not fight, but sent cavalry directly to kill, those cavalry who had not formed an army for a short time might not be able to escape. Gain or loss, but the Langzhong cavalry was able to get rid of the pursuit of the Qin army.

The soldiers of the Shu-Chu Allied Forces were scolding and fighting, while there were archers shooting arrows, and they also shot off the flagpole of the Qin Army, trying to provoke the Qin Army to fight in this way.

The sharpshooter who shot down the flagpole of the Qin army was naturally not Houyi, but Liu Xiu's general, Wang Bodang. After all, such a trivial matter would not require Houyi, the number one sharpshooter of the big man.

After Uncle Wang shot off the Qin army's eighteen shots one after another, the Shu army once again burst into applause, and insulted Qin army and Yue Fei even more brazenly. The angry soldiers in the camp gritted their teeth but had no choice.

The Shu army was not wrong. If someone in the Qin army could defeat Xing Tian, ​​they wouldn't have lost three times in a row before.

"Brother Xing Tian, ​​in my opinion, this Yue Fei would not dare to fight." Kua Fu laughed.

Xing Tian did not come to challenge alone, even if he had the guts to come, Liu Ji would not let him mess around, after all, even if the reinforcements did not arrive, there were not a few masters in the Qin army, and if they attacked in groups, they might not be able to defeat Xing Tian.

It is also true that Liu Jicai sent Kuafu, Houyi, Fan Kuai and other generals to come together, and Liu Xiu also sent Chong Heihu, Ma Yuan Wang Bodang and other generals to help in the battle. Bully the few with the more.

Liu Ji's idea is very simple, the decisive battle is about to begin, let Xing Tian come to challenge first, behead a few Qin generals, in order to hit the morale of the Qin army, the next decisive battle will be relatively easy.

After hearing Kuafu's words, Xing Tian frowned and said, "If that's the case, wouldn't this trip be wasted again?"

Obviously this is not the first time Xing Tian has fought, nor is it the first time Yue Fei has refused to fight. It must have happened more than once before.

"Two brothers, don't worry, the reinforcements of the Qin army have arrived, and the morale is high. If our army comes to challenge at this time, if Yue Fei doesn't dare to fight, doesn't that mean that he is afraid of us? The morale of the Qin army will definitely drop because of this. .

Therefore, even if he knew he was invincible, Yue Fei would still fight. This was related to the decisive battle in the future. "Hou Yi said calmly.

"Makes sense."

Kuafu nodded, and then his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Look, Yue Fei has come out."

After hearing this, everyone's eyes turned to Qin Ying, only to see Yue Fei, surrounded by all the generals, riding his horse out of the camp slowly.

After seeing the visitor, Xing Tian and Kua Fu had no reaction, but Hou Yi shrank his pupils sharply.

Xing Tian Kuafu had never fought against the main force of the Qin army, so he naturally didn't know Jiang Song, Zhao Yun and others, but Hou Yi did.

Hou Yi belonged to Dong Zhuo's side in the war against Dong among the heroes, and helped Dong Zhuo fight against the Kwantung Allied Forces, so he knew all the masters of the Qin Army.

When he saw Jiang Song and Yuwen in Chengdu, Hou Yi knew about this battle, and it might not be so easy to kill the general and make contributions to suppress the morale of the Qin army.

"Be careful, Jiang Song and Yuwen Chengdu are here." Hou Yi reminded in a low voice.

Xing Tian's eyes lit up. Although he didn't know Jiang Song and Yu Wencheng, he had heard their names, and knew that these two were world-renowned masters, and they were by no means comparable to Pei Yuanqing and Yue Yun. rise.

Among the opponents Xing Tian has faced so far, except for Li Yuanba and Chi You, no one has been able to single-handedly fight him. Although it would be cool to win a one-to-one fight, he still enjoys the thrill of defeating opponents at the same level.

With this thought in mind, Xing Tian immediately rode forward, pointing at Yue Fei with the big ax in his hand, and said with a big smile, "Yue Fei, you shy turtle, now you finally dare to fight."

Yue Fei didn't pay attention to Xing Tian, ​​seeing Houyi, Kuafu and other generals who came with Xing Tian, ​​his eyes suddenly flashed a solemn look, and asked Jiang Song beside him: "Brother Yongnian, if you face Xing Tian, ​​how can you fight alone?" Fighting alone, can you be sure to win?"

Being able to win single-handedly, Yue Fei naturally doesn't want to fight in groups. After all, even if he wins in group fights, it is not something to be proud of. At present, there are only people who can win single-handedly against Xing Tian, ​​and only the strength of the entire army The strongest ginger is loose.

While Xing Tian was observing Jiang Song, Jiang Song was also observing him, and just looking at his aura, Jiang Song knew that Xing Tian's skills were superior to his own, but skills did not mean combat power at all.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Song said truthfully: "Xing Tian's skills are superior to mine, and I will need to observe Xing Tian's moves at the end, otherwise there is no guarantee of victory."

Hearing this, Yue Fei heaved a sigh of relief. He actually knew that Xing Tian was stronger than Jiang Song, but he certainly wasn't much stronger. If he used up his strength in a wheel battle first, and then Jiang Song fought to defeat him, it would be considered a one-on-one fight Defeat it.

The Qin army in Jingzhou had been defeated by Xing Tian too many times, and now it doesn't matter what means, as long as it can be defeated, any means can be used.

"If that's the case, then send someone else to investigate first."

After saying that, Yue Fei glanced at the generals around him, and asked: "In the battle against Xing Tian, ​​safety comes first. At least four people must join forces to fight together. Which four generals would like to fight Xing Tian first?"

The three Huang Tianhua brothers met each other, they all looked eager to try, but there was someone who reacted faster than them.

"Why do we need four people to join forces? Two of my brothers and sisters are enough." Zheng Lun shouted.

 The second update, the monthly ticket breaks 400 plus more, and currently still owes 6 chapters

(End of this chapter)

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