Chapter 2045 Gap

Chapter 2043: The Gap

At this time, Wu Sangui felt extremely bitter. He found himself involved in the internal strife of the Qing Dynasty. No matter whether he answered "yes" or "no", he would definitely offend others.

If Wu Sangui answered truthfully and said 'yes', he would be helping Agu, which would be tantamount to betraying Daishan and Nurhachi, after all, Nurhachi had hinted at him.

But if he lied and said no, he would completely offend Wanyan Aguda and Wanyan's family.

Whether it's Nurhachi or Aguda, Wu Sangui can't afford to offend either of them.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Sangui had made a decision in his heart. Although Wanyan's lineage had great power in Manchu, they were not the royal family after all, only the Aixinjueluo family was the royal family, so he just had to follow Aixinjueluo's footsteps.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the order to withdraw troops was not issued by the second prince, but by the last general."

Wu Sangui clasped his fists, and said with a serious face, but secretly thought in his heart: I have taken such a big scapegoat for Ti Daishan, and Nurhachi should reward himself.


The generals of Wanyan's line all screamed, apparently they did not expect Wu Sangui to take the initiative to take responsibility, and Dai Shan took all the faults that did not belong to him.

"Wu Sangui, think about it clearly. Disrespecting the military orders and withdrawing troops without authorization, which caused Jia Fu to escape, you cannot bear the responsibility."

Wanyan Honglie reminded with a serious face, saying it was a reminder, but in fact it was a threat, but Wu Sangui, who was determined to be a dog licker, obviously would not accept his trick.

Wu Sangui glanced at Wanyan Honglie, and said in a deep voice: "It is indeed the order of the general, the second elder brother listened to the persuasion of the general, and then retreated with the general."

Seeing this, Nurhachi nodded secretly in his heart, but Yanshan asked indifferently: "Tell me, why did you retreat without fighting."

"The last general did this because he thought His Royal Highness King Jin's order was unreasonable, and he was simply gambling with the life and death of the [-] army.

With the Golden King's [-] cavalry, it is easy to wipe out Jia Fu's [-] cavalry. One hour is indeed enough, but can one hour kill Jia Fu? "

Hearing Wu Sangui's words, all the generals present showed a look of thought, including many people from the Wanyan family.

Yes, the three thousand Qin army is easy to destroy, but Jia Fu is hard to kill.

With Jia Fu's martial arts, not to mention one hour, even two hours, a [-] army may not be able to kill him, and even without a large army as a burden, he may break out alone.

If the [-] cavalry were delayed too much because of Jia Fu alone, the [-] cavalry would have been wiped out.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Wu Sangui with contempt. After all, what Wu Sangui said made sense, and this was no longer a retreat in fear of war, but a strategic retreat.

People from Wanyan's family questioned him a few more times, but Wu Sangui already had a draft in his mind, and although he had already answered the questions fluently, the answers were impeccable, which made the Wanyan family members gnash their teeth angrily, but there was nothing they could do about his shameless behavior.

Nurhachi didn't expect Wu Sangui to make up such a perfect excuse in such a short period of time, and he couldn't help but admire Wu Sangui a little bit, but he said: "Wu Sangui, although your analysis makes sense, but After all, these did not happen, and cannot cover up the fact that you disobeyed military orders."

Wu Sangui knelt down resolutely and confessed: "The general is guilty, and he is willing to suffer any punishment."

Nurhachi nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Although you are wrong, you are not guilty of death. How about this, the official will be demoted to three ranks, and you will be beaten with eighty army sticks as a punishment."


Wu Sangui was so frightened that he screamed, never expecting that Nurhachi would punish him so severely.

You must know that he is now being scapegoated for Daishan, and it's fine if Nurhachi doesn't reward him, but he even wants to demote him to three levels and beat him to eighty army sticks?What's the point?
After dropping three ranks in a row, what is the difference between him and an ordinary captain?In addition, the eighty army sticks can kill people.

Wu Sangui begged for help and slashed at Daishan. Daishan thought that Wu Sangui was taking the blame for himself, and was about to stand up and intercede for Wu Sangui, but Nurhachi stared back, not daring to say a word.

Nurhachi looked down at Wu Sangui, and asked with a cold face: "Why, are you dissatisfied with my punishment?"

Wu Sangui suppressed the grief and indignation in his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty is wise, I will not have any dissatisfaction in the end, and I will accept punishment in the end."

"Push it down and execute."

Nurhachi waved his hand, and then Wu Sangui was dragged away by two soldiers, and then Wu Sangui screamed in pain from outside the tent.

"Ah, ah..."

After hearing Wu Sangui's screams, Daishan's face flashed with guilt, while the faces of Wanyan's generals were full of joy.

Let you, a slave, open your eyes and talk nonsense, you should be killed.

Nurhachi didn't care about this, and said to the generals below: "From now on, if anyone dares to disobey the military order, Wu Sangui will be your fate."

"I dare not." All the generals said in unison.

The reason why Nurhachi punished Wu Sangui heavily was actually to appease the people of Wanyan's family. Wu Sangui stood up and kicked him to attract hatred.

Don't say that what Wu Sangui said is a lie at this time, even if it is the truth, Nurhachi must punish him, so as to appease the hearts of the generals in Wanyan's line.

Sacrificing a Wu Sangui can appease the Wanyan family and make the Manchus stable and harmonious, which is not necessary for Nurhachi at all.

Absolutely as for whether Wu Sangui would have grievances, Nurhachi obviously didn't care. After all, he was just a surrendered general of the Han army, and it would be a big deal to appease him afterwards.

"Your Majesty, since all of this is Wu Sangui's fault, can His Royal Highness be punished in the past?" Wanyan Jintanzi said.

Nurhachi shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Although Wu Sangui is mainly responsible, Aguda is not without responsibility.

As the chief general of an army, he was ill-considered and ignorant of people. He misused Wu Sangui, and was escaped by Jia Fu, resulting in the failure of this operation. This is an inescapable responsibility and must be severely punished. "

Hearing this, all the generals in Wanyan's line were immediately speechless.

Now Nurhachi does not say that the responsibility lies entirely with Aguda, but that he is to be punished for his lack of thoughtfulness and ignorance of people. As Aguda is the chief general, he will not be able to shake off this responsibility no matter what.

In this regard, what else can Aguda say?Nurhachi has already made clear arrangements for him, and he even did not hesitate to let Wu Sangui take the place of Shan Shan, dragging him into the water to reduce his military power. If he doesn't blame him for surrendering the cavalry military power, there will definitely be many political conspiracies in the future, etc. With him, it might not even be possible to keep the infantry's military power.

"Your Majesty, Aguda accepts the punishment, and is convinced, willing to hand over the command of the cavalry." Aguda kowtowed in gratitude.

Nurhachi showed a victorious expression. Without the power of the cavalry, Aguda will naturally no longer be able to pose a threat to him in the future.


After returning to the camp he was guarding, Aguda couldn't swallow his breath. He was so angry that he couldn't even eat, and directly threw the dining table over.

"Too much deception, too much deception..."

Wanyan Daguda didn't dare to yell, he was afraid that if Nurhachi found out, it would increase his dissatisfaction with himself, so he could only hide in the tent by himself and sulk secretly.

At this time, a man in black came out from behind the screen and said coldly: "His Royal Highness, you are also a hero of the generation. Nurhachi humiliated you so much. Are you willing to continue to serve him?"

 One more...

(End of this chapter)

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