Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2046 Su Qin and Zhang Yi

Chapter 2046 Su Qin and Zhang Yi

Chapter 2044: Su Qin and Zhang Yi

After hearing the man in black's words, Wanyan Aguda's face became even more ugly, and he said coldly, "Mr. Su, do you want to mediate the relationship between the king and His Majesty?"

If other people said this, Wanyan Aguda would definitely push him out without saying a word, but this 'Mr. Su' is different, he is Aguda's most important counselor, and helped Aguda resolve many of Nurhachi's difficulties Without him, Aguda's military power would have been lost long ago.

'Mr. Su' didn't care about Aguda's attitude, shook his head indifferently and said unhurriedly: "When the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden; the cunning rabbit is dead, the lackey is cooked;

Your Royal Highness, the threat of the Qin army is close at hand, the birds have not died, and the rabbits have not left, but Nurhachi is going to cook dogs with a hidden bow.

If you can seize your cavalry power in public today, you can seize your infantry power tomorrow. When you lose any power in your hands, do you think Nurhachi will give you a way out? "

Wanyan Aguda suddenly fell into deep thought, shivering, his face turning green and pale.

The words of this 'Mr. Su' really frightened him. He didn't know if Nurhachi would remember his past achievements, but he didn't dare to bet.

After a long time, Aguda slumped weakly on the main seat, and said bitterly: "Mr. Su, man is a knife and I am a fish, what can I do?"

A strange look flashed in the depths of the eyes of 'Mr. Su'. He had been with Wanyan Aguda for a long time, and he knew the conflict between the King of Jin and the Emperor of Qing, so he dared to say this at this critical moment. Kind of heartbreaking words.

'Mr. Su' approached Aguda's ear and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, please tell me the truth, have you ever thought about replacing Nurhachi as the next Qing emperor?"

Wanyan Aguda's complexion suddenly changed, his pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at 'Mr. Su' with shock and murderous intent in his eyes.

This is the biggest secret in his heart. Even the closest person has not revealed it. He thinks he has hidden it well enough, but he didn't expect it to be found out. It is also inevitable that there will be a murderous intention.

'Mr. Su' didn't care about Wanyan Aguda's murderous intent, and said calmly: "Your Highness, please answer truthfully, His Highness's answer is related to whether Su will continue to stay by His Highness's side.

A Guda took a deep breath, he knew that if the next answer made 'Mr. Su' dissatisfied, he might really leave him, so he said in a deep voice: "So what if you think about it? It's just unrealistic fantasy.

Nurhachi has long been firmly seated as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and now he has seized the king's cavalry power, and no one can shake his foundation. "

Although Aguda didn't say it clearly, he had already expressed his meaning in his words. He thought about replacing Nurhachi, but he didn't take action because of his lack of strength.

'Mr. Su' nodded in satisfaction, and finally aroused Aguda's ambition. Next, as long as he follows the trend, Aguda will definitely be able to take the road of rebelling against Nurhachi.

"Your Highness, you are wrong, and it is a big mistake."

'Mr. Su' looked at Aguda, and asked back: "Your Highness, if Nurhachi's position is really consolidated, how can you still cut your military power under the threat of the Qin army?"


Aguda was taken aback for a moment, yes, if Nurhachi's position was really consolidated, how could he do everything possible to reduce his military power?

Thinking of this, A Guda couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in his heart, maybe he might still have a chance in the future.

"However, as His Royal Highness's cavalry power has been cut, Nurhachi's position has been completely consolidated now, and no one who is full of Muslims will be able to threaten him in the future."

Hearing the words of 'Mr. Su', Aguda's eyes lit up with anger, and he felt that he had been fooled.

I finally gave myself hope, but now I wiped it out with my own hands, what is it if it's not a fool?
"Mr. Su, what exactly do you want to say?" A Guda asked coldly.

'Mr. Su' naturally knew the truth that too much is too much, so he stopped provoking Aguda's nerves and went straight to the point: "Your Highness, Su is very pleased with his ambition to be an emperor, and only such a Highness is worthy of Su's assistance.

But now that the Qing Emperor has become a major trend, it is absolutely impossible to replace the Qing Emperor only with the internal strength of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, so it is necessary to use external forces. "

A Guda's eyes narrowed, and he frowned and asked, "What do you mean by external force, sir?"

"Qin Jun." 'Mr. Su' said decisively.

Aguda's eyes turned cold again, and he said coldly: "I'm afraid this is not seeking skin from a tiger.

Oh, this king remembered, Mr. Su, you are also a Han Chinese, I'm afraid you didn't say that on purpose, so as to provoke me to fight among the Qing Dynasty so that the Qin army can win without a fight. "

Hearing this, 'Mr. Su' was very surprised. He didn't expect Aguda to have such an opinion. He knew that if the next words could not dispel Aguda's suspicion, he would definitely not be able to walk out of this camp alive today.

In an instant, 'Mr. Su' was full of thoughts, and then his face showed disappointment, and he sighed softly: "It seems that His Highness still doesn't believe me.

Your Highness King Jin, you have saved Su Qin's life. Su Qin is grateful for His Highness's kindness, so he left his assistant and repayed his kindness with his own body. How could he waste his kindness because of his race?
Since His Highness no longer trusts Su Qin, let Su Qin die to prove his innocence.

However, Your Highness, please keep in mind that before there is no perfect plan, you must not act rashly, otherwise you will only have a dead end.

Your Highness, Su Qin is going too. "

After saying that, 'Su Qin' resolutely slammed into the iron gun on one side of the weapon rack.

[Ding dong, Zhang Yi's skill 'Slick Tongue' is activated.

Clever tongue: glib tongue, mostly possessed by people with outstanding eloquence, and different people have different effects.

Effect 1. After this plan is activated, it can reduce the opponent's intelligence by 1~7 points through verbal stimulation and according to the intelligence of the opponent.

Effect 2, if it hits the opponent's sore spot, it may also reduce the opponent's commander and force, and the range is between 1 and 4 points.

[Ding dong, Zhang Yi's skill 'Slick Tongue' is activated, reducing Wanyan Aguda's intelligence by 5 points, Wanyan Aguda's intelligence is 81 (+1), and his current intelligence has dropped to 76. 】

Wanyan Agu didn't expect 'Mr. Su' to be so staunch, he would die to prove his innocence if he disagreed with him, and then he thought that he was planning for himself when he was dying, and he didn't have any doubts about him in his heart, so he rushed over to stop him Zhang Yi who wanted to die.

Just before 'Su Qin' was about to collide with the iron gun, Aguda stopped 'Su Qin' in time, and apologized: "Please forgive me, sir, I misunderstood you."

Zhang Yi, who survived a near death, still had the attitude of sacrificing his life for righteousness, but secretly said in his heart that he was very dangerous.

Although Zhang Yi knew that A Guda would definitely come to rescue him, if A Guda didn't stop him, then his life would definitely be confessed to this foreign country, and he still died by his own hands, which would be too embarrassing up.

"We can't take such risks in the future." Zhang Yi secretly warned herself in her heart.

 Guarantee on Friday
(End of this chapter)

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