Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2047 What's the matter with arresting Su Qinguan and Zhang Yi

Chapter 2047 What's the matter with arresting Su Qinguan and Zhang Yi
Chapter 2045: What's wrong with me, Zhang Yi, to catch Su Qin
Many people think that the vertical and horizontal ghost valleys are one, that the vertical and horizontal ghost valleys are the same, and that the ghost valleys are the vertical and horizontal ones, but this view is actually wrong.

As we all know, Ghost Valley accepts only two disciples in each generation, which has not changed for thousands of years, but how can a school be supported by only two people?What's more, it's still a university school like Zongheng?
Therefore, the Zongheng family does not only have Guigu, except for Guigu, all schools that specialize in Zongheng theory are all Zongheng disciples, but the core of Zongheng has always been Guigu.

For a school, disciples of Zongheng are equivalent to outer disciples, while disciples of Guigu are equivalent to core disciples, and Guiguzi of all generations are the leaders of the Zongheng family.

Therefore, Guigu disciples must be Zongheng disciples, but Zongheng disciples are not necessarily Guigu disciples.

Although the two disciples of contemporary Guiguzi are Qin Hao and Ren Hongchang, and the two disciples of Sima Hui are Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong, it does not mean that there are no others in the Zongheng family.

In addition to the two lines of Guiguzi and Sima Hui, the Zongheng family also has many other disciples, such as Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang from the Zongheng Wuzong lineage, and the general of the Qin Army Gongsun Yan also belongs to the Zonghengjia Wuzong lineage. The two most outstanding contemporary disciples of Wenzong are Zhang Yi and Su Qin.

Mr. Su who claimed to be "Su Qin" was actually Zhang Yi. Together with Su Qin, he was brought into the world by Shang Yang, and was implanted as a disciple of the Strategist.

In addition to being implanted as a vertical and horizontal disciple, Zhang Yi also has another identity, that is, the younger brother of the general of the Qin Army Zhang Liao, and these two identities made him naturally close to the Qin Army, so it is naturally impossible for him to seek refuge with other forces.

Zhang Yi obviously has a heart for the Qin army, but now he is under the command of Aguda, and he still bears the name of "Su Qin". There is a reason for this.

Both Zhang Yi and Su Qin came from humble backgrounds, Zhang Yi was implanted as Zhang Liao's younger brother, while Su Qin accused him of being implanted as the younger brother of Jiangxia general Su Fei.

The two are one vertical and one horizontal. Although they are rivals, they are also close friends.

Because of Zhang Liao, Zhang Yi is more optimistic about Qin Hao, thinking that Qin Hao is the destiny, and the one who rules the world must be Qin Hao.

Although Su Qin is also very optimistic about Qin Hao, he thinks that Qin Hao's policy towards the family is too strict. If he does not change it, even if he can see the world under his control, it will not last long, so he has a dispute with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi and Su Qin disagreed to the left, and no one could convince the other. Before adding it, they had no outcome in many contests, so under the witness of Guiguzi and Sima Hui, the two met and each chose a master to assist. If the monarch can rule the world, it means that he has won the opponent.

For the competition between Su Qin and Zhang Yi, Guiguzi and Sima Hui are not only happy to see its success, but also intend to promote it, because every generation will have a duel between vertical and horizontal, which is both fate and tradition, but contemporary vertical and horizontal duels But something went wrong.

Guiguzi's two disciples, Qin Hao and Ren Hongchang, are already husband and wife, and it is impossible to be hostile to each other.

The same is true of Sima Hui's two disciples. Wolong Zhuge Liang has achieved great momentum, while Fengchu Pangtong has not yet fully grown up, and he is not qualified to be Wolong's opponent in the short term.

Let Fengchu be Wolong's opponent now, then it is not a duel, but complete abuse, which also loses the true meaning of Guigu Zongheng.

Therefore, Guiguzi and Sima Hui had no choice but to take second place, choosing candidates from the Hezong and Lianheng factions of the Zongheng Wenzong, and finally chose Su Qin and Zhang Yi.

The duel between Su Qin and Zhang Yi is not only a duel of personal ability, but also a duel between vertical and horizontal. It is a battle of ideas. Naturally, no one wants to lose to the other party.

Su Qin is optimistic about Qin Hao, but does not agree with his policies, so he can only retreat and choose among other princes. He is still on the sidelines and has not yet found a suitable candidate.

Zhang Yi fell in love with Qin Hao from the very beginning, but he didn't want to rely on his brother Zhang Liao's relationship to become an official.

This is also a common problem of all talented people. They are afraid that after they become famous, others will say that they got to the high position by going through the back door.

Zhang Yi thought that with his talent, even if no one recommended him, he would be able to stand out quickly in the Qin army. However, as he got to know the Qin army more and more, he realized that Qin army had too many talents. It's not that easy for him to get ahead.

In addition, the Qin army has a complete promotion system for officials. No matter how talented a talent is, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step. It must go through a certain period of precipitation to get ahead.

Zhang Yi didn't want to waste time on a small job, and couldn't bear to beg her elder brother Zhang Liao, so she could only take a sideways approach and seek a certificate of honor for herself.

Zhang Yi originally wanted to divide the relationship between the princes of Hebei with his three-inch tongue, and help Qin Hao quickly unify Hebei, and use this as a vote to join the Qin army, so he lobbied the princes of Hebei under the name of Su Qin.

The reason for using Su Qin's name is naturally because Su Qin's reputation is louder than him, and it is easier to win people's trust under his name.

In addition, Su Qin also often goes out to fool people under his name, and then the benefits go to himself, and the bad things are covered by himself. Zhang Yi's doing so now can be regarded as reciprocating.

But what Zhang Yi never expected was that he was discovered by the sticky pole just after he started to act, and then he was knocked unconscious and tied back to Liaodong by sea.

At first, Zhang Yi thought that his intentions had been exposed, so he attracted Man Qing to attack him, but later he found out that he was not the only literati who was kidnapped by Man Qing back to Liaodong. Su Qin', Zhang Yi pretended to be Su Qin but helped Su Qin carry the thunder.

After guessing this point, Zhang Yi regretted wanting to slap herself, but the matter had come to this point, even if he slapped his face swollen, it would not change the fact that he was already in prison, and he could only take one step at a time.

Zhang Yi told the spies of the Qing army that he was not Su Qin, and you arrested the wrong person, but the spies of the Qin army were not stupid, so they would not believe Zhang Yi's words, they just regarded him as a sophistry for escape, and ignored them at all.

At that time, just before the outbreak of the Hebei War, a large number of celebrities disappeared in Hebei, which naturally attracted the attention of Yuan Shao, Liu Che, Han Xin and other princes. The several princes jointly set up a special task force, and only after the investigation of the four parties did they find the Manchu side.

However, since the Man Qing only acted once and never kidnapped anyone else after that, the princes of Hebei did not find substantive evidence.

What's more, with Manqing's pissing nature, even if evidence is found, Manqing will neither admit it nor return the person.

Now that the threat of the Qin army is close at hand, and the war is imminent, it is impossible for the princes of Hebei to offend the Qing Dynasty at this time, so they can only make the news of the disappearance of "Su Qin" public, and finally choose to let it go.

 Second watch, make up for Saturday's guarantee
(End of this chapter)

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