Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2048 What happened to Su Qinguan and Zhang Yi who betrayed me

Chapter 2048 What happened to Su Qinguan and Zhang Yi who betrayed me
Chapter 2046: Su Qin is the one who rebelled, what does Zhang Yi care about me?
At the same time, Su Qin, who was also in Hebei Province, immediately realized that it was Zhang Yi who had been kidnapped after learning that 'Su Qin' had been kidnapped by the Qing Dynasty.

It is not the first time Su Qin has done this kind of thing pretending to be Zhang Yi, and because of this, he has cheated Zhang Yi more than once, so Zhang Yi will pretend to be himself, Su Qin is not surprised at all.

In addition, besides Zhang Yi, Su Qin couldn't think of anyone who was so bored as to pretend to be him.

Su Qin pretended to be Zhang Yi so many times, but nothing happened, and Zhang Yi just pretended to be this time, and was directly kidnapped as the real Su Qin. Zhang Yi was out of luck.

Soon Su Qin realized that Man Qing's real target should be himself, and Zhang Yi might have taken the blame for him, and if his fake "Su Qin" identity is exposed, Man Qing's brutal and heartless behavior is very likely to be Without further ado, Zhang Yi was executed directly.

At this time, two choices were placed in front of Su Qin:

One is to stand up directly and announce that he was not kidnapped by the Man Qing, and Zhang Yi, who pretended to be himself, will be executed by the Man Qing, thus directly winning the duel between vertical and horizontal.

The second is to hide their names and live in seclusion, thus confirming the fact that 'Su Qin' was kidnapped by Man Qing, so as to cover Zhang Yi and give him a chance to escape.

If Su Qin was an unscrupulous person, he would definitely choose the former without hesitation. After all, this is the fastest way to win Zhang Yi, but obviously he is not such a person.

Although Su Qin and Zhang Yi are rivals, they are also close friends. He wants to defeat Zhang Yi in an upright manner, so it is naturally impossible to make trouble at this time.

For the safety of Zhang Yi, a friend and opponent, Su Qin decisively chose to hide his name, and confirmed the fact that "Su Qin" had been kidnapped by Man Qing. At the same time, he was asking Guiguzi and Sima Hui for help, hoping that they could send someone to rescue Zhang Yi.

What Su Qin didn't know was that the reason why Zhang Yi confessed to Man Qing was not to really want Man Qing to believe that he was not Su Qin, but to test Su Qin's reaction.

Doesn't Zhang Yi know that once his fake Su Qin's identity is exposed, the Man Qing will probably kill him directly?Of course he knew, but he still did it because even if the fake Su Qin's identity was exposed, he was still sure to save his life in the hands of Man Qing.

Although it was a bit dangerous to do so, through Su Qin's reaction, Zhang Yi could clearly see the true face of this close friend and opponent. In Zhang Yi's view, this risk was totally worth it.

After receiving Su Qin's call for help, Guiguzi and Sima Hui didn't dare to be careless. After all, Zhang Yi was the junior they valued, and he hadn't had time to bloom his own glory. How could he just fall outside the country like this?

But it is not an easy task to rescue Zhang Yi, after all, Liaodong is no better than the Central Plains.

If it is the Central Plains, even if it is not in the Qin State, if Guiguzi sends a word, the kings of all countries will not lose face, and Zhang Yi will definitely be rescued from prison.

But Zhang Yi is now in Liaodong, not the Central Plains. Liaodong is the territory of the Qing Dynasty. Let alone a political strategist, even the other hundred schools are rarely involved, and there are not many contacts to mobilize.

In order to ensure that Zhang Yi can be rescued, Guiguzi has the cheek to send a letter to Xiang Yu who lives in seclusion in Youzhou with a baby, hoping that Xiang Yu can rescue Zhang Yi.

Xiang Yu could not give face to anyone, but he had to give Guiguzi face. He won the battle without much thought. After arranging his wife and children, he went to Liaodong alone, preparing to rescue Zhang Yi and leave.

After arriving in Liaodong, Xiang Yu exhausted all means and finally found the place where Zhang Yi was imprisoned, and then single-handedly destroyed the secret base with hundreds of people sticking to it, and rescued those kidnapped celebrities from Hebei, but this But there is no figure of Zhang Yi in the writer.

After inquiring, Xiang Yu learned that Zhang Yi, who used the name of "Su Qin", defected to Man Qing without the slightest integrity, and became the chief counselor under Wanyan Aguda's command.

Xiang Yu asked a lot of famous people, but they all gave the same answer, they were all extremely contemptuous of the shameless 'Su Qin', which made Xiang Yu wonder if Guiguzi misjudged the person.

Could it be that such a traitor who is greedy for life and afraid of death really came out of the strategists?
Although Xiang Yu had some doubts about Zhang Yi's betrayal, he also knew that the Strategists were smart people, and it was impossible for him to take refuge in him by kidnapping, so he was going to take a good look at Zhang Yi.

If Zhang Yi really defected to Manchu and became a traitor, then Xiang Yu would kill Zhang Yi and help Guiguzi clean up his family.

If Zhang Yi didn't sincerely seek refuge, but wanted to save his life, save his useful body, or have other difficulties, that Xiang Yu was helping Zhang Yi to leave.

After Xiang Yu rescued dozens of people, he hijacked a merchant ship and let these celebrities go back to the Central Plains by sea. As for whether they can go back alive, it has nothing to do with him. After all, the person he really wants to save is Zhang Yi. Want him to be a good person to the end and escort these people back to the Central Plains?That is absolutely impossible.

In the subsequent observation, Xiang Yu found that Zhang Yi was not restricted in his freedom, and Man Qing had no intention of forcing him, but he took the initiative to help Wanyan Agu with a plan, which immediately made Xiang Yu murderous towards Zhang Yi.

Zhong Xing, a court eunuch in the Western Han Dynasty, said that because he accompanied the princess to the Xiongnu to get married, he held a grudge against the Han Dynasty, so he turned to the Xiongnu and became an important adviser of the two generations of Chanyu, which caused countless problems for the Han Dynasty.

The rebellion of a mere Bank of China has already caused a great blow to the Han people, and Zhang Yi, as one of the most outstanding disciples of the Strategist, is a hundred times more talented than the Bank of China said. Undoubtedly a disaster.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yu immediately sentenced Zhang Yi to death in his heart. The reputation of the Zongheng family for hundreds of years cannot just be ruined by Zhang Yi.

One day, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, Xiang Yu sneaked into Zhang Yi's mansion, avoided all the guards, and sneaked into Zhang Yi's bedroom.

What Xiang Yu didn't expect was that when he sneaked in, he saw Zhang Yi sitting quietly in the room. After the two looked at each other, Zhang Yi didn't panic at all, as if he knew that he would come to the door, so he deliberately didn't sleep while waiting. with him.

"You already knew I would come?" Xiang Yu asked, holding back his killing intent.

"of course."

Zhang Yi looked as if it should be taken for granted, and smiled lightly: "The coaching between vertical and horizontal has not yet ended, the master will never let the junior die outside the Great Wall, and will definitely send someone to come to Zhang Yi, but I don't know who the senior is?"

Originally, Xiang Yu wanted to kill Zhang Yi and leave, but after hearing Zhang Yi's words, he thought that there might be something hidden in his heart, so he asked: "Zhang Yi, you know that the master will send someone to rescue you. , why do you still rely on Wanyan Aguda and help him make suggestions?"

After Zhang Yi smiled indifferently, she asked back: "Senior, did you make a mistake? The person who rebelled was Su Qin. What does Zhang Yi have to do with me?"

 Third watch, today's guarantee

(End of this chapter)

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