Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2050 From cracking to usurping

Chapter 2050 From cracking to usurping

Chapter 2048: From cracking to usurping

Time passed little by little.

The Qin army and the Hebei coalition army were in a stalemate, but because Li Jing defeated Wang Mang's coalition army, and then defeated Zhao's famous general Lian Po with [-] elite troops, the earth-shaking changes took place.

After Lian Po's defeat, the balance of Hebei was broken, and the Qin army completely took advantage. In just over a month, they even destroyed the three kingdoms of Han, Zhao, and Liang, and then attacked Youzhou, intending to unify the entire Hebei.

During this period, he was not idle even after the term expired, vigorously wooing the Liao family, and taking advantage of Chen Baxian's self-reliance to change Liao to Chen, he directly united with the local aristocratic family to take the Chen king and Chen Ba first, and occupied the entire Chen country without bloodshed.

In just a few months, the situation in the world was in turmoil. It was dizzying for me to appear on the stage after you sing, and Zhang Yi also felt deeply powerless.

Zhang Yi realized that she had underestimated Man Qing. Man Qing was not without resourcefulness. Both Yinzhen and Yinhu were wise men. If he was too obvious, he would definitely attract the attention of the two of them, so he had to be careful.

Zhang Yi thought she was careful enough, but she still caused Yinzhen and Yinhu, for no other reason than his name 'Su Qin'.

As the traversers, Yinzhen and Yinhu naturally couldn't be ignorant of Su Qin. After all, they were the top heroes in the war results period, and how could such characters turn to other races?

Regarding 'Su Qin', Yinzhen and Yinhu didn't believe a single word, they only believed that 'Su Qin' was plotting something wrong, but their fear of 'Su Qin' made Wanyan Aguda trust 'Su Qin' even more.

It is also because of Libao with Aguda, and Xiang Yu's secret protection, that Zhang Yi has been able to live until now, otherwise he would have died in the assassination of the killer at the sticky pole.

Zhang Yi devoted too much energy to fighting with Yinzhen and Yinhu, which delayed the plan to split the Qing Dynasty. Until now, Qin and Qing have officially started the war, and the Qing Dynasty still has no intention of splitting. sign.

"It seems that your plan has completely failed."

Xiang Yu appeared behind Zhang Yi, and said indifferently, as if he was not surprised by this result at all.

Zhang Yi gritted her teeth and said nothing, her face was full of unwillingness.

At this point, Zhang Yi had to admit that he had taken it for granted. It was not that simple to split the Qing Dynasty.

Xiang Yu didn't use this to mock Zhang Yi. After all, although Zhang Yi failed, what he did was good for the country and the people. Even if he failed, he was worthy of encouragement.


After Xiang Yu sighed softly, he walked up to Zhang Yi and comforted him, "You have not done your best to split Manqing, it is because Manqing has not exhausted its energy, and you have tried your best.

Qin Hao asked me to tell you that he knows all your hard work, and it is enough to get to this point, and then let you and I go back to Youzhou in the Central Plains, and he has already arranged a reception banquet for you. "

Hearing this, a trace of confusion flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes. After planning for so long, are you really going to give up?Like a self-righteous clown, just fled back in such a desperate way?
Zhang Yi knew that even if he failed, King Qin would still reuse him, but this would definitely affect his position in King Qin's heart, and people all over the world would think that he was a self-righteous and arrogant person.

"Senior, Zhang Yi is not reconciled." Zhang Yi gritted her teeth.

"But now that the Qin and Qing Dynasties are at war, it is simply impossible for foreign enemies to split the Manchu and Qing Dynasties," Xiang Yu persuaded.

Zhang Yi naturally understands these principles. Of course he knows that Splitting Manqing has become a flower in the mirror of the moon in the water.

Seeing that Zhang Yi was still stubborn, Xiang Yu was also a little angry, and said in a deep voice, "Young man, you have self-knowledge. I'm not discussing with you now. You must go to the Central Plains with me now."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi's eyes were full of bitterness. He knew that he couldn't resist Xiang Yu at all, but he was unwilling to implement more than half of the plan in vain.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Yi gritted her teeth and said, "Senior, wait for seven days. If there is no turning point, this junior will return to the Central Plains with you."

Xiang Yu stared at Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi looked at him without fear.

Tens of seconds later, Xiang Yu said, "Okay, since you still don't give up, I'll let you struggle for seven days.

After seven days, if you are still unwilling to leave, no matter whether you agree or not, even if your legs are broken, I will forcibly tie you back to the Central Plains. "

Zhang Yi hurriedly saluted after hearing the words: "Thank you, senior." Then she turned and left.

Looking at the back of Zhang Yi leading away, Xiang Yu's eyes flashed with admiration. In his heart, he hoped that Zhang Yi could succeed, but it was a pity that the plan this time was really too difficult.

In the current situation, even Zhang Yi has nothing to do, so the next thing is to wait and pray, hoping that God can give him a chance to succeed.

As time passed day by day, Zhang Yi was about to despair, but on the last day, the turning point he had prayed for for a long time appeared.

Jia Fu led the army to come to challenge, beheaded eight generals of the Qing Dynasty and fled. In a rage, Nurhachi dispatched [-] cavalry and appointed Wanyan Aguda as the main general to kill Jia Fu and wipe out the Qin army.

Although Wanyan Aguda had formulated a complete encirclement and annihilation plan, the Qin army also sent Huo Qubing to respond, and with Daishan and Wu Sangui retreating, Jia Fu escaped easily in the end, and the encirclement and annihilation plan completely failed.

Nurhachi took this opportunity to forcibly cut Aguda's cavalry power, and this gave Zhang Yi an opportunity, an opportunity to force Aguda to usurp the Qing emperor's throne.

During the contact with Wanyan Aguda, Zhang Yi has already fully understood his nature. This is a person who has great ambitions but takes the overall situation into consideration.

Under the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for Agu to create Nurha Chi Rebellion, because he knows that this will definitely cause the Qing Dynasty to split, and the person who will benefit in the end will only be Qin Hao. This is Aguda who would rather die than die. seen.

But if it is another way, it is acceptable for Aguda to usurp the throne in the form of a coup and make Aguda the next Qing emperor.

The Aixinjueluo family was deeply rooted in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and if the Wanyan family could replace Aixinjueluo and become the new emperor's family, it would definitely trigger a counterattack from the Aixinjueluo family.

If that time comes, the whole Qing Dynasty will be in turmoil, and before either Aixinjueluo or Wanyan's family falls, there will be constant internal fighting, which will have a much better effect than splitting the Qing Dynasty.

However, compared to splitting the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it is more difficult to usurp the Qing emperor's position, but now Zhang Yi has no other choice, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he must go all out. Suicide to prove innocence, to win the trust of Aguda's behavior.

 Second update, 11 chapters still owed

(End of this chapter)

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