Chapter 2051

Chapter 2049: Retreat to Advance

"Zhang Yi, although I don't know what you are planning, but the time left for you is running out." Xiang Yu said lightly.

Hearing this, Zhang Yi thought that Xiang Yu was thinking of forcibly taking herself back to the Central Plains, and hurriedly said: "Senior, didn't you promise me that as long as there is a turning point, let me stay and continue..."

Before Zhang Yi finished speaking, Xiang Yu directly interrupted her.

"That's not what I said."

As he spoke, Xiang Yu took out a letter from his bosom, handed it to Zhang Yi, and said: "The Qin army has already formulated a strategy to deal with the Qing army, and it is estimated that they will launch a counterattack soon.

With the wisdom of Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang, the Qin army's excellent equipment and heroic soldiers, the odds of defeating the Qing army are as high as [-]% to [-]%.

If the Qin army has defeated the Qing army and your plan has not succeeded, what's the point? "

Zhang Yi suddenly showed a dignified look. He knew that there were many resourceful men in the Qin army, and there must be more than one strategy to deal with the Qing army, and his plan was just one of many strategies. Even if it failed, there would be many other strategies. alternative.

It is impossible for King Qin to put his hope on Zhang Yi alone and wait for his plan to succeed. Now that Zhang Yi's plan has not succeeded, the Qin army will have to implement other plans against the Qing army.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, dispelled the uneasiness in her heart, took the letter and asked, "This is it?"

"I don't know, Qin Hao gave it to you." Xiang Yu said lightly.

Zhang Yi immediately opened the envelope and browsed with a heavy heart, but when she looked at it, her face showed ecstasy.

Although Qin Hao didn't wait for Zhang Yi's plan to succeed, Zhang Yi's plan had already achieved considerable results, and it would be a pity to give up now. In addition, he believed that Zhang Yi's strategy did not conflict with other plans.

Even if the Qin army defeated the Manchus this time, they might not be able to continue northward to destroy the Manchus. Therefore, if Zhang Yi's plan is successful, it will also benefit the stability of northern Xinjiang.

In addition to this, Qin Hao not only explained a lot of his own opinions in the letter, but also a lot of opinions from Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's plan is huge and dangerous. If one step is wrong, the whole game will be lost, and if one person's wisdom is short, if the wisdom of everyone is combined, it may be more perfect.

Therefore, Qin Hao specially summoned a group of counselors to help Zhang Yi perfect his plan. Although it may not be used, at least it will give Zhang Yi some warnings.

After reading the letter written by Qin Hao himself, Zhang Yi was very moved. He thought that he had been abandoned, and he could only rely on himself to fight alone. However, not only did King Qin not give up, but he still gave him all kinds of support. Zhang Yi is even more convinced that her choice of the master is correct.

Zhang Yi walked up to the oil lamp, burned Qin Hao's letter, then turned to look at Xiang Yu with a confident expression on his face: "Senior, you are wrong again, no matter whether the Qin army defeats the Qing army or not, my plan has it all." significance."

Xiang Yu was stunned, looking at Zhang Yi who was in high spirits, he was a little puzzled about what Qin Hao had written that made Zhang Yi cheer up so quickly.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Xiang Yu asked.

A strange look flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes, and he sneered, "Advise Aguda to retreat and completely give up his military power, so that Nurhachi can dispel his fear of him and seek an opportunity to launch a coup d'etat."

"How is this possible? It is impossible for Aguda to completely give up his military power. Once he gives up, he will have no power to fight back."

Xiang Yu looked disbelieving, while Zhang Yi said: "It was indeed impossible before, but it's different now..."


The next day, A Guda came to apologize with many gifts, expressing his apology for not trusting Zhang Yi before.

At the beginning, Zhang Yi didn't respond to Aguda, as if "I'm very angry, I'm very disappointed in you", but after Aguda's repeated apologies, the "stubborn" Zhang Yi still forgave Aguda.

"Military division, you said before that it is possible to replace Nurhachi with the help of the Qin army?"

Speaking of this, Aguda's expression also became a little unnatural. Obviously, cooperating with Qin Hao will make him feel bad, but in order to fulfill his ambition, he still wants to hear about Zhang Yi's future plans, so he asked: "I don't know. What kind of excuse is it?"

Aguda called Zhang Yi "Mr." before, but now he calls him "Military Advisor". It can be seen that Zhang Yi's previous scene has completely won Aguda's trust.

"It's not borrowing, but using." Zhang Yi smiled lightly.

"Then how to use it?"

Zhang Yi did not answer directly, but instead asked: "May I ask Your Highness, what chance does Your Highness think that the Qing Dynasty will win this battle between Qin and Qing?"

After pondering for a while, Aguda replied: "Although Qin's army is powerful, our Qing army has the upper hand. Therefore, the Qing army should be [-] to [-] percent sure of victory."

Zhang Yi's fixed card can only be played with A Gu, and he meditated: "Please tell the truth, Your Highness."

A Gu twitched the corner of his mouth, fell silent for a while, and said, "Maybe between five and five."

"Your Highness, as a famous general of the Qing Dynasty, it is impossible not to see the current situation clearly. Please tell the truth, Your Highness."

"Oh, I really can't hide it from Mr.

A Guda sighed, and then smiled wryly: "For this battle, our Qing Dynasty was not ready, but Qin Hao destroyed the Northern Han Dynasty too quickly. In order to prevent the Qin army from gaining a firm foothold in Youzhou, our Qing Dynasty Only then had to fight hastily.

Although our army has a large number, the number of Chen Guo's troops is not small, and these troops are not the opponents of the Qin army at all, so if there is a real calculation, the number of troops that can fight the Qin army is not as large as the Qin army.

Therefore, I am afraid that the Qing Dynasty only has a [-]% chance of winning this battle, or even less, but this battle has to be fought. "

Zhang Yi nodded and said: "My Qing Dynasty was not ready, but I still rushed to fight because this battle had to be fought, Your Highness, the Qing Emperor naturally understood this truth.

The Qing emperor knew that this battle was difficult to win, but he still wanted to fight Qin Hao, because he had given up on winning. He was just trying to hold back the Qin army and wait for the Central Plains to change.

However, Emperor Qing ignored one point. Even if he didn't take the initiative to attack and defended wholeheartedly, he might not be able to stop the Qin army. "

Aguda nodded in agreement, and asked, "But what does this have to do with what we're talking about?"

"Of course there is a connection."

A cold light flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes, and he said with a sneer, "Your Highness, since the victory is less and the defeat is more, do you think that once Nurhachi, Huang Taiji and his son are all killed in battle, is it possible for you to become the next Qing emperor?"

Hearing this, Aguda's pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly, and now he finally understands what it means to borrow the power of Qin Jun.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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