Chapter 2052

Chapter 2050: Retreat to Advance

In the middle of the night, in the camp of the Qing army, the candles were brightly lit, and Nurhachi was still on military affairs.

The Qing army was insufficiently prepared before the battle, and now they are in a hurry to fight, even if they turn from defense to offense, they will still be at a disadvantage against the Qin army, which makes Nurhachi very worried.

Nurhachi knew that this battle was difficult to choose, but still bit the bullet and fought Qin Hao, because the Qin army fought on multiple fronts, and the military pressure was no less than that of the Manchus, so he wanted to hold back the main force of the Qin army in Hebei until the great changes in the Central Plains. The major princes divided up the power of the Qin army, which greatly reduced the strength of the Qin army. At that time, the balance of strength between Qin and Qing would be completely reversed.

But what Nurhachi didn't expect was that the background of the Qin army was too deep. Even if he held back most of the Qin army's main force in Hebei, the princes of the Central Plains still failed to carve up the Qin army. Calling Li Shimin, Liu Ji and others are trash.

"Ama, good news."

Huang Taiji walked into the big tent with a receipt, and said excitedly: "This is great news."


Nurhachi's eyes were full of anticipation, and he asked, "But the front line won a battle?"

In the battle with the Qin army, there were more defeats than victories. In addition, he was beaten by Jia Fu not long ago, so that the morale of the army is getting lower and lower. Now Nurha urgently needs a big victory to boost morale .

"Uh, it's not."

Hearing this, Nurhachi couldn't help showing a look of disappointment, and said in a waned mood, "What the hell is it?"

"Ama, although this good news is not a victory, it is more than a victory."

As he said, Huang Taiji handed the memorial to Nurhachi. Now that he has been established as the crown prince, he has the right to replace the emperor in practical affairs, so this important memorial will be passed on to him.

"Ama, the King of Jin said in the memorial that he was injured in the battle, and now his injuries have worsened, so he took the initiative to resign and return to Liaodong to repair his injuries. At the same time, he will sit in the rear for the Qing Dynasty. I hope that Ama will send generals to take over the army as soon as possible."


Nurhachi was shocked immediately, and stood up directly on the chair, then snatched the memorial from Huang Taiji's hand, glanced at ten lines at a glance, but the more he looked at it, the more he frowned.

"A Guda wants to take the initiative to surrender military power? Is this not his character, or does he have some conspiracy?" Nurhachi frowned and said to himself.

In the memorial, although Aguda did not bluntly say that he would hand over his military power, since he took the initiative to ask for transfer and sit in the rear, then the army under his command would naturally be handed over to someone else to command, which is tantamount to returning the military power to Nurhachi.

Previously, Nurhachi wanted to take back Aguda's military power smoothly through peaceful means, but it was all resolved by Aguda's tricks.

Nurhachi was also afraid that he would force against Aguda, which would eventually cause the split of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, so he did not dare to persecute Aguda too much.

But Nurhachi never imagined that he tried his best but failed to force A Guda to compromise, but now A Guda took the initiative to return the military power, which immediately made him feel unreal, and even instinctively believed that there was a conspiracy in it.

"Ama, the Golden King doesn't even have military power, so what kind of plots can he have?"

Huang Taiji asked back, and then said: "My son thinks that perhaps Ama's beating during the day played a role, making King Jin feel awe, in order to prevent being liquidated in the future, and even bring harm to his family, he took the initiative to hand over the rest of the military power. "

"Makes sense."

Nurhachi nodded. Although he still felt that something was wrong, he couldn't think of a specific reason. He couldn't refuse the military power sent to his door, right?
Wanyan Aguda, as the number one hero in the founding of the country, made countless contributions to the Qing Dynasty, but now he has voluntarily returned his military power, and it is not good for Nurhachi to continue to target him, at least let him start well and end well.

"Since this is the case, let Aguda return to Liaodong to recover from his injuries, and at the same time serve as the rear guard for my front-line army. As for the candidate to replace him..."

Hearing this, Huang Taiji's heart was also hanging on Qi Ali. He was actually very anxious. Although he is the crown prince now, because he has not completely conquered Sanhan, his position has not been completely consolidated.

Most of Huang Taiji's confidants were stationed on the front line of Sanhan, and there were not many of his subordinates in the front-line army. Brothers such as Dorgon, Duoduo, and Daishan were eyeing his crown prince. If he made great achievements, his position as the crown prince might be shaken, so he desperately wanted to have his own subordinates in the frontline army.

Looking at Huang Taiji's expectant eyes, Nurhachi smiled and said, "The emperor will take over A Guda's subordinates."

Hearing that his father asked him to take over the military power of Aguda, Huang Taiji was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Xie Ama, my son will definitely live up to Ama's expectations."

After hesitating for a while, Huang Taiji still asked: "Dare to ask Ama, after the son-in-law takes over, will there be a major change in the Wanyan family?"

Nurhachi was startled, and after a long silence, he said, "Some of them can be replaced, but not all of them, otherwise this army will be useless."

"My son understands."


The next day, a piece of news quickly spread throughout the Qing army like a hurricane, shocking all the soldiers of the Qing army. Prince Huang Taiji replaced Aguda to lead the army.

Although the officers and men at the bottom level were surprised, they didn't have any other reactions, but it made many high-level people panic.

Ah Guta was injured?
Isn't this bullshit?

He didn't even fight Huo Qubing, where did this injury come from?
Some of the powerful nobles headed by Tuobagui thought that Nurhachi was deliberately suppressing it in order to take back the military power in the hands of Aguda, but they didn't want to cover it up and were too lazy to cover it up, so they used such a lame excuse.

In this regard, Tuoba Gui and others felt extremely disturbed. After all, Aguda and Nurhachi were cousins ​​who grew up together. He was loyal to Nurhachi and did nothing wrong, but he was taken back of his military power for no reason. Will Nurhachi take Will their military power be taken away?

"Military advisor, Nurhachi has allowed this king to go back and sit in the rear." Wanyan Aguda said with a cold face.

A Guda thought that even if Nurhachi wanted military power, he would at least keep him for a while in order to look good, but he didn't want him to submit his resignation. Nurhachi turned around and won directly, without any intention of keeping him.

This also made Aguda's heart instantly cold, and he firmly believed that what he did was right, otherwise he would be killed by Nurhachi sooner or later.

"Without the command of the cavalry, the infantry's military power is nothing to His Highness, and it is a pity to discard it if it is tasteless.

Nurhachi's vigilance against His Highness is too deep. Even if he keeps his military power, he has no chance. It's better to give up this weak point and retreat as an advance, so that Nurhachi can relax his vigilance against Your Highness, so that Your Highness will have a chance to make a fool out of the fire. "

Zhang Yi's eyes were full of wisdom, and he sneered, "It is impossible to overthrow Aixinjueluo only with the power of Wanyan's family, so now, Your Highness, you need allies.

Nurhachi's eating appearance is too ugly, so impatient to take back His Highness's military power will definitely cause panic among other princes, and these people are your natural allies, Your Highness. "

A gleam flashed in A Guda's eyes, and he said to himself: "It seems that we must join forces with Tuoba Gui."

 Second update, 10 chapters still owed

(End of this chapter)

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