Chapter 2059 seek Lu Long

Chapter 2057: Seeking Lu Long

"Brother Xuanyuan, are you sure that both of them are Lu Longsai?" Qin Hao asked.

Gongsun Xuanyuan said: "Before the Manchus invaded on a large scale, because Wu Sangui rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, the Manchu soldiers occupied Lulongsai without bloodshed, and my brother died in battle. The Liao Kingdom was almost wiped out by the Manchus, leaving less than one In the county, the army is less than [-].

After finally uniting with Liu Che to repel the Manchu Qing, in order to prevent the Manchu Qing from coming again, I gathered the power of the whole country to renovate Lulong. "

Hearing this, Qin Hao couldn't help complaining in his heart: You call this renovation?This is completely two levels!
The two blueprints that Gongsun Xuanyuan took out were Lu Long during Liu Yu's battle with Xianbei, and Lu Long after he "renovated".

Lulongsai in Liu Yu's period was far inferior to Lulong in Gongsun Xuanyuan's period in terms of height, width, and materials used. Today's Lulongsai is an enhanced version of the original, and it has also been Strengthened more than one level.

As for the defensive layout, it is even more different.

In Lulongsai in the period of Liu Yu, the defensive layout on the city wall was only catapults, crossbows, arrows, stones and rolling logs, while the defense equipment in the period of Gongsun Xuanyuan was various, and basically all the sharp weapons that appeared later were used.

Let's put it this way, if Liu Yu's Lulongsai is just a fortress, then Gongsun Xuanyuan's rebuilt Lulong is a fortress, a steel fortress that can truly rival Hulao Hangu and other grand passes.

"I have participated in the two Lulong siege battles, and I am well aware of the deficiencies in the old Lulong's defenses. Therefore, this renovation has specifically adjusted for Lulongsai's inherent deficiencies and made up for the previous loopholes."

Saying this, Gongsun Xuanyuan showed pride, and said with a smile: "Lu Longsai's defensive power is not the same as before. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is ten times higher than before."

After finishing speaking, Gongsun Xuanyuan found that the way everyone looked at him suddenly became a little weird.

Lu Bu was even more direct and said: "Brother Gongsun, what's the use of making Lulongsai so strong? Did it stop the Manchus? Never, and now it has become a fortress for the Manchus to deal with us Han people. "

Hearing this, most of the generals present nodded in agreement, and looked at Gongsun Xuanyuan more and more unkindly, as if to say: I have been working with you for a long time, and I am just embarrassing my own people again?

Gongsun Xuanyuan also blushed, and his face was full of embarrassment. Of course, he knew that most of the troubles Qin Jun faced were caused by him alone, but his original intention to rebuild Lu Longsai was good.

Gongsun Xuanyuan wanted to make the gate of Youzhou stronger, but the world was impermanent, Liao was moved by Chen, and the entire Chen country surrendered to the Manchus, and the Manchus once again occupied Lulong without bloodshed.

Compared with the last time, it is more difficult to recapture Lulong this time, because Lulongsai, which was rebuilt by Gongsun Xuanyuan, has completely changed its appearance, and its defense power is not the same. It must be a lose-lose situation.

But Xin Lulong was built by Xuanyuan alone, no one in this world knows this checkpoint better than him, if there is anyone who can conquer Xin Lulong, then this person can only be Gongsun Xuanyuan.

Just as Gongsun Xuanyuan was about to explain, Qin Hao stood up. Seeing that the generals complained about Gongsun Xuanyuan rebuilding Lulong, he couldn't stand it any longer, and stood up decisively to speak for him: "Renovating Lulongsai is a good thing. , even this king would do the same, so how can you blame Brother Xuanyuan?"

"But Lu Longsai didn't stop Man Qing, but instead made us mess up. Isn't that true?" Sun Lingming said.

"Idiot, who would have expected so many things to happen in the future? Besides, Lu Longsai fell into the hands of the Manchus again. Brother Xuanyuan cannot be blamed. He led the lone army to fight against the Manchus. He had done his best and deserved it." hero."

Hearing Qin Hao's words, the generals were immediately speechless, and they all kept silent.

Of course they knew that Xuanyuan couldn't be blamed for this, they were just complaining, but they didn't expect the lord's reaction to be so strong.

Seeing Qin Hao defending himself like this, and even reprimanding his favorite general, Gongsun Xuanyuan was very moved, and Qin Hao also saw his expression, and secretly said in his heart: The progress of attacking Gongsun Xuanyuan is again + 10%.

"Lu Longsai fell again, the main culprit should be Chen Guo's family, if they hadn't been a nest of snakes and rats, colluded with the Man Qing, and emptied Chen Baxian, how could the Man Qing get Lu Long Sai again?
After the Manchus are completely expelled from Youzhou, the king will definitely not let these traitors go. "

Killing intent flashed across Qin Hao's eyes, then he looked at Xuanyuan and said, "Brother Xuanyuan, continue."

"it is good."

Xuanyuan nodded, and continued: "With the strength of Lulongsai today, it is absolutely not advisable to attack by force, but the new Lulong was built by the next hand after all, and the next is just a big loophole for the new Lulong."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and Qin Hao hurriedly said, "Brother Xuanyuan, did you dig an underground tunnel from the inside to the outside of the city when you were rebuilding Lulong?"

"That's not true. If there is a tunnel, there will be a retreat. How can soldiers have the heart to fight to the death? So I never thought about digging any tunnels."

"What kind of loophole is that?"

Qin Hao stared at the map for a long time, but he had to admit that Xuanyuan was worthy of being a famous general of his generation, and his arrangements for Xin Lulong were perfect, without any flaws to be found.

After taking a deep breath, Gongsun Xuanyuan said in a deep voice: "Lulongsai was built on the mountain, consisting of three walls, the height and width of which are the same as those of the main city wall, about fifty feet.

A hundred steps back from the main city wall, a tall tower was built between the two mountains. The stone walls on both sides are connected to the main city wall, and there are two rows of soldier barracks on both sides.

Further back, a hundred steps away, is the Crescent Tower facing the official road. This city wall is four feet high, two feet wide, and eighty steps long. Stock up here. "

Qin Hao's eyes suddenly brightened: "Brother Gongsun, do you mean to destroy the grain depot in the pass? Let the defenders in Lulongsai have no food to eat, so that they can defend the Lulongs in the interior?"

"That's right." Gongsun Xuanyuan nodded.

"But how do you know that the Manchu Qing didn't change the location of the grain depot, instead they hoarded grain and grass elsewhere?"

"Impossible, Lulong is limited by the terrain. Even after the next expansion, the total area is still so large. It is not enough to have enough defenders to accommodate them. How can there be precious living space to see the warehouse? "Gongsun Xuanyuan asked back.

Hearing this, Qin Hao's eyes flickered, and said: "So that's the case, as long as the location of Lulong's grain depot can be determined, Lulongsai will be destroyed."

 Second update, 8 chapters still owed

(End of this chapter)

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