Chapter 2060 seek Lu Long

Chapter 2058: Seeking Lu Long

"But the grain depot is in Lulongsai, and our army can't fly. How should we burn it?" Jia Fu asked very puzzled.

Qin Hao smiled confidently: "Our army's new bed crossbow, the Eight Bull Crossbow, can shoot up to three miles away."

"This range is not enough. Even if we use the projectile method, we still can't hit the grain depot in Lulongsai." Sun Lingming asked with a frown.

"It's not enough, but what if it's condescending?"

After saying that, Qin Hao and Gongsun Xuanyuan looked at each other, and saw that the other's eyes were full of admiration. Obviously, the two of them wanted to go together.

"His Royal Highness King Qin is right. The eight-ox crossbow is the bed crossbow with the farthest range in the world so far. But even with the projectile method, it still cannot reach the grain depot in the pass. But if it is condescending, it will be different. "

As he said that, Gongsun Xuanyuan pointed to a hilltop of Yunshan Mountain on the right side of Lulongsai, and said: "This peak is unknown, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to climb up. a mountain.

When Xianbei attacked Lulong, they sent troops to occupy this mountain, but found that this mountain could only accommodate dozens of people to climb up, and this number of people could not threaten Lulong's city defense at all, and then nothing happened up.

If the Qin army occupies this mountain, they will be condescending, and with the benefit of the wind, they can shoot to the grain depot with the range of the eight-ox crossbow. Even if there are not many people climbing the mountain, they can still complete the purpose of burning grain . "

"General Gongsun is worthy of being the No. 1 general in Youzhou. It really is a good plan, a good plan."

Zhang Liang applauded, but then changed his mind and said: "But the real point of this plan is not how to burn the grain depot, but how to lead the army to the outside of Lulong, and how to support it to the pass after burning the grain. The defenders collapsed on their own, and how to resist the two-way attack from the Qing army."

As soon as Zhang Liang's words came out, the generals, who were originally relieved, couldn't help becoming nervous again.

That's right, burning food is only a step. To reach this step, there are at least three prerequisites, and these three conditions are not simple.

The first is how to lead the army to Lulong. This point alone is currently very difficult to do.

You know, between Lu Longsai and the Qin army, there are still fifty Qing army strongholds, as well as the two counties of Wuzhong and Junmi.

If you want to cross fifty Qing army villages and two county towns, nearly a hundred miles away, without alarming the Qing army, and bring the army to Lulongsai, unless the Qing army is collectively blind, it will be impossible. impossible.

You can't even complete the first step, let alone the other two steps after that.

After thinking up to this point, all the generals were very disappointed, and it was a waste of joy.

"It's impossible to get there by land, but what if it's by sea?" Gongsun Xuanyuan asked rhetorically.

As soon as this remark came out, the generals once again ignited hope.

Yes, not by land, they can still go by water.

With Zhou Yu's Qingzhou navy, it is entirely possible to take the sea route to transport the army to the rear of the Qing army, and then surprise Lulongsai to cut off the Qing army's retreat.

This time Zhang Liang didn't refute, but still shook his head, Zhuge Liang stood up and accepted the quarrel, and asked back: "General Gongsun, do you know about the third Hetao battle between our army and Yuan Meng?"

Gongsun Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Zhuge Liang asked himself this, but he still answered truthfully: "Naturally, I know that the third battle of Hetao was caused by Zhuge's army division who led a surprise army and detoured thousands of miles. Recapturing the Zhenbei Pass completely cut off the retreat of Temujin's army, thus allowing the Qin army to win the third Hetao War."

"Lulongsai is the lifeblood of the Qing Dynasty, and with the lessons learned from Yuanmeng, Nurhachi will definitely attach great importance to Lulong's defense to ensure that our army will not have an opportunity to take advantage of it."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang looked into Gongsun Xuanyuan's eyes, and said unhurriedly: "The detour tactics of the sea route were used by General Zhou Yu as early as the Qingzhou War. General, you think Nurhachi is astute, he will Is the Qingzhou navy unprepared?"

Gongsun Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and his brows were immediately frowned. Zhuge Liang's words were stabbed in his heart, and then he stared at the distribution of Manqing's troops in Youbeiping, Liaoxi and other places on the sand table.

After a long time, Gongsun Xuanyuan looked stunned, and said with a wry smile: "No wonder General Nurhachi's army is so scattered. It turns out that he was guarding against the navy's retreat."

"That's right, this is the main reason why the Qing army dispersed its troops and switched from offense to defense.

He knew that our army's navy could attack his rear at any time, so in order not to be flanked by front and rear, he switched from attack to defense.

Now that Nurhachi has set up beacon towers along the coast, once the navy really lands behind the Qing army, or even lands in Liaoxi County, it will soon fall into a situation surrounded by various Qing troops.

Therefore, although the sea route can be traveled, it cannot be passed through, which is also a dead end. "

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, the bitterness on Gongsun Xuanyuan's face became even worse. He turned his head to look at Qin Hao, and said with a wry smile: "His Royal Highness, now Xuanyuan understands why the Qin army can win every battle. There are people like Kong Ming and Mr. Zifang. If a wise man exists, he will never make any mistakes in marching and fighting, so how can he lose a battle?"

"Haha, this king also thinks that it is my good fortune to have the help of all the military advisers."

Qin Hao laughed, but Zhuge Liang and other counselors said in unison: "It is our good fortune to assist the Lord."

"Okay, you military advisers don't have to be too modest."

Seeing Qin Hao and the counselors acting in harmony and trust, Gongsun Xuanyuan felt envious in his heart.

If any one of these counselors came to assist him, he probably wouldn't be able to get to where he is today.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, now that land and sea routes are impassable, it seems that it is impossible to take Lu Longsai before defeating the Man Qing."

Gongsun Xuanyuan said happily that he originally wanted to make up for his mistake, but he didn't want to have such a big flaw in the plan. Fortunately, the military adviser of the Qin army saw it, otherwise he would have made more mistakes.

"Can't we go by sea?"

A strange color flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, playing with taste: "I can't see it."

Gongsun Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "But the Qing Dynasty has already set up a beacon tower. Once the navy lands on the shore, the Qing army will immediately know about it."

"Hehe, the counties to the east of Youzhou, except for Xuantu County which is not close to the sea, the four counties of Liaoxi and Liaodong are all close to the sea. With such a long coastline, can Nurhachi set up beacon towers?" Qin Hao asked back. road.


Gongsun Xuanyuan opened his mouth, but was speechless.

That's right, how could the Manchu Qing have set up beacon towers along the thousands of miles of coastline?

Qin Hao continued: "Nurhachi set up beacon towers on the coastline of Liaoxi County at most. As for the coastlines of Liaodong and other four counties, even if the Manchu Qing had the financial resources, they would never consume so much manpower.

Therefore, the navy can jump over Liaoxi County and land from Liaodong County. "

 Three more, still owe 7 chapters

(End of this chapter)

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