Chapter 2061 Shanhaiguan?
Chapter 2059: Shanhaiguan?
Qin Hao's words made Gongsun Xuanyuan suddenly enlightened.

Yes, if you can't land from the west of Liaoning, then land from the east of Liaodong. The coastline of thousands of miles can still be blocked by the Qing Dynasty. Don't let yourself land?

After pondering for a while, Xuanyuan found another big problem and quickly brought it up.

"However, if you land from Liaodong, you will be farther away from Lulongsai.

Previously, it was only necessary to arrive in the west of Liaoning, and then go directly to Lulongsai, there was basically no risk of exposure.

And if they landed from Liaodong, they had to go to Liaoxi first, and then to Lulongsai, and the risk of exposure of the army was also increased several times. "

"Brother Xuanyuan, please rest assured that the king has ordered the spies who penetrated into the Qing Dynasty in advance to collect the distribution of troops in Liaodong and Liaoxi. He has found a safe passage for the landing army to avoid all Qing army posts."

"What? How is this possible?"

Gongsun Xuanyuan suddenly exclaimed, but he soon realized his gaffe, so he said with a wry smile: "It seems that this spy has a very high status in the Qing Dynasty, and he can even get such important information." .”

Qin Hao didn't answer, but thought to himself: That's for sure, one of the emperors of the Qing dynasty, Wanyan Aguda, the second Qing emperor in the future, do you think this status is high?
The risk of landing from Liaodong is indeed much greater than that of Liaoxi, but now Liaodong is guarded by Wanyan Aguda, and he has been persuaded by Zhang Yi, and decided to cooperate with Qin Hao in the name of "exploitation" to seek the throne of Qing Emperor.

Aguda will provide the Qin army with a safe marching route, and turn a blind eye to the landing army. Naturally, the landing army will not be easily exposed. This is the main reason why Qin Hao dared to take this risk.

As for whether Aguda will breach the contract?Qin Hao didn't think so.

The Qin army that will land in Liaodong is no more than [-] at most. Even if all of them are lost in Liaodong, it will not have much impact on the Qin army, but if Aguda breaks the covenant, there is really no chance of a comeback. What is more important is him I am clear in my heart.

"I'm afraid Nurhachi couldn't have imagined that his persecution of Aguda made him choose to join forces with me." Qin Hao secretly smiled in his heart.

It is common for ambitious people to be born in troubled times. Every monarch has ambitious people, such as Li Yuan and Yang Jian under Dong Zhuo, Yin Zhou under Cao Cao, and Wanyan Aguda under Nurhachi.

Qin Hao also has ambitious people under his command, such as Xiao Yan and Qin Zheng, and although he doesn't like the ambitions of his subordinates, he will not target them because of this. After all, ambition usually means ability, as long as these people don't touch Just touch the high-risk red line.

Loyal people should give full play to their talents, and those who are unfaithful and ambitious should be owned by me, and they dare not and have no chance to rebel. This is the way to employ people.

Of course, if it touched the red line, it would be a different matter.

Nurhachi naturally understands this truth, but because he can always feel the threat of Aguda to him, he is too afraid of Aguda, which is why he made this big mistake.

Nurhachi’s biggest mistake was not suppressing Aguda. After all, appropriate suppression is desirable. Qin Hao also planned to suppress Jia Xu, but his mistake was that he suppressed Aguda too much when he did not show his rebellion but only showed his ambition. , which pushed Aguda to the opposite side.

If Nurhachi could be more tolerant to Aguda, the two would never have reached this point today. Even Aguda knew that there was no hope of winning the throne. In order to prevent the Manchus from falling into internal struggle, they might stop competing with Nurhachi.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now, Aguda has already made up his mind to usurp the throne, even at the expense of cooperating with Qin Hao.

However, this is a great thing for Qin Hao. With Aguda, the golden king, as his internal support, the chance of winning this battle is naturally greater.

After finalizing the landing from Liaodong and having a plan for a safe marching route, the first surprise attack on Lulongsai was solved, but the second and third problems still needed to be solved.

That is, after successfully burning food, how to survive until the defenders in the pass collapse on their own?

And after successfully capturing Lulongsai, how to defend Lulong without losing it under the attack of Qing troops from Liaoxi and Youbeiping?
"Even if the grain depot is successfully burned down, the defenders in the pass can last two or three days without food, but with the marching speed of the Qing army, they can reach Lulongsai in less than a day. What should we do then?" Jia said. asked again.

This time Qin Hao didn't answer, but looked at Gongsun Xuanyuan. He believed that since Gongsun Xuanyuan dared to propose this plan, he must have a countermeasure. Now he has helped him complete the most difficult first step. He must have a solution to the problem.

As Qin Hao expected, Gongsun Xuanyuan did have a solution, he pointed to the only way from Liaoxi to Lulong, and said: "From Liaoxi to Lulongsai, the Jieshi Road is the only way.

The terrain of Jieshi Road is extremely dangerous, not inferior to that of Lu Long, and it is very suitable for defense.

I originally wanted to build a new pass here. With Lu Long and this new pass, Youzhou will no longer be afraid of the invasion of the Manchus. "

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, Qin Hao couldn't help being moved.

Jieshi Road?
Isn't this where Shanhaiguan is located?

Many people think that Lulongsai is the predecessor of Shanhaiguan, but in fact the two have little relationship.

Shanhaiguan was first established in the Kaihuang period of the Sui Dynasty. It was named Yuguan at the beginning, and then it was Yuguan, Yuguan, Linyuguan, and Linluguan. It was not renamed Shanhaiguan until the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty.

Lulongsai is the Xifengkou of later generations. It is located on the west side of Shanhaiguan and belongs to the boundary of Youbeiping County, while Shanhaiguan is located in Liaoxi County.

Qin Hao didn't expect that Gongsun Xuanyuan's vision would be so poisonous, and he would find such a treasure land so easily?At the same time, I was also curious about why he didn't build a city here.

"Brother Xuanyuan, since you know this place is dangerous and not inferior to Lu Long, why didn't you build a pass here?"

"Uh, this..."

Although Gongsun Xuanyuan was a little embarrassed, he still replied truthfully: "Although Xuanyuan intends to build another gate for Youzhou, but the Liao country is poor, and the renovation of a Lulongsai has already made the Liao country ashamed and unable to build a new one. Close, so I can only give up."

"It's fine if it's not completed, otherwise it's not just Lulongsai that needs to be fought now, maybe there will be another Jieshi Pass."

Liu Bowen laughed lightly and complained. Gongsun Xuanyuan was speechless, but what he said was true.

If Xuanyuan really builds the Shanhaiguan Pass, it will still fall into the hands of Manqing. There is still a possibility of taking back Lulongsai, but it is really idiotic to want to seize Lulong and Shanhaiguan at the same time. .

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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