Chapter 2068
Chapter 2066: It's a joke
After two days of rest, the [-] landed army, which had recovered its fighting strength, began to advance rapidly towards the northern Black Mountain under the command of Gongsun Xuanyuan.

Gongsun Xuanyuan held the map of the Qing army's distribution in Liaodong, and under his intentional evasion, he easily avoided the Qing army garrisons on all sides, as well as the villages and towns along the way.

But [-] troops is not a small number after all, no matter how careful they are, as long as the troops pass by, they will leave traces, which cannot be concealed no matter how hard they are.

Although the road chosen by Gongsun Xuanyuan was biased, it should not be discovered in a short period of time according to common sense, but there happened to be such two Manchu spies who accidentally discovered the marching traces of the Qin army when they passed by.

Seeing that there were traces of renovation on the land in front of them, the cautious Qing army spies dug it up and found that there was a lot of excrement buried there, and it was horse manure, which was used as evidence of the army's passing.

"Is this the trace of a large army marching? Not good, some Qin troops have sneaked into the border of Liaodong. Looking at the traces of the march, there are at least tens of thousands of people."

"How is this possible? Didn't the Qin army already land in western Liaoning? Why did they sneak into eastern Liaoning at this time?"

"God knows what the chief general of the Qin army thinks, let's report it to His Royal Highness King Jin as soon as possible, so that he can make preparations as soon as possible."


Liaodong County, Xiangping, the prefect's mansion.

Wanyan Aguda looked deeply at the map of troop distribution in front of him, and asked with some anxiety: "Military division, do you think the Qin army has entered Montenegro now?"

The reason why Aguda is uneasy is because now he is selling out the interests of a country in order to safeguard his own personal interests.

In case Qin Jun's operation failed this time, he would have no way to carry out his next operation, which was equivalent to being stuck at the starting point.

In order to replace Nurhachi, Aguda has done too many things, he has completely been unable to turn back, and only one can live between him and Nurhachi.

Therefore, A Guda and Gongsun Xuanyuan are now grasshoppers on the same rope.

All glory, all humiliation.

"Your Highness, don't worry. The Qin army is an elite army. If you cross the sea and come to Liaodong, you will definitely experience seasickness. It will take at least a day or two to recover. The Qin army should have just left."

Zhang Yi said unhurriedly, although these are just his conjectures, they are well-founded and convincing, and the facts are exactly the same.

A Guda didn't have any doubts about Zhang Yi, and sighed softly: "I hope there will be less twists and turns."

However, it's not that simple.

Soon after, two spies came to report.

"Report... Qi Wang, my subordinates have found traces of a large number of military activities in Pingguo County, and my subordinates suspect that the Qin army may have secretly landed in Liaodong."

Hearing this, Aguda and Zhang Yi looked at each other, and both saw killing intent in each other's eyes, but both of them hid it well.

"Who else knows about this besides you?"

"At present, apart from the two of us and His Highness, no one else knows."

"After discovering the traces of the enemy army, I immediately went to the prefect's mansion to report, and there was no stagnation during the period."

The two reported one after another, and Aguda laughed when he heard the words: "Well done, you have made great achievements, and the king will reward you heavily?"

After hearing Aguda's words, the two spies were immediately overjoyed, and thanked them: "Thank you for your gift, this is just a subordinate's duty..."

Before the words were finished, a cold light flashed, and then a bloodstain appeared on the necks of the two at the same time.


A Guda put the knife back into its sheath indifferently, his eyes calm, as if he killed not two people, but two ants.

The faces of the two spies were full of disbelief and bewilderment. They didn't understand why Jin Wang wanted to kill them, but their throats had already been cut, and with the continuous loss of vitality, even if they wanted to speak, they couldn't utter a word. , and soon fell to the ground and died, dying with regret.

The movement inside the house immediately alarmed the guards outside, and all the guards swarmed in, but Aguda said indifferently: "These two are assassins, intending to assassinate the king, but they have been beheaded by the king, push their bodies to feed the dogs .”


After the bodies of the two spies were dragged away, A Guda said to Zhang Yi with a solemn face: "This is only in Liaodong, and the Qin army has already been exposed. How can we get to Lulong like this?"

Zhang Yi also had a look of surprise on his face, and said: "Gongsun Xuanyuan is the No.1 general in Youzhou, logically speaking, he shouldn't have made too obvious mistakes, this accident should be just a coincidence.

Your Highness does not need to worry about whether the Qin army will be exposed in advance. With your highness, you can help cover it up. Before entering the Black Mountain, the Qin Army will never be exposed. As long as they enter the Black Mountain, the troops in western Liaoning will definitely find out. no. "

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Ah Gu's restless heart felt a little relieved.

Suddenly, Aguda realized something was wrong, looked at Zhang Yi and asked, "Military Master, how do you know that the general of the Qin army is Gongsun Xuanyuan?"

Zhang Yi was taken aback, thinking in his heart that something was wrong, he accidentally slipped his mouth, and what he said should not be a secret he knew.

Although Aguda joined forces with Qin Jun, both sides were on guard against each other. It was impossible for Qin Jun to tell him the candidate for the landing commander, and how did "Su Qin" as a military adviser know about things that Aguda didn't even know?
As cautious as Aguda, it is inevitable that Zhang Yi will become suspicious.

In an instant, Zhang Yi was full of thoughts, thinking about the explanation of the explanation, and although he was very anxious in his heart, his face still had a calm expression.

If he can't get over this crisis, Aguda, who has gone the wrong way, will continue to rebel, but he, Zhang Yi, will definitely die, even if Xiang Yu wants to rescue him, it will be too late.

How to do it?

Have it.

In an instant, Zhang Yi already had a draft in his mind, and explained with a light smile: "Your Highness, Gongsun Xuanyuan is the No. 1 general in Youzhou, and he rebuilt Lu Longsai himself. No second person can compare with it.

In addition, Western Liaoning and Eastern Liaoning belonged to the Liao Kingdom before, and Gongsun Xuanyuan happened to be the Duke of the Liao Kingdom, and he was very familiar with the terrain of the Eastern and Western Liao.

The task of raiding Lulongsai is not something anyone can do, and at present, among the Qin army, apart from Gongsun Xuanyuan, who is familiar with the terrain of Liaodong and Liaoxi, and who knows Lulongsai very well, who else can parallel the sea route and detour a thousand miles away? Qin Jun took it to Lulong Pass?

Therefore, Qin Hao will use Gongsun Xuanyuan as the main general, isn't this a matter of course? "

A Guda suddenly looked stunned. Zhang Yi's remarks had no flaws, so he had no reason to continue to doubt his military adviser.

"That's right, but you should have informed me earlier, military advisor."

"I only guessed it not long ago..."


(End of this chapter)

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